ITT: characters who literally did nothing wrong
ITT: characters who literally did nothing wrong
>broke the kids camera who has a missing brother and is poor and obviously cant afford another camera
>did it in front of girl he knows he likes
yeah, typical fucking scum chad,
>implying the kid didn't take creepy pictures of him and his girl
Fuck the beta orbiter aspie. Steve did nothing wrong.
he was a cunt, and so were all his friends. he deserved to get his ass beat.
he looks like jean ralphio from parks and rec
Why is everyone on this show so goddamn ugly and misshapen?
>That haircut
>not wrong
go to bed steve
he was a retarded creep stalker who took pics of his gf getting undressed. he deserved it.
>tell em wear you got the money from
>I got run over by a leeeEXXxxuuuusss
Who's the best character on this show?
Protip: saying anyone but the sheriff is incorrect
the biggest cunt of em all...
Kid was being a fucking creep, usually he'd just get the shit beat out of him
Not only did he start taking those kinda creeper pics but he actually went and developed them for posterity.
It only just so happened that one of them had the monster in it.
It makes perfect sense that the girl didn't end up with him at the end.
>walk in
>see your ex with a gun and creeper with a nail bat
>alphabet painted on the wall
>Christmas lights
>bear traps
What would you have done?
>going full on Solid Snake and infiltrating the base
Absolute mad man
i would fuck the shit out of her
this is my fetish
It makes no sense that the girl would go back to the guy that spray painted slut on the movie theater sign
The 'guy is a dick, then redeems himself by doing something manly' trope is a pro patriarchy BS.
did you finish the show or was it too complicated for you? did this show really go over your head?
Based Steve the new Prince of Sup Forums
That wasn't him.
Nah this faggot's gf and her friend were the biggest cunts of them all
that alleyway scene i wanted to shove my fist through the screen
yeah. it was this cunt that did the spray painting.
That wasn't the trope.
The trope here was "pretty douchebag turns out to only be a cockhead under the influence of his friends who are the real douchebags".
More perfect casting. This kid looked like a fucking asshole.
In order of badassness
>will (he actually went for the gun absolute madman)
>mother winona (willingly takes on the unknown to find her son and clutches an ax ready to attack)
>Dustin (never let emotions take over and kept a level head and willing to have his teeth pulled out with a pocket knife for his friend)
>Lucas (nam supplies and solos the stakeout)
>Nancy (girls with guns are always sexy and goes into the upside down for her friend)
>Steve (actually attacks the shit with a bat and is man enough to admit when he was in the wrong)
>Johnathan (makes the plan, steals a gun, and whoops Steve's ass)
But he was their leader up until that moment.
>bulbous cranium
>styles hair to make it look even bigger
>nothing wrong
and I'm your leader up until my death. what's your point?
i don't think this show is "great" by any means, but they did get a couple of things right. the casting is one of them.
I watched an episode and a half and concluded this is some derivative souless piece of shit that I'm going to fast forward
I honestly think it was done by people who don't understand satire, like watching Twin Peaks without surrealism.
No he was just the most popular guy in school.
Someone please explain this...
Was Hopper a Lando? Did he sell the kids out? Why did he get in the car with the suits at the end?
The sheriff is a fucking badass. In the first episode I thought he'd just be some washed out cop, but the moment he catches wind of the mystery, he quickly escalates to full operator.
Abandoning thread because I haven't seen the last ep yet
jesus you're taking it too seriously
it's a love letter to 80's horror in every way. take it for what it is. it's a comfy creature feature.
Your conclusion is wrong. It's not satire anyway.
What I meant to say that girls for example are vapid cunts without the screenwriters being aware of that
Kids are just ET derivatives without voices of their own
>love letter to 80s horror
lol do you even know how 80s horror movies looked like
In short, yeah. But you already know Based Hop's playing the long game. Working it all out.
Not that user but you're embarrassing yourself. The kids are great and it nails the aesthetic. You've seen one episode.
Mr. Bill Watterson the science teacher did everything right.
I know, it's inadvertent satire like most of american media. Half of the characters are shallow derivatives, the other half are millenials teleported into the early 80s.
It's like if Zappa played Valley Girl with a straight face and claimed guitar riffs are scary.
Really relieved that he lived
yes I do, but you're missing the point. it doesn't try to emulate them
>the alien takes que from the design from Alien
>literally the entire setting is a nod to ET
>the plot takes from a variety of stephen king novels
>the use of the ham radio (the fog)
>kids on an adventure into things they couldn't possibly understand (stand by me, the goonies)
>blood in the water (jaws)
>the department of energy (the manhattan project)
>poltergiest references throughout (direct reference as the movie, as well as talking through a "spirit realm)
i could go on, but you're retarded and wouldn't appreciate it anyway.
>nails the aesthetic
Intro is a classic example of complete misunderstanding of the 80s bringing it down to neon fetishism. If you think Carpenter Brut and its followers have anything to do with post-punk or ebm or electro the way it was done and stylized in the 80s you're being delusional.
And the worst thing is that I'm at ep3 and not even mise-en-scene has been established properly, town is like that house from evil dead except they switch it depending on whicn int shot they need to take.
You're not as smart as you think you are, chief.
>love letter
I fucking hate this meme.
This. It was 'Drive' with kids on bikes
I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson
but that's all derivative
also the fog and jaws have nothing to do with 80s horror. fog was made at the end of the 70s, jaws has much to do with blockbusters. 80s horror were gory slashers with tits galore, alien is also a product of the 70s etc etc
I hate fucking american media and it endless callbacks so retards like you can feel smart and give upvotes to one another
Congrats, ham radio. woo hoo. Now install ham radio app for your iphokemon.
no but i adore pt anderson
life aquatic is great though
I didn't understand what was going on when Wynona Rider was holding a phone on a leash. Did they really put phones on a leash back then?
