Hey Sup Forums, I'm 25 years old and just got into the bar scene...

Hey Sup Forums, I'm 25 years old and just got into the bar scene. Literally haven't had a drink or a drug up until this point. I didn't realize what I was missing, I played a lot of sports, played a lot of video games and focused on school up until this point. I have a solid career as a financial analyst built.

I guess I'm having some insecure thoughts about doing this. Is it pathetic to be getting drunk at 25 years old Friday and Saturday night? Am I "too old" to party?

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No, but the bar scene is a piece of shit, OP. Try to remember that you've worked really hard to achieve what you have and that accomplishment is worth a lot more than swilling beer with dumbfucks and plowing sluts.


25 years old is nowhere near too old to go out on weekends. You have 10 years at least of going out and enjoying life on weekends before it starts to get sad in any capacity.

You are in an ideal position if you're not completely socially retarded. you have money to burn and girls love that. I'm sure you're bright and will be able to learn it quickly anyway.

Everything in moderation.

I think at this age a balance needs to be found. People go through life smashing it and before they know it they are 40+ still getting fucked up all the time.

Getting wasted is not attractive or beneficial, although it feels good and there is no problem with doing it. Just dont let it affect your life and make you lazy.

Hanging out with dumbfucks sounds like a you problem and plowing hot sluts is one of the best things in life.

You don't need to get wasted to go out on weekends bro, but I know what you're saying otherwise.

Totally man, if drugs come into play I feel otherwise though.

If you can go out and party and not get wasted, you have it way more than under control..

Agreed. I've gone full circle from straightedge believing in DARE until I was 18, did too much moly and coke for a while, then I'm back around to serious drug moderation, borderline straightedge aside from weed and booze.

Hard rrugs are simply too much of a gamble with your neurochemistry and psychology.

So much fun, but not worth the risk.

>obviously a dumbfuck
Sorry if my statement triggered you, Chad.

This is very simple user, if you go to the bar with stupid people, that is your problem. That is not a universal problem. Even if you don't go out with people you know are intelligent, you could go to college bars or nice areas to avoid nasty dumb people.


Good for you mate. I am definitely struggling with the coke at the moment. Fri-sat was a straight bender, slept last night, picked up again a moment ago.

At the moment my only concern is my health. Apart from that work and life in general is going pretty well.

To be fair, coke is one of the more mild hard drugs. Just be careful with your amount of usage. I personally believe that molly is way more dangerous than people understand.

Don't know if you care enough or are serious enough about this to care, but if you want good advice on how to reduce your coke usage, I'll give you advice.

Ive always found that coke is a drug you can get away with, wake up and carry on without much pain. Molly for sure, man, the brain zaps, the come downs, everything about that drug is difficult coming up and coming down.

I feel that I believe I have that under control, although I know i dont, I know after a week sober the struggle will be real. Mate, if you have any advice to give up, anything at all. I am all ears.

OP here.

I know where you're coming from, it's just nice to get out and have some drunk (not wasted), bullshit conversations with others that are also on the same wavelength and bring home a girl here and there. I have to monitor what I say so closely at work (finance is competitive) so it's nice to get away from that.

I will definitely simply enjoy (operative word) myself as oppose to getting wasted to the point of incoherence.

Alright Sup Forumsros, thanks, I'm just going to go with this and have fun. I will definitely not aim to become a retarded barfly.

virgins like you are so ridiculous

" I will definitely not aim to become a retarded barfly"

This made me lol

Yeah man, enjoy. Keep it together :)

Alright, so people are creatures of habit. Almost all your behaviors are a part of some regular habit that you regularly engage in. In order to fix anything about yourself, you need to view it as such. Not a lone thing that you can change instantly, but something you need to change gradually.

Ask yourself, what comes before I start doing coke, what leads to me getting coke, start there. Reduce those behaviors. Gradually reduce how much you do coke and how much you engage in behaviors that lead to it.

Cold turkey is retarded and most people fail when trying, calmly decide how to reduce the frequency of related behaviors over time, find your level where there is consistent improvement and keep at it.

Also, visuals are very important for psychology. Visualize the negative effects of too much coke use in your head and use that to drive your change in habits.

Let me know if any of that sounds ridiculous or full of shit, and I will explain why it's not or help you with different tactics.

Enjoy it buddy, you earned it from your hard work and your achievements. just be wary of negative effects of straying from moderation.

Thank you for this. Its not retarded at all man.

Alcohol is definitely the gateway, that tends to lead to coke.

I appreciate you typing that up.


Booze is always the gateway. If possible, I suggest confiding in your close friend to talk you out of doing or getting coke when it comes up. If not, you can do it yourself. Good luck buddy, it's easier than you might think.

