What do you think about the Vietnam war?

What do you think about the Vietnam war?

Grandfather was an australia vietnam vet
killed himself 2 months ago
I miss him so goddamn much

its over

Why did he do it

Just the typical, idiotic appropriation of funds by the US government/wealthy elites.

"Gommunism is bad :DDD"

It ain't me

was right thing to go in but bad idea to stay after french pulled out

O.I.L. 50yrs earlier.

He left the war
The war never left him
he was in 6RAR
Ronald James McLennan

Sorry for your loss

My uncle was in the Vietnam war, he's gay now

Thank you

Father died of cancer caused by Agent Orange

No complaints...

great movies about vietnam war
thx vietnam war

Everythings not about Vietnam, man... fuck.

I don't know where to find that on the map.

The commies won

Very sad

funnest war imo

Thank you.


US won every major military engagement, killed an astronomical number of the enemy, but it exposed the US' ultimate vulnerability: libcucks at home. Without bleeding dick liberals, the US would be capable of anything.

Vietnam was the war that showed America that the promises of post-WWII life were never taken seriously by the wealthy and powerful. That little fact of life changed Anerica for the worse in a lot of ways, but maybe it was necessary to break the country of its illusions.

USA lost

Americans tethered by rules which made it impossible to win. All in the name of not pissing off china.