Attractiveness is irrelevant

Attractiveness is irrelevant.

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There is none.

Christians rape little boys.
Muslims rape little girls.

Attractiveness is never irrelevant.

Their ideals+values differ from one another and to top it off, the ones of the muzzie do no represent/cohere with the nation ( ie. the nation of the US)

The western standards of living are way more comfortable than whatever hijab Jane is offering so Bible Brittany wins every time for me even though I hate religion. Came down to cultural values really.

your mom is irrelevant

I don't like either one. Given a choice, I would not allow either of them to immigrate into my country. People born here are born here, it's their country, too.

Well that's just not true, it's very common in Muslim culture to participate in "boy play"

One is a poser, other might not be.

the one on the left probably won't kill you if you make a religious joke.

just to name a few

One represents a terrorist ideology that attempts to control everything which it cannot dominate through subversion, infiltration and cultural bombing, as well as media manipulation at home and abroad. They believe they are righteous to the very end and a great rewards awaits them for spreading their vile nonsense.

The other is a Muslim.

One is posing for Facebook the other wants to kill people for allah

right is right. left is wrong. Sup Forums in a nutshell

One of them lives in a region of the world where it is understandable for them to be religious. The other has no excuse.


The mudslime will actually kill in the name of her god

The one on the left wants to defend her territory.

The one on the right wants to destroy everyone else's territory.


That sentence just described almost every political group in existence. Republicans, Democrats, Muslims, Christians, and pretty much everything else in the world.

Easy. The girl on the left is posing for a satiric picture to respond to Obama's "bittler clingers" snark at Middle America, and the one on the right is an Islamist terrorist.

By defend her territory, do you mean get rid of all of gays, hispanics and whatnot?

Because she probably votes for politicians that bomb the shit out of the middle east for no reason.

Why would someone spend so much Tim making a chart that's largely simplistic bullshit? Could have better spent his time actually studying and learning about the contents and history of the Bible.

one has no idea what she is doing

I thought Homosexuality was punishable by death in the shitskin's religion. Or do they just kill the little boy for being a raped faggot?

The Quran never says that. Bible does though.

one is possibly a terrorist and the other is definitely a stupid cunt.

one wont go to war and blow herself up in the name of her god.

That means Christians are gay

>Sup Forums
>bible-thumping conservatives

just no


It's actually pretty accurate though, unlike the cancerous faggotry that says Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Protip: if your God isn't a trinity, it's not the same as the Christian God.


Protip: If you worship any god you're an idiot.

muslims want to kill other people who dont believe in their bullshit

christians like the bitch on the left will just kill someone that fucks with them. they dont go out and hunt people down who are muslims.

big difference

What would happen if Mecca were to be bombed?

As a Catholic, I wouldn't care if Vatican burned.

Because it's entirely accurate and includes sources? Fuck off

This statistic is just wrong. Alone all the first world Muslims dont think sharia should rule

It was compiled by a Christian scholar on islam, and ee has written quite a lot.
The point is there are enormous differences between the two faiths that you aren't willing to accept because your leftist, aethiest indoctrination blinds you.

You have to understand also that there is an alliance between organizations like CAIR, so called"moderate islam", and leftist/socialist organizations to attack what is broadly known as White/Christian America. Simply because they are in fact White, Christian, and American. It's very obvious to anyone who has been paying attention.

Yeah but Allah shares the same root etymologically as El, another name for Yahweh. And Christians think they worship the same God as the Jews, and the Jewish conception of God isn't trinitarian. Also that list is full of inaccuracies.

Do you not understand Offense and Defense?

In my experience, atheists are, as a rule, simpletons. I have a PhD and work in academia, so I encounter a lot of them.
Protip: keep self-pleasuring out of debates.

religion is cancer

>make mistake with explosives while EOD technician in a foreign land
>blow self up
Still not seeing a difference.
Even the intent doesn't matter:
>intentionally calling in a danger-close strike with the hope that God will protect her
Still not seeing a difference.

you need to watch more Morgan Freeman movies.

God is out there, in Charleston, Mississippi

>The point is there are enormous differences between the two faith
No shit.
>that you aren't willing to accept because your leftist, aethiest indoctrination blinds you.
Oh ok


Wut? In every religion are fanatic idiots

Lel Keks. Such Bullshit. Many biases.

stop living under a rock, plenty of those sharia fuckers in England alone.

so Americans are invaders, mujaheddin are freedom fighres?

Many of the first world Muslims are against Sharia Law, true.
But the majority of muslims lives in thirld world countries and a big chunk of them are pro-Sharia.

So you're saying out of all the academics you know, all these intelligent people with phd's you are the odd one out. Who's the simpleton again?

because sharia is a personal moral code and a term misunderstood in the west to mean imposed tyrannical religious rule of law.


You're implying that they're both terrorists. Neither one is doing anything wrong in this picture.

so what do you have against White Christian America that you have in favor of in islam? what brings you to one side instead of the other?