You sound fun

Don't have to get drunk to enjoy drinking...I love beer and brewing...I enjoy multiple hard liquors and like trying the occasional wine even...not alcoholic...rarely get drunk

Cheers mate :)

This. The "bar scene" gets really fucking old really fucking quick. It's not all it's cracked out to be.

>I personally believe that molly is way more dangerous than people understand.

This. I am fried from molly. Whenever MDMA got really popular in powder form (molly) around 07, it was still really good. I've done that shit probably about 18 times, but I would do at least .3 of a GRAM per night, as well as some nights where I would do .6 or .7, because I was stupid and figured that it wasn't a big deal. My memory is fucked and I'm definitely less intelligent overall.

Dude, I had serotonin syndrome on molly, easily the most traumatic moment in my life and I've had no shortage of those otherwise. Shit is extremely dangerous. My verbal fluency got fucking destroyed and I absolutely lost some IQ points. I believe I've fully recovered, but it was hell.

Spoken like a subhuman piece of bar trash.

Enjoy your STDs, chirrotic liver, and inevitable cuckoldry.

Yes, it is. Keep it in check and you're probably fine. Just remember that the people you meet at bars are usually pretty scummy. Lay with dogs, end up with fleas, etc... You're smart. You know the routine.

Ah so reduce the "intensity" of use, like turning the dial down on the volume, like lowering it on the spectrum of use and monitoring to make sure the "volume" doesn't go back up? Different guy btw, makes sense though, as long as I'm understanding you correctly.

>what are condoms and common sense
>what is moderation

Don't project your personal problems on others, white trash.

The thing with molly although its a class A isnt seen as that dangerous, and the serotonin issue is nasty as fuck.

Not to mention people believe MDMA (non pill form) is pure. Its not.

Hey, I only speak from experience. I was a total clubrat in my 20s. Yes, I had a lot of fun but the scene is depraved by definition.

>bar trash calling someone else white trash
I can tell you're really bothered by someone calling you out on your lifestyle. If the bar scene is so fantastic, I wonder why you're so defensive.

Those people aren't your friends and the girls are all disgusting.

And so are you.

Yeah I'm right there with you. I don't think I'm coming all the way back, but luckily I'm not the dumbest guy in the room (thought not near the smartest) so I'll be okay. And like I was seriously retarded for awhile, it took a year of working out, meditation, and reading books (generally exercising my intellect) in lieu of ANY TV, internet, vidya, etc.. to train my brain to compensate for what I'm assuming is physical damage. It sucked but I can function better now.

Well it depends on you personally. If you're capable of just reducing the amount of days/times you do it, or just the amount you do. Any reduction you are capable of is a postive.

Just make sure you've chosen a degree of improvement that is consistent. Don't go too far and overwhelm yourself. Whatever you do to change a negative behavior, you have to make sure that reduction is consistent and controlled.

Keep that up, and eventually you'll reduce it to a more controlled level or erase it all together if you want to go that far.

Lol, did you club into your late 20s?

General question, in terms of cold turkey not working (I agree with this)

How would you suggest inducing yourself? Naturally the usage is monitored.

Would you say to yourself, I am allowed a beer on this day, and only this many?

>going out on weekends when you're 25 equates to bar trash

I personally believe this is you venting your own insecurities. Anyone reading this conversation can see that you're getting more worked up than I. I'm just disputing your nonsense.

Basically yeah. I mean you need to reduce the frequency of habit. People are not machines, they are habitual animals and you need to understand that in order to alter your behaviors.

Induce was probably the wrong word lol. Taper?

Ok cool thanks, ill see if I can cut it back to a set amount on certain days and see how it goes.

Have not seen a thread like this on Sup Forums on a while. Its been really helpful and people are not dicks.

Stay triggered, fam. Let the whole what-am-i-doing-with-my-life thing sink in for a little bit.

It's for your own good.

Taper yes. I was moving into alcoholic territory for a while, I averted it by telling myself over and over again that I would only have x beers a day no matter what. If I was consistently having 4 or more, I made myself stick to 3 only, and then 2 and then 1 when the change in habit became regular. Gradual, not cold turkey. Cold turkey is for retards and superhumans.

I live with my best friends, have my dream career and I go out on weekends. Truly a horrible existence.

Right until age 30, which is when I said I would stop.

There was, admittedly, a bit of fallout while disconnecting and I learned a lot about myself and the people I associated with. It was disheartening, which is the whole reason I'm posting in this thread - to try to warn OP off engaging in a vacuous, degenerate lifestyle.

For what it's worth. I'm just some faggot on Sup Forums.

No problem man, glad I can help. Even if it's people on Sup Forums, it's my life purpose.

