I don't get it. EVERYONE here hates his guts - yet you elected him president!!

I don't get it. EVERYONE here hates his guts - yet you elected him president!!


Nope. Half the population including 99% of welfare recipients and the mentally ill, and the entire MSM and Hollywood.

Niggers just yell the loudest and are not discouraged by humiliation or argumentation. it nearly strengthen there resolve and increases their violence.

Then you have the stupid fags followers.

People come here to vent, not celebrate.

I'm really hoping Obamacare gets repealed, as it royally fucked my profit margins.

shows you how many liberals, smelly mexicans and niggers there are browsing Sup Forums

Thats because the people that glue this nation together voted for him instead of the small portion of people who live in .

Everybody has seen the map, won't bother posting it again.

dubs don't lie

Hollywood Jews and faggot are beside themselves with grief that Clinton was rejected in spite of their overwhelming propaganda FOR Clinton. Ha.

I hope Trump outlaws liberalism. Bunch of Jew fucking assholes.

"Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa – rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet and yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light.
His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled.
A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour.
In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.
With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail.”

-Charles Darwin

Stop beliving the shit rag fake news mainstream media then.

If you hate him so much. Why is every other thread about trump


you mean the same circlejerk libtard media that tricks dumbasses like yourself in thinking that the whole world hates him?

I don't hate him. He's really taking care of business. Getting shit done even if the libtards cry.

How is 63 million people half of the population?

i believe user meant half of the voting population when you minus all of the illegal immigrants that were allowed to vote and didn't want a wall built so their buddy pedro could come over this year

Trump won the Latino vote. Legal immigrants resent illegals immensely.

its because not everyone hates him, very few people actually hate him, but they're the ones getting all the coverage, and they're the ones who are screaming the loudest and most often. basic propaganda media tactic- take and unpopular opinion that you want to push, and constantly show people supporting it. dosnt matter if you only have 10 people out of a million who will support it, if you show those 10 people constantly and never show the other 999,990 who are against the unpopular opinion, then eventually more and more of those 999,990 will begin to think they've got it wrong so they'll change their tune so they can be on the "right side". its called group think mentality, and its being heavily exploited for the last several years, and is reaching a new all time high every day now.

if your a trump supporter, the best deffence against this tactic is to refuse to watch/listen to propaganda media as much as possible, and when your forced to see/hear it- stick to your guns and do not doubt your self. you dont need to switch sides to be in the right, your already in the right.


>everyone here hates his guts
Nope, it's just a bunch of angry redditors shitposing here. Most actual Sup Forumstards love Trump.

This guy gets it.

Why is reddit so worked up any way?

So much this!

don't blame me. I voted for Bernie in the primaries and didn't bother to vote in the general election because I live in a solid blue state


The majority of 4 Chan, especially Sup Forums and/pol/ love Trump. That's why I don't know why I don't understand why libs keep making anti Trump threads just to get laughed at.

Mexicans dont pay taxes !?!

>didn't bother to vote because I live in a solid blue state

Bet PA voters are really regretting that decision

It's because liberals cling to the delusion that they are an oppressed majority. They think their opposition is outnumbered by them.

Better than Bloody Shillary. Yea we got him elected, I'll take my chances

Did he really say that?

Darwin? Yeah.

We have to defend our land and women from the invaders


Damn thats badass


trips of truth have been spoken, everyone go home

it´s like everyone voted rick ashley for Best Act Ever at the MTV. They did it for the lolz

Because Sup Forums is the mainstream board on Sup Forums, so only the most normie people come here

I guarantee most people on Sup Forums don't care

The top-earning 1 percent of Americans will pay nearly half of the federal income taxes for 2014, the largest share in at least three years, according to a study. The bottom 80 percent of Americans are expected to pay 15 percent of all federal income taxes in 2014, according to the study.Apr 14, 2015


I voted for him for the lulz

...and donald trump is not one of them

well now I guess we all know how stupid you are

I think really what it was, was a severe misreading by the Democrats of the current political climate in America, personally yeah (Britfag btw) I hate the fucking bloke, awful human being, however Clinton, stood for the exact opposite of what that political climate was calling for, someone who, on the face of it is completely removed from politics, now let me make this perfectly clear, Trump is in absolutely no way "anti-establishment", for Christ sake the guy has solid gold elevators, he litreally couldn't be more entrenched in establishement dogma and bare in mind this travel ban, whether you agree with it or not, the fact the Saudi's are immune from this sais all you need to know, ""ouldn't want to upset my business ties now would I!", you know the country that cuts the heads of gay people and 15/19 involved hijackers on the September 11th attacks where fucking Saudis.
The truly worrying thing is, Trump is clearly the kinda guy that's going to get bored with this whole Presidential charade, it's going to fall to Bannon's ideological agenda, mister xenophobic, wife beater himself.

Also watching my un-elected Prime minister snuggle up to him in hopes of some cushy trade deal is utterly, utterly pathetic.


> If a con-artist tricks you out of your prized poseesions

> You still beat the shit out of him and take your stuff back

> Trump's anti-establishment image was a lie and he used social media/ mass media to overload people with contradictory messages

> Perfected double-think or even triple-think

> Conned people into voting against their material interest

> More importantly Hillary convinced no-one that she offered sorely needed change and lost the left.

> Most people didn't vote, feeling unrepresented and disilusioned

Why are you posting cringe?

you're poor

But her emails

yeah no

obamacare is shit and fail

the company I work for has great low cost healthcare with awesome coverage

>Legal immigrants
>won the Latino vote

since when do legal immigrants have the right to vote any more than illegal immigrants?

you mean citizens?

I just wanted to watch Hilary's dreams die, and to watch the world burn. Lib tears taste good

>if your a trump supporter, the best deffence against this tactic is to refuse to watch/listen to propaganda media as much as possible, and when your forced to see/hear it- stick to your guns and do not doubt your self. you dont need to switch sides to be in the right, your already in the right.

so, stick your head in the ground? is that where the alternative facts are hiding?

seems to work for liberals and global warming

just deny and cite made up bullshit studies by paid climate change shills

I don't hate him. He's doing a great job and lefties are BTFO.

Hate him? I love him!
Yes doing a great job and isn't afraid of the pussies.

A simple google search could prove this false.

oh boy

>I don't get it.
I wanted to watch the media and social justice warriors have a fucking meltdown. Don't give a shit about what happens after.

Was not disappointed.

Lesser of two evils my friend. Thank Hillary and your shitty party for shunning your electable candidate.

Congrats on screwing yourself over because he doesn't care if you're illegal or not he will prevent you from coming here.

Get fucked regressive left


>doesn't do it

Cite the prosecution/conviction of Trump not paying taxes.

I'll wait.....


so when he admitted to not paying all the taxes he should, he lied?