How do you defend this?

How do you defend this?

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With dubs.

I like my iPhone.

With the massive team of lawyers I can afford to hire thanks to my hard work and capitalism.

How can you defend the modern serfdom called communism?

build the wall

Because if we didn't have capitalism there would be a lot more homeless people AND a lot less homes.

Percentage of millonaires in congress? So these people are smart and know how to manage their money and thats a bad thing?
Poverty increasing? I don't see anybody complaining about our standard of living going up (because of the competition capitalism creates among companies who provide consumers with product) while wages remain the same. Standard of living going up is the same thing as getting more money. Except better.

Lots of people are poor and near poverty? In the richest country in the world?!? You realise the U.S. Poverty line is way different than other countries poverty line because we are so rich. Because of capitalism. Poverty in a capitalist country is middle class or better in a socialist country.

Racist criminal justice system?
>implying blacks arn't degenerate subhuman filth that got themselves in jail.

Tax dollars spent on military?
If you don't like capitalism so much why don't you come take it from us.
Oh thats right.

You don't. You line the capitalist sum up against trumps wall and paint it red

Implying you benefit from this type of society when actually you're a fat NEET

id like to hear your plans on how to fix it eg spending policies, laws, investments, wages aswell as how we would transition from capitalism to your ideology
or have you not put any effort in to this other than finding an image and feeling a surge of anger and inspiration with out researching if the image is true or why the reasons for those figures might be

America FUCK YEA!!!!!!!!!

With the fact that, technologically-speaking, Capitalism has the fastest rate of advancement among all of the socio-economic principles that I have studied.
>Capitalism is the only hope we have of undoing the damage that Capitalism has done to the Earth, or our only hope of escaping it if it should prove impossible (or unprofitable).

According to this chart
Capitalism = America(n politics)
Fuck off.

Most self proclaimed capitalist have never bothered reading wealth of nations, if they had the would realize that adam smith warned about rent seeking and the importance of regulating markets

Most militarily superior nation on the planet.

Dunno. Where are you from? We can bring you more 'freedom' if you hate it so much. :)

Do you have any actual information to back this up? Because I'm 90% certain you're talking out of your ass.

>Poverty increasing? I don't see anybody complaining about our standard of living going up (because of the competition capitalism creates among companies who provide consumers with product) while wages remain the same. Standard of living going up is the same thing as getting more money. Except better.

Also, this doesn't even address the poverty issue. It doesn't matter if the overall standard of living is going up, the poor are still poor and it's mostly the wealthy and the middle class that benefit from the improved standard of living.

>Poverty in a capitalist country is middle class or better in a socialist country

Really now? When you say socialist, do you forget the 1st world countries with socialist programs such as single payer healthcare, welfare, and nationalized industry?

You only defend capitalism because you're either one of the people benefiting from it or you know nothing of how it really works.

Its because America have been importing poverty since 1965.

A lot of these things don't have anything to do with capitalism though. They're a result of the American government's shitty decisions. I'm not saying I necessarily support capitalism, but I am saying OPs image is retarded.

Oh and this

You can't, /Thread

>I disagree so you should be killed

Such a convincing bait. /s

>racist criminal justice system
yeah, it's simply not possible that blacks & latinos commit more crimes or are just too stupid to get away with their crimes.

>waaaah all our money goes to defense
why the fuck should public money be used for anything else? public education and healthcare are both jokes. every time more money is allocated to schools, it ends up in some stupid ass teacher's pocket. that doesn't necessarily equate to a better quality of education.

>half the country is poor.
well, half the country is stupid as fuck. why pay dumbass people smart people wages?

>22 empty homes for every homeless person
lol. those are houses on the market. why should homeless people just be given what the rest of us have to work for? what person would forego the profit from the sale of their property and just turn it over to some alcoholic piece of shit?

>only 1% of pop are millionaires & 50% of congress are millionaires.

and? it takes money to get into office, why areyou surprised? also, a million dollars is still quite a bit of money. why should gas station attendants and other assorted retards be making that kind of money?
the top people get the top pay.

>wages are stagnant
you're right there. this is pretty fucked.
add to that the fact that the cost of almost everything has increased dramatically.
yep. it's definitely greedy, but we've already seen communism fail in china and russia.

got a better solution?