No, you dumb nigger. You have built an amazing foundation for a life, played your cards right, and now you get to enjoy. So stfu and enjoy. Ride around in boats and sip wine and shit. Go to some shitty bars and get fucked up here and there if you want. Dump some loads in some sluts and never talk to them again. You made it, you have the secure life most want. Reap the fruits of your labor.

You being...stupid like this makes me doubt you're as successful as you say.

>admitted alcoholic
>thinks it's not a horrible existence
You're not doing yourself or anyone else any favors.

Kek, OP here, point taken. I was waiting for a comment like this. Not exactly eloquent and prosocial but the "asshole's perspective" has value, so I thank you, you dickhead you.

Clearly specified that I am not an alcoholic and have 1 beer a day, aside from weekends of course. Now you on the other hand, you buddy clearly have some problems that you're venting out on me. It'd be funny if it weren't so sad.

Same on the first two, problem is we all love to get blitzt, although we all work very well together generally. Never argued, sleep together (no homo) feed each other, check up on each other.

You're an alcoholic, though. You couldn't even quit cold turkey.

I can tell by how booty-bothered you are that this isn't the first time you've heard this.

You do sound like you're in denial.

Just sayin.

Sup Forums is the dive bar of the internet, mainly complete shit, but with some beauty that takes on the form of a diamond because of the contrast.

I never needed to quit cold turkey, one beer a weekday is normal and acceptable. I can tell by how adamant and ferocious you are that I've struck some kind of complex you have about people like me. I'll gladly talk you through it bud, this is my job. If you don't want to talk about it, that's cool. If you do, I'm right here for you.

Well you'd be wrong my friend.

>adamant and ferocious

MDMA is ok if you don't abuse it. if you keep a "safe" amount of time like 3 months between trips then it's should be fine. and NOT going more than 0.25G a night.... fucking rookies...

I consider myself a binger, I'm certainly an addict, but I do NOT have it in me to go full blown. I don't know why, but I'm always able to quit cold turkey.

I went on a three month nightly drunk twice of where I would get HAMMERED every night and just up and quit one day both times. Have done this with pot, weekend use of heroin, etc....I'll often have a year of sobriety in between binges, or very moderate use of the same substance I had been abusing.

I walk a tightrope, and I'm often hanging on by a pinky and not even walking on it. I often wonder when I'll slip, or if I can do these binges forever.

Anybody have any experience with being like this?

1 beer a day is probably more healthy than not drinking. It is relaxing and has no adverse effects on your body.

Yes. You are pathetic. You're 25 years old, you're too old to party. Quit fucking around you stupid nigger, there's a reason why 21 year olds party. They are young enough to bounce back. Your ass has progressed too far into adulthood to be doing that shit because you won't bounce back. You'll just grow into an alcoholic loser.

Just kill yourself now.

>Well you'd be wrong my friend
Looking through your posts with the other guy, it really seems like you're kinda trying to prove something to yourself or achieve some confirmation here.

Also, you don't have to even be actively drinking to be an alcoholic. You might want to look into it.

You ever seen anyone go through hardcore abuse and then come out on the other side, clean up, and be functional, intelligent, and successful? That's the boat I'm in right now, having abused it hard for awhile. Is it possible to make somewhat of a recovery to where you could be a productive member of society that isn't a retarded looking space monkey busboy?

My friend showed this. We were out one day and suddenly he was determined to get some smack. He had not touched it in years.

He told me he goes through phases. Not sure if he is off it again now or not.

>be OP
>no kids
>no gf
>probably middle class wealth
>half a decade until 30
>too old to party
Your shitposting sucks. You sound like a loser not letting other people have their fun because your so miserable.

I know this is Sup Forums, its anonymous, etc.

This guy has been helpful, lets keep this thread without disputes.

True! I don't partake anymore but there's nothing wrong with moderation.

I was just referring to this particular guy's story because he clearly abused alcohol to the extent that he had to taper his use. I mean, you don't have to do that if you're able to keep your drinking in check on your own. Creating this kind of "only on weekends/just one a day" reward system is a hallmark of alcoholism.

Sadly, so is denial, which was also pretty evident.

well it shouldn't have happen in the first place.
be smart, like me. everytime I'm "going" for a new a drug I fucking read about it for a few days to acknowledge the consequences.
eventually if you are not stupid you will find out that the perfect combination is doing MDMA in spaces of around 4-5 months and LSD/shrooms whenever the fuck you want to.

Nah, this guy's a faggot who gives dangerous, enabling advice.

>25 years old
>likely intelligent
>able to get a mentally intense job
>more successful than you'll ever be

Don't see why a slackjawed basement dweller would feel at all entitled to deliver vitriol such as this.