I kind of feel bad for you, that you can't appreciate the simplicity of a show like this and instead have to tear it apart to feel superior to people who enjoy it.
There's nothing to digest here. You're just a sad lonely piece of shit who has never contributed anything worthwhile to this world.
but desu Fantastic Mr. Fox was a good movie
His GF was OP
I can't stand cultural artefacts that lack a voice of their own. Not to mention that I can't figure out if some of the actors, like the girl are really bad or it's the directors that want them to act like a talking tom f2p character.
Yeah, dude it was the 80s. It was really well done! She had like a son and a son and ham radio.
Woo hoo! Let's bike down the foggy jaws!
Most art can't stand on it's on. If you spend a lifetime waiting for the "greats" to come around, you'll be left bored and tired.
I'm not saying Stranger Things is a great show. It's a competent and enjoyable throwback (although you may disagree), to the timeless adventure films of yesteryear. For that, I enjoy it. It's soundtrack is also great, though I can see why you would think it doesn't necessarily fit the aesthetic. To me, it does.
Is the scene in ep 3 where the beta guy is watching the party from the bushes supposed to make me sympathize with Jason from friday the 13th and want him to kill them all? I really can't tell with American shows.
Mr. Wheeler. Anyone else is wrong. Mr. Clarke is close second. I am mad jelly he was watching the Thing with that asian teacher.
But memes are a love letter to Sup Forums
Nothing new under the sun you phony-patrician
Went straight to "Based Mr. Clarke" just for hitting that
>Its a normies and retards started watching this show and don't get it thread
we shared some comfy threads for the first 3 or 4 bros
Let's put it this way and that is why I brought up Twin Peaks (conveniently also set in a small town). What Lynch did there is he made an obvious, painfully obvious satire of soap operas he watched in his youth, like Payton Place etc but then he put a completely new twist upon them, turned them on their head in a modern and fresh way, added tongue in cheek comedy that could go from 0 to 100 in terms of pure dread in matter of seconds.
This has ham radio and carpenter brut biking to ET. But the audience is really smart and enjoys spotting things they recognize from generic media pieces of mainstream past.
No shit? What do you think I was complaining about in the first place? The main reason I rewind though is not because the plot is shitty or the characters are bad (Winona is good, there are some interesting actors in there as well), it's because of how bland the directorial solutions are. They lack any sort of oomph and fizzle out before any sort of suspense even starts building. The psyker girl is probably the laziest device they could have used.
And he still gave the kids the info he needed. He can clearly pull mad pussy because he didn't sweat it.
Oh and I forgot to mention:
I blame Tarantino more and more for current American media culture. I had no idea his shitty pastiches would be so influential.
I actually thought that was him
You can't compare Twin Peaks, one of the greatest shows of all time, to Stranger Things, a little enjoyable Netflix watch. You're setting yourself up for disappointment.
>ywn watch the Thing with a cutie asian
End me please
I'm not comparing it, just juxtaposing.
Will they greenlight season 2?
Without a doubt. Whether or not they follow the same characters is another story no pun intended.
It's still unfair. You need to take the show in context. It's getting overhyped for sure, but for what it is, it's a competent and enjoyable watch. At least it is compared to most Netflix shows...
You will never be able to scientifically explain horror movie special effects to your mail order bride because everything is computer graphics now
Why would there be a pun in that post?
>you will be alone forever
Okay, it certainly is above average in present tv offerings, I was stating what irritated me and in what way and why I stopped caring about anything but fastforwarding most of it.
I read two words and a half and concluded this post is some derivative souless piece of shit that I'm going to fast forward
I honestly think it was posted by someone who doesn't understand satire, like reading Sup Forums without the racism.
spotted the wicked smaht libcuck (that is a reference to a movie written by famous hollywood libertarians matt damon and ben affleck, the latter being sympathetic of islam like many cultural marxists and i inserted that reference in reference to your post in order to add depth to the discussion)
>chad was actually a bro
>the cute naive girl was actually a vapid whore
not muh tropes
Lucas was a queer, he kinda redeems himself toward the end but he's still a mega homo, least favorite character. Dumb chimp always tryna start shit and not trusting El
And I think they fucking nailed the ending just right. But what the hell was up with the slug Will coughed up in the end? Why didn't he tell someone to get the fucking Drain-O and a snake? Was he brainwashed, or did he know that it couldn't be helped, and the evil would always find a way to exist?
Off topic, but my fucking nigger
Made a deal to save the kids. Now he does shady shit for them
>Season 2
>Monsters plant eggs in humans and start to reproduce
>The Upside Down starts to creep into the town
>Government quarantines entire town, sets up a paremeter around the town like Raccoon City
Calling it.
Because they actually hired teenagers to play teenagers, people are weird looking mid puberty.
>muh 80s
idiots keep on hyping up shit shows like this and shit movies like Everybody Wants Some
Because this isn't 90210 where every teenager in the town is a 30 year old supermodel.
this fucking guy
Honestly this show isn't even that "80's"
The only reason for the setting is because technology isn't as advanced and the internet hasn't happened. Everything else could easily happen in any other time period, it'd just be a lot worse considering smartphones and shit
Also D&D frequently serves as a neat analogy.
>Will actually cast a fireball at the end instead of the protection spell
what a fuckin retard, should have just let him die
This Guy
looks like Q from star trek
Am I the only one bothered that he didn't roll for damage on the fireball?
So your typical 80s kids?