You can't, that's why these dipshit capitalists resort to threatening violence and attacking anyone who disagrees with them.

It's easy:

Homeless people can't afford houses.
It takes a lot of money to run for congress.
Some people don't have any marketable skills.
That stagnant wage graph is bullshit.
Black people commit more crimes.
The country needs to be protected.

>forced to work or starve
>only able to afford junk food and no education
>no money/time/energy for sport
>get fat

There you have it.

>this guy

I never post and NEVER post from phone, but this is retarded even though it's bate. First this country is the longest standing government on earth. Name country anywhere on the planet who's rulership older then USA. That alone proves it works. Second even the poorest fucks, white trailer trash, gehto Niger's, etc have food, medical, beer money, housing, flat screen TVs, Xboxes, cars, cell phones. Poverty in America is upper class in 90% of the world. It's simple your ass is jelly. Though I agree with the jail shit that's insane 50% are in jail for pot or mental issues and that is fucked up!

>Homeless people can't afford houses.

how can you miss the point of the discussion so fucking much?

junk food is more expensive

>How do you defend capitalism
>Duh, I dunno. Guess it's just the way it is

Not the best argument, anons.

Mostly copyright laws and allowing companies to buy the death of their rivals.

The biggest problem of capitalism is that everyone actively tries to destroy or corrupt it, and when they succeed, you get literal kingdoms.

You can't /thread yourself, faggot.
What the fuck is wrong with your stupid brain?

Poor decision and policy by presidents like Obama.

Why did they sound like jar jar binks when I read it?

What are you talking about? Homeless people don't have houses because they ant afford them.

If they did, they wouldn't be homeless.

Stalin killed 34 - 62 million people.

This, you fucking idiot.
It's miles cheaper to live healthy.
You're paying for pretty colors, chemically-analogous material, and caloric density when you buy junk food.

Information to back what up?
You can't ask for information about something and not be specific as to what information you are looking for.

>this doesn't address the poverty issuueeeeee!
Next line talks about poverty. You faggots are acting like you don't live way better than people in other countries do. Capitalism is a system designed to reward hard work and motivation. If you are atvthe bottom you simply arn't working hard or motivated. Socalism rewards laznyness and passivity. Not only that but it punishes hard work. Free healthcare is poorer quality healhcare and increased waiting times for more money. if you can't afford healthcare and pay for your own health insurance then you are lazy and unmotivated and you expect others to pay for your problems. You will pay just the same in taxes for healthcare if not more in a "free" health care system. Healthcare providers will no longer be forced to compete for your business and consequently quality of healthcare goes way down.
If you think welfare is any different yo are wrong.
Ever notice the socialist countries that are doing well have zero niggers. They are playing without a handicap.
If america had zero niggers the gap between socialist contries and capitalistic countries would be enormous.

I do defend capitalism because I'm benefiting from it.
Like the rest of america.

I don't run this country. I just live here.

"There is no reason to explain poverty. The human race was born out of poverty. What must be explained is how some have prospered and others have not." - Thomas Sowell

1. There are many empty homes because people don't want them or can't pay for them. If the cost os maintaining the house is higher than the rent a homeless can pay, everyone would be stupid to let him move in.

2. Most rich people are rich for some reason, they are qualified, charismatic or smart. That's why the chance is higher for them to be voted into the government.

3. Relative poverty rises (can't buy iphone), but absolute poverty decreases (can't get food anywhere legally).

4. Google how Poverty statistically is defined. It's defined by a percentage of the average income, not by actual poverty as we know it from the medival or real poor countries.

5. Wages are stagnant because there are more factors like other currencies and countries.

6. The US imprisones most because it has anti drug laws and a strict justice systems which many countries don't really. The system is not racist, but blacks are in average not as qualified and have higher rates of unemployment and therefore criminality. It's rather a cultural and social problem.

7. If your tax dollar would not be spent on military you would not have that much tax dollars, cheap gas, safe borders and a relatively war-free life. Wealth has to be protected, and you also gain your wealth from interventions in ressource-rich countries and trade relationships with former enemies.

You edgelords are so stupid, it's way cheaper to live off junkfood than it is to live off healthy food.

>Ever notice the socialist countries that are doing well have zero niggers. They are playing without a handicap.
Not for long though, they have started importing a lot of blacks in the past few years.