Anyone who is able to even achieve this level of moderation deserves a pat on the back mate, even if they are here talking about it for peace of mind.

Absolutely, but I feel dumber. Will I get better with sobriety? Or are etards permafried?

>a drug

I hear ya, but in my experience you can't really moderate alcoholism. That's what the experts say, too. I wouldn't have said anything but it seemed pretty clear his priority was confirmation and not providing any useful advice for OP. I don't have a lot of respect for that.

I'll chill, though.

Bruh watch The World's End that movie gives you a bretty good take on that.

fuck user, i'm more or less like op (i'm an IT guy and i'm 24 ) and i thought it was too late to have fun and get drunk on the weekends, you cheered me up.

Ok mate, I do agree that if you are beating something planning to do that thing seems a bit backwards.

The interesting thing with alcohol is once it has been abused, its ruined. I dont think someone can ever go back to having a social beer with a meal ect, its all or nothing.

But, having said that, if I was an alcoholic drinking a beer a day instead of 7-8 a night, id be on to a winner.

The 18-24 demographic is all but mandated by Western civilization to get shitty on the weekends.

fully understand what alcoholism is and what it isn't. I'm not one. This is entertainment to me, while I simultaneously help people out. It's a win win for me.

Anyone can look through out conversation and see your aggressive tendencies toward me. Aggression is a response to threats, and/or and expression of anguish. Pretty interesting to me.

You go out on weekends until you get married and have kids.

there was no offical study about MDMA. just scientists theorys... but if you are having seratonin syndrome forsure(which I doubt it just because you heared about it) then you should recover from it

I can have real answers for you, but I need to know how old you are first..

Not in sketchy way, but it your brain grows on a timeline, and my advice depends on where you are on that timeline.

Whether this is socially acceptable or not is going to depend on where you are. NYC? Hell yes. The suburbs? Not really. Certain small towns? Get ready to carry on until you're 65. Others? Nah, get your shit together you old fuck.

BUUUUUT, generally, this is considered an age of transition from full blown partying to more laid back social drinking. You're at an age where it's like, eh, we'll give you a pass to get shitty, but like you better get your shit together real quick. Definitely generally not as acceptable to do as it is in your early 20s but still accepted.

Going to the bar to shoot pool and have a few is cool until the day you die, though, my man.

25, so my brain is probably almost completely developed.

Excessively reasonable response. Most people in the suburbs go to the city to drink though

how often did you drop? every weekend?

Right, okay so it will take longer but you're not fucked. Neuroplasiticity is the concept that your brain will use other regions of itself to take over functions when other areas are damaged or lacking.

So, if you really try as hard as you can to work on yourself, your other portions of your brain can compensate for the damage you've done by taking over roles they're not normally assigned to do. You can recover.

Yes, you're too old to party. Grow up, grandpa.

I are FAT!₩

15 times or so, but usually megadoses of .4 to .7. This occurred over a four year period.

Nigga you will regret calling people grandpa when you're 25 in a snap of your fingers.

That's really not that bad dude. A lot fo people do it every weekend for a whole year.

I'm always jealous of people going out and posting their shit on snapchat all the time. Then i go out and notice everybody is on their phone just trying to look like they are having fun.

I get more satisfaction of trying out a new food place with my girlfriend, or going kayaking or some shit.

basically the bar scene is superficial and I can't get behind that

I agree, but I guess I mean that if you are trying to be a "suburbanite" it is not as acceptable to do that per the "image" of a suburbanite. Per you caring about your rep I suppose going to the city as a suburbanite to get fucked up is a borderline "acceptable" way of doing it (you're not shitting where you eat so to say), while certainly being easier to maintain your image back home. I suppose I was talking solely about social expectations of different backgrounds.

Not giving a fuck is a different matter altogether, if you don't give a fuck about reputation, image, whatever, do heroin, my main man.

OP, move to the right place and you can get grown man wasted up until you're 35.

Alcohol makes me feel like shit, I say smoke some weed and listen to some music.

>thinks 25 is too old for bars
>financial analyst
You obviously just have aspergers. Go enjoy your life.

Refreshingly honest.

Also, just have fun. Depends on the scene and the people. Getting drunk with a bunch of funny, smart people is great. You'll find that while conversation tends to be shallower it's more baudy and certainly not superficial.

first of all these doses are big. but not fatal to your brain.
second, it depends on the spaces between the trips. you can do 15 times in four years but it depends fi you gave enough time for your brain to recover. I did 6 times in the last 7 months. around 0.170 every night and i am fine. I reccomand doing around 0.17 because you get a nice trip (but not go full clenchjaw retard) and still not being down the next day.

You lost some brain cells, probably lowered your intelligence likely permanently, but the damage will probably become next to negligible with abstinence.