Best Sects of Major Religions

Christianity: Mormonism

Islam: Shiaism

Hinduism: Vaishnavism

Buddhism: Vajrayana

Judaism: Karaitism

What the fuck is Karaitism?

Nah man, subsects of shias is where its at. Alawits included platons soultravel in Islam so they believe in reincarnation.



>Not Catholicism


Christianity: Episcopalian or Anglican

Islam: Sufism? Shia? I'm not sure

Hinduism: Smartism, I guess

Buddhism: Mahayana? I'm not sure

Judaism: Reform

Shias are biggest pieces of shits and most fanatic. Sufism is quite good, by Muslim standards

Mormonism is a joke. I would say either Lutheranism if you're talking about Protestant denominations, otherwise Eastern Orthodox

I would say Sufism for Islam

>Christianity: Mormonism
Mormons are close to Islam than to Christianity, imbecile.

Traditional Catholicism is the best sect of Christianity.

>believing salafi propaganda about alawits

you probably also believe that shias worship Ali

I would not say Mormons are Christian

Christianity: Evangelic lutheralism. It's comfortably lame, and probably the least oppressive to it's follower regarding it's ritualistic demands.

I don't know much about the other religions. Sufism sounds comfy though.

Success breeds jealousy

Christianity : Orthodoxy
Islam : None
Hinduism : Vedanta
Buddhism : Theravada
Judaism : Sadducean

Christianity: idk

Islam: Quranism

Hinduism: hmm...

Bushism: anyone who believe god

Judaism: Judaism


>t. knows nothing about Karaitism

The best sect would be Breslov Hasidic aka "Nahmanim".

>saudi defending shias

W-Whats going on here?

Catholics are retards. Protestantism is where it's at!