The Great Debate


Sully no question

Shrek no question



Doesn't matter. It's all ogre.


Are they in Shrek's swamp?
Has Boo gone missing?
How fed up is Shrek with Donkey's antics?

Too many factors man.



How about this.

>Shrek has kidnapped Boo
>Sully is trespassing on Shrek's swamp
>Donkey isn't around

Who wins?

why am i getting deja vu

Shrek wouldn't kidnap an innocent child though.

Unless Sully thinks he did due to some big misunderstanding. But then they team up once it's resolved and face the real bad guy.

Is this a fight question or a sex question

i don't think i have the answer to either


why is Sully's fur so comfy to look at Sup Forums? I really want a giant fluffy bed cover with that pattern.

>I don't know if it was a lady thing or an ogre think but I'm mad ass hell donkeh


Sully is the apex of his species while Shrek is just a whimpy runt. Also Sully's claws would probably fuck Shrek up real quick.

>It's shrek before he became good

Shrek's sheer muscle mass would shield him with near impenetrable power though. Also, are you forgetting he has a huge cock?

Shrek was overpowered by Arthur when they were fighting over the wheel