I feel like the whole almost 3 years that I dated my partner were one-sided...

I feel like the whole almost 3 years that I dated my partner were one-sided. I wanna talk about all my shit to someone but I basically have no friends and I can't explain things properly so I've got nobody and I'm a retard. What do /b?

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One sided how?
>Inb4 "it's hard to explain" dumbass

Sorry, I felt like they never loved me back you know?

I sound fucking edgy I'm sorry. This was a dumb thing to do anyway.

are you still dating?


They said that they need a break but I know that they won't come back. They've been hanging out with another person and my "partner" is almost ignoring me so I would say no.

well, maybe you're right and it's a learning experience. Or maybe something changed and it's not 3 years wasted, but trying to "save" your three years from being a waste would give you 10 more years of misery, you know? Hard to give a better response without more info, feel better though user I'm in a similar boat right now too

Its an online relationship. We usually talk in bed before we sleep about a lot of personal stuff and one night they tell me that they didn't want this relationship at the start but they do now. Me being a massive over-thinker knew that probably still doesn't like me. Few months later they start getting distant and talking to another person. Now it's just complicated..

(Sorry if none of that made sense)

I guess..
They are just literally perfect in my eyes and I can't see myself dating anyone else. They had everything that I was into and I was planning to go up and meet them in a few months. They said they would reconsider this if I went up there but I feel that now if I do, when I leave it'll just go back to how it is now.

Hard times my dude, hope you get through it too.

Ohh. They probably met someone in person honestly. Sucks but imagine if you met someone similar to them. It'd be a lot easier to relate in person. Trying to keep them from that might be selfish. How far away do you live?

I think you are right about that. If you've been pretty serious for 3 years, it might be a good idea to just take the leap and move there. Idk I've never been a situation like that before. If it were me, I'd either move out there or cut the chord, you know?

>3 years we dated
>online relationship

Lol how old are you? Relationships require contact bruh.
Also stop saying "they" and "partner". It's okay if you're a fag. It's only Sup Forums

>it's an online relationship

Then it was never an actual relationship to begin with. Sorry, but that's just friends. Go find yourself a person IRL.

Holy shit user I am 23 and this happened to me when I was 17. Here is the truth and it's gonna hurt. She probably has her own life outside of you since 3 years ago dude. I met this girl online and we talked for over 3 years, never met her. She eventually met some other dude and I was depressed for a while but I got over it. My advice is talk to girls in person because if you can't see the person you met online regularly, it's not gonna work out. And, assuming you are younger, if you can't then maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

Live about a days drive away. Can't drive yet and can't fly cause of studies. The person they're talks lives around them, yeah. The funny thing is that they told me not to worry about this person but then one night told me that they were spooning and cuddling and all this cutesy shit you know? I just want to tell to stay away but I can't now since they don't have to listen to me. I used to as well but they never listened.

I dated a gril for 4 years almost married her too.

first 2 years she was far more into me than i was into her year three this began to flip and by year 4 i was basically her beta orbiter.

Pro tip: never never stay with a girl for a long time when you are the less powerful one in the relationship. Women are far more fickle.

OP I wanted to add, if you feel depressed and are seeking help, this guy on youtube is very helpful to overcoming sadness and anxiety.
Im not gay but his voice is very comforting and inspirational.

Maybe im gay I dunno.

Online relationships almost never go well friend you need to avoid that shit.

Seriously just be friends with her but dont be flirty. And dont go out of your way to talk to her, try not to think about her a lot while you are doing other stuff. When you are old enough to see her in person ask her first before meeting.

I think you should move on. I hope you find someone closer to you that does what you need. Maybe use an online dating service and try to find someone closer, if you have trouble doing face to face right away you know? Good luck user, goodbye

You're gay. Time to invest in pic related

she never worked up the courage to tell you its not a relationship

Known the guy for 7 years prior, dated once but that was when we were young. Hoping I could get somewhere this time.

Thank you kindly

Thanks dude.



nah fam she just stopped being a scared little girl and decided she wanted to be the group slut to a group of stoners.

I mean obviously I fucked up for that to be a preferable alternative but I stand by my original statement.

if u really cared you wouldnt of let that happen to her lol
but youre probably beta and got free pussy amirite?

Tf is Brook?

Wait. Did your partner require that you use the pronoun "they" ? What do they look like ?

Really caring wasnt the problem, being a faggot was she needed someone to dominate her. Most women do. My mistake was thinking I was above all that childishness

Nah, I just don't know if they're gonna read this or not. I feel like it would be weird if did.

Lmao you're both Sup Forumstards?
Recipe for disaster. Only sociopaths and the clinically depressed frequent this site. You're clearly the ladder.
>I wonder what "partner" is?

get your retard on with us

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online relationships fuck you up. i'm not saying they never work out, but i'm saying that when they don't work out, it'll probably hurt a lot more than IRL relationships. mainly because you feel helpless, and detached. if something goes wrong you guys can't talk face to face and hug it out or anything like that, it's just harsh on both parties when things go wrong. this is coming from someone who has online dated for 2 years and dated IRL for 2 years