Just got back from ghostbusters ask me anything.
Just got back from ghostbusters ask me anything
Evan Morgan
Caleb Gomez
William Watson
did you poop this morning?
Christian Martin
Samuel Peterson
Cooper Davis
Did you spring for any goobers?
John Hall
No I did get popcorn and a soda.
Isaiah Robinson
Is there seriously a protracted conversation about how Chris Hemsworth has a dog named "Mike Hat"?
Henry Bennett
how much did you tip
Lincoln Young
Yes. Chris Hemsworth is easily the WORST character in the film. Anyone who says otherwise has been paid off. His joke is that he's stupid to the point where he doesn't know how to work phones. Everything out of him is lol randum.
Kate McKinnon false under the same, everything out of her mouth has little to do what is going on.
My entire fedora.