Heavily processed foods are cheap in the first world. They do however lead to cancer and early death.

Some people have marketable skills.

Exactly. Is it any fucking surprise that that is where the niggers immigrate?
Socialism rewards lazyness and passivity. If I was a nigger i'd wanna live in a socialist country too. It's the equivalent of making stealing legal. A niggers dream.


Better to have the chance of becoming and an even greater chance of living comfortably as middle class with capitalism than to take my chances failed systems like communism.
>Riddle me this OP: how do you defend a system where a nigger who works at McDonalds gets paid the same as a faggot who spends 6 years of his life getting a degree to become a Doctor?

unless you count your own time as paid labor, then the research you need to do costs you some more on the short-term. Long term, you don't need to learn as much (unless you're a health nut and you're keeping up with current science) so the cost of your labor diminishes.
I would still claim that in any fairly populated area it is cheaper to buy base materials and cook your own food than it is to buy junk food or preconfigured meals.
I don't have data, nor do I care what you really think, don't even bother asking.
This is for anyone who isn't blinded by retardation.

Poor people aren't fat from ordering actual fast food like Burgerking/Wendys etc.
It's the carb based diet, carbs are cheap. Bread, rice, pop tarts, fish fingers , chicken nuggets anything that can be ground up and covered in breadcrumbs really.

Even if it was cheaper to eat junk food (hint: it's not), you could just chose to eat less. And do some sports.
This is even cheaper.
You avoid the hospital fees

If they have jobs then how come they have so much time to protest.
Especially so late at night on weekdays.
Serious question.

Are you poor? Are only poor people fat?
>I don't really care what you have to say about it because I don't know you and I already know I'm right from experience in different first and third world countries.

Homeless people don't have money because they don't work.
Somebody had to invest into those empty houses so only a moron would give them up for free.

It doesn't matter if the overall standard of living is going up...

Huh? How retarded are you? How can that possibly be irrelevant, let alone a key factor?

Co-sign. Poorfags just want others to be poor too so they dont feel like such losers.

With my dubs combined i am captain planet

>most militarily superior nation on the planet
>can't afford to pay for healthcare/education
Yeah America, you win.

The fact that you're able to post something like this on an affordable device proves capitalism works.

Junk food is easier, not cheaper. That's the real reasons Americans are fat.

>how do you defend this
Don't act like you didn't see the outlier in the bar graph


>"Racist criminal justice system?"
>says something racist
>so they know how to manage their money
>implying most of them werent born into already rich families

That is just plain wrong. Compare the price per pound of, say, an apple, to the dollar menu at McD or Wendy's or something.... Fresh fruit is, by far, more expensive.

Simple, if your too lazy and dumb to get a fucking job thats not flipping burgers you deserve this. Make yourself better, stay in school and ddont be a morn and you wont end up a leech on society. Free market capitalism is equal opportunity not equal outcome. You get what you sow


All these people saying junk food is more expensive have obviously never had to do their own shopping.

You can get apples for 99 ccents to 1.99 a pound if you dont get the premium one. Ground beef you can maybe get for 1.99 a pound but thats questionable meat. Apples are cheaper option, and healtjier. So your analogy is flawed and wrong

Thank You.

Because unhealthy food is cheap plentiful and fits in with people working long hours at relatively inactive jobs. If youre poor and work at mcdonalds and you get a discount suddenly mcdonalds is the most time effective and cheap food you can afford so guess whats for dinner. Its either that or lentils and rice every night.

Not if you make your own food, then its cheaper to make fresh healtjy. It comes down to laziness in the end

Where the hell are you getting beef at 1.99 per pound. Are you sure it doesn't say "Imitation beef food" on the package?

>every time more money is allocated to schools, it ends up in some stupid ass teacher's pocket.

We have done just that. My wife even tried to make 'pumpkin lentils' to sweeten them up. All we had left in the cupboard was Lentils, a can of Pumpkin Pie filling and $20.

It didn't work out and we spent the $20 on the dollar menu at McDonalds and the family ate 'good' that night.

146 million in not half of the U.S. population

Thats my point bro, its questionable.

>excuses every fault with either the poor people deserve it because theyre alcoholics or dumb implying you need to be a genius to deserve a decent life which likely excludes his Sup Forums browsing ass

>well capitalism is evil but communism is too so lets just not bother trying to fix anything.