The left one is a Christian, not a Jew

Towel over hair (oppressive)
Left one claims to 'protect the country (kill extremists)', right one claims 'attack infadels (kill innocents)'
Book on the right has more straightfoward rules and has more people actually following them.
Book on the left has 2 parts, most followers don't read to deep into part one and cherry pick the good parts in part 2.

"personal" codes are not enforced by threat of beheading or lashings.

ITT; Taqiyya shilling, Sup Forums, and general trolling.

I'm not interested in etymology, or rather, I am but think it's irrelevant here (I mean, the etymology of Lord is from Old English for Loaf Guardian) and I would respectfully submit that If someone says Jesus is God and someone else says he is not, they do not worship the same God, whatever else they say.

not him, but while one is on average less violent than the other, both try to shove their backwards version of morality on everyone, while also being deluded that they are morally superior.

>I have a PhD
>Muh appeal to my own authority

Oh I'm sure the jizya tax on non Muslims is just "misunderstood" and the stoning of adulterers is just "misunderstood"

Kek. You have a mental disorder

It's cherry picked as fuck and anyone who has studied the bible even a little bit knows this.

one blows up
the other doesn't

so which one in that picture presents themselves as more extreme, to you?

Middle East has never been fucked with, the Muzzles are all rabid animals and Americans are very exceptional and awesome

Not at all. I know many PhDs who are religious. I encounter many atheists who are 19 and decided that they understood the ultimate meaning of the cosmos around age 12.

Sharia is interpreted personally, do you think all Muslims want to stone people? Jews and Christians are ordered to stone people in their holy book but it doesn't mean shit. Same for Muslims we allow to integrate, and I know plenty of boring American Muslims so let's not pretend integration is impossible

yeah, cus Hinduism and Buddhism is crawling with religious fanatics

You're not entirely bright, though. I know many, many atheist PhDs. I am not an atheist. Ergo, I don't think having a PhD means one has authority on religion.

And if a Jew says god the father is god?

The one on the left will use the gun to defend you from the one one the right.

>hi I've never been to rural Asia

I was raised Catholic and turned to apatheism somewhere during age 13.

Why would this be a bad thing, doctor man?

the one on the left wants to defend herself.

the one on the right wants to kill anyone that disagrees with her.

Kind of a big difference.

integrating muslims in christian countries won't be easy. quran literally says not to ally yourselfs with the goddamn Christians. --

Can God create a rock so.heavy he can't lift it?

The hot American girl is showing of her various rights in America such as the 1st and 2nd amendments to the constitution which are clearly shown here in her bible and gun. The image on the right is likely a fighter in some country that is torn apart with religious in fighting.

well on the first glance probably the one on the right, but the fact she's a woman soldier makes me think she might be a Kurdish fighter, not an ISIS member, so who actually knows.


Bible says to kill pagans but if you live in a civilized society you learn not to be a religious fanatic who takes that shit seriously


yes, this is true. Hindus killed muslims and Buddhists killed christians

islam has a long and sordid history of attempted colonizing in the name of Muhammadanism. Todays world is simply a reflection of a long standing tradition of attempting to usurp a host culture, pit the host society against itself while attempting to out breed them at the same time. Hijra is a real thing and many young muslim males are very much aware how easy the left is to prey upon, using it's own weakness to virtue signal against their shared opponent(that last part is important- there is a shared opponent between these two groups -the house of the west) and this is the unholy alliance demonstrated here.

>her territory

All you're saying here is you talked to a teenager and everyone already knows they're idiots.

That comment fundamentally doesn't even make sense. You are the theist arguing a god created the cosmos, you are the one claiming to understand the ultimate meaning of the cosmos.

except if you're a medieval pagan or performed abortions.

this. the difference is literally the Constitution and American citizens rights, versus what is either a radical and underground group such as ISIS, or an overt, authoritarian group like HAMAS. I'm fairly sure the muslima is wearing Hamas rags.


Damn you so edumacated

Ali G, that you bruv?

He's right. And if he says Jesus or the Holy Spirit is not, he's wrong.
I's not a bad thing, but no one who is in his twenties or thirties looks back on himself at 13 and thinks he was anything but a retard then.
No, I'm saying most atheists become atheists at an age where everyone is an idiot, so it's no measure of great intellect to be an atheist.

medieval era was 500 years ago you retarded fuck

and you just have to make a state law that allows abortions and those backwards retards cant do shit about it, half of them arent even against it because of religious beliefs, but because its "a living being"

One promotes terrorism
One promotes patriotism

Hindus and Buddhists are still killing and expelling muslims and for good reason. we in the West have been infected with ultra liberal bleeding heart types that can see no wrong in what they do, because they are told their entire lives that their and only their position is the morally superior one.

Even when it means attempting to elect someone who openly bragged about orchestrating the collapse of countries (like Libya) and having its leader murdered in the street.

>so it's no measure of great intellect to be an atheist.
no, but it should be a measure of at least average intellect. As arrogant as it does sound to religious people, we do actually look down upon you, well most of us do as we do feel and know that you are deluded. Annoying, sure, but we both annoy the fuck out of each other anyway.