What are your favorite martial arts films?

What are your favorite martial arts films?

My top 5, in no particular order:

>Five Deadly Venoms
>The Raid: Redemption
>36th Chamber of Shaolin
>Master of the Flying Guillotine

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i think the final fight in Jackie Chans Young Master is the greatest fight sequence ever filmed by a wide margin, also the fight in Wheels on Meals

That good? Wow. Young Master is still on my list, but maybe I'll watch it tonight. How's the movie in general?

Honestly, when it comes down to it, no kung Fu movies at really that great... And the fighting always looks really fake and choreographed. Even Jackie Chan's stuff, which is very impressive, is so impressive that it looks like it requires extensive planning and many takes and lots of setup. I mean I realize they do, but you can see it in the final product. Just meh.

You're probably going into the movies for the wrong thing, then. It's most likely a good idea to look at kung fu movies as a subgenre of fantasy.

That said, what do you think of this:


I used to like them. They just don't entertain me anymore. When I still watched them, I enjoyed 36 Crazy Fists. It's a bit boring but has its moments.

>Five Deadly Venoms
>Drunken Master (the original)
>Secret Rivals
>Hell's Wind Staff
>The Way of the Dragon

Anything with Hwang Jang Lee is Kung Fu kino


Literally anything that Godfrey Ho shat out.

Young Master is a really strong outing, it's fun, actually funny at times when usually i find the humour to be a bit too broad in those early works.. and great fight sequences throughout. but it all comes together for that 10 minute+ 1 on 1 at the end. just perfect