Men, I have a question for you, female to male

Men, I have a question for you, female to male.

What makes you think it is okay for any of you to wantonly harrass and rape us?
Every day I see it, I live it. Men everywhere approaching, talking to, standing close by and looking at women without our goddamn permission.

Why? Why do you do this? Is it that much fun for you to hurt us? Do you think you own us?

Women never hurt anyone, we try our goddamned best every single day to please absolutely everyone, all we ask in return is some basic fucking empathy.

Have the empathy, the kindness or even the sense of duty to do these small things for us, as we constantly live to consider your feelings:

- Keep your eyes pointed downwards, we did not ask you to look at us or in our direction.

- Keep your distance from us, we cannot tell which one of you is going to be another rapist, if you care at all about our mental well-being you will do what you can to stay far away.

- Do not, in any circumstance, talk to us without being spoken to first. If we do allow you to talk, please keep it to answers only. We spend our entire lives being told what to do by men, even though we never do the reverse.

- If a woman is standing anywhere near where you need to be, please just give up and find something else. Especially in supermarkets there's 'aisle-harrassment' where men think it is okay to get close to you only because they 'need' something from the aisle we're in.

These are just the basics, but I see men fucking this up all the time. Please mind these simple rules and help make the world a little more equal.

Other urls found in this thread:

Tits or get the fuck out

Why is rape such a big deal? What make women think its ok to be such vagina horders?

This isn't even good bait.


GI've is tits or go back to tumblr

Shit bait fuck off


What this man said.


I don't recall having to ask permission to look at someone, or stand somewhere. What makes you think it's okay to trivialize true harassment with your bullshit?

Are you saying that you never approach, talk to, or even stand near someone without asking first?

If true you are aspie-tier. I don't need to ask permission to walk towards or stand near you if you're standing in public space. And I can't ask your permission to speak to you, because asking permission implies speaking to you, not that one needs to ask permission to speak anyways...

2/10 just for making me reply.



why dont you all just pick a state and move there like the homos?

The real issue here is that u are mediocre at best. Mediocre face and small tits, flat ass.. we only want to jizz on ya face hoe, and that's if we get fucked up ......otherwise, nobody wants they seed in u.


not even black children talk like this


U obviously have literally never even talked to a black person. Giant mega cuck faggot confirmed. Maybe one day some faggot will let you suck his dick, until then, good luck with life idiot.

Ok OP, I'll bite.
The funny thing about this whole post is that if you just reverse every instance of the word men and women, it would read out completely the same. Because it's a black and white mentality in post form. And something tells me that you won't think too highly of the reverse, now will you?


Ironically, you don't want a man that respects you.

What's funny is if we stop hitting on you...guess what happens to your self plummets HARD.
You women thrive on attention. You really want us to stop hitting on you? Feeding you confidence?
Try living as a male. Try chasing the opposite sex. Try living in our shoes for a day and then we'll see who's whining about 'harassment'.
You lucky dumbfuck.

im confused. if were not supposed to look at you, talk to you, or be anywhere near you then how do you expect babbys to get made?


>Giant mega cuck faggot
Are you being serious? Because if so, oh god the sweet irony. The internet badass who can't spell attacks someone by essentially calling them a beta male. Yeah, good job calling the kettle black.

man like that are retarded. society is purging their kind slowly but surely. the muslims are def trying to keep the style around though.

Idk. It just feels right.

Your face is the perfect shield against rape.

because these dumb sluts are ignorant. i'm male and would love to be flocked by females all day feeding into my ego. they don't understand how easy they have it.
stupid bitches bitching about getting hit on KEK


even if OP is b8, there are women in this world that are upset that they are being hit on. they are fucking retarded and dont understand how easy they have it.

see this.

You need to buy a dictionary and look up what ironic means. Not sure how me being strong and you being weak is irony? I will dominate you in every aspect of life, there is literally not one single thing on the planet you, Luke do better than me. That's a fact that has been proven by you and your "insult" about spelling! Lol, you truly are the most epic beta cuck In the history of man.

I have to talk to women sometimes as a part of my job as a cashier, I'm so sorry for the harassment. I never meant to hurt anyone when I asked if they found everything okay. I didn't realize it was just the symbolic waving of my penis, a virtual assault. I can no longer live with what I have done.

Yessur ..

Replying to bait............????

see this.

tumblr back again you all just don't learn or is this Sup Forums ?

Stfu bitch. Last time i checked, its a bunch of white female teachers that are raping a bunch of underage boys. Sure i want one to rape me too. Yet i will call you out for your double standards, fucking whore

The fact that people like you even exist make me want to kill myself.
What makes you think it's okay for you to separate males from females and say they harass you, when in reality, being looked at isn't rape?
What makes you think that being asked a question, ever, is a bad thing?
What makes you think that you've been raped before? The definition of rape is "unlawful sexual intercourse," not what men do on a daily basis, which is even somewhat glance in someone's direction.
What makes you think that all men are abnormally unlawful?
I sincerely feel sorry for