>hurr durr there's only capitalism and communism
Wew lad

because i am not poor, i am industrious and white

At scale this can yes but you *really* have to shop around. It's good food when you have the $$. but in the end the bulk foods like Ramen, Mac and Cheese, Hotdogs etc are what's for dinner when you're broke af.

Bananas are cheap af tho

> ddont be a morn


Trump is the first of many painfull divorces between capitalism & democracy





Teachers in my city are making 60-90 k a year, principal 200k, super intendent 400k for 9 months of work. But yet the schools have old ass books, out dated tech, and its run down. Taxes break down to 20-25k a year per kid. Tell me again where the money goes?

"This is the longest leadership on earth"

Are you fucking retarded Great Britain has had its parliament for hundreds of years longer. France has been a republic near as long and doesnt use the same system as you and is quite socialist. Sweden has been a constitutional monarchy longer as well.

>youre a retard

I love how both sides ignore the obvious solution to the shortcomings of capitalism. Because like it or not, capitalism does have shortcomings. In economics class at uni we view people in our society as "consumers" and only consumers. This is not how a society should be run.

But communism is obviously worse. Literally an unworkable economic system combined with blatantly unrealistic social policies.

The answer to all this is National Socialism.

First, diversity damages social cohesion and this, in turn, decreases how happy people are and inhibits the economy. You have pointed out that IQ has a stronger impact on national wealth than diversity does. Measured with standardized coefficients, this is true. However, as has been pointed out previously, this entails nothing about the impact of high IQ immigration on national wealth. As has been demonstrated, this model actually predicts that a large influx of east Asian immigration would lower national wealth. This is because such a change would represent a much larger increase, measured in standard deviations, in diversity than it would IQ, and this is true to such an extent that a comparison of standardized regression coefficients is meaningless from a policy perspective.

Second, diversity encourages tribal political conflict within nations. People are naturally “racist” whether we like it or not. Because of this, allowing a significant degree of diversity to exist within a single democratic nation often leads to certain ethnic groups forming voting blocks which vote for their ethnic interest and against that of the rest of society. This creates general social conflict, further damages social cohesion, and often leads to policies that are not in the majorities interest.

Dont have to be a genius, just have to work hard and not be lazy

Thirdly, diversity encourages race mixing. Now, I realize that this makes some people especially upset, but there are various studies showing that mixed race relationships have a higher than average likelihood of divorce and that mixed race children typically score poorly and a wide variety of life outcome measures. This is true even of White/Asian children. This is most plausibly explained by the fact that mixed race people lack a natural racial in group and, as a result, feel alienated for a good deal of their life. Many mono-racial people can empathize with this by imagining that they lived somewhere in which basically no one was of the same race as themselves. This is the experience that many bi-racial children go through.

Fourthly, the importing of high IQ people from around the world results in “brain drain” in the nations they come from. This creates nations that are stuck in poverty because they lack the high IQ individuals needed to escape this situation in spite of the fact that their population naturally produces a significant number of very intelligent people.

Fifthly, many people in the alt-right enjoy White culture. This is true not only in terms of European science and institutions, but also on a more micro scale concerning things such as food, mannerisms, architecture, and pass times. For such people, a mass importation of high IQ diversity would change their culture in a way that they would not enjoy.

>Obama increased veterans affairs funding by 85% over 8 years.

>Your stupid ass voted for the people who actively blocked his proposed increases in funding for veterans, and not only that, sent them off to go get killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Obama did a hell of a job pushing us towards socialism

Then get a job you lazy fuck, dont have a fancy cell phone, or nice car, cable tv, gast internet, etc

Mein Neger.

You cant have communism unless you have a homogeneous society

What the fuck city do you live in. That sounds made up af. I live in canada and we pay our teachers far better overall than the usa and the usual starting salary here is like 35 000 canadian so like 25k american. Youre a bullshitter

And yet it has never and can never work.

Obama cut military budgets and that's a fact. Your statement is a lie.
And Obama is the only president to have been at war for every day of his terms.
Facts: a liberal's worst nightmare.

China and Russia were both ethnostates, they still failed.

It's not an indictment of ethnostates, it's an indictment of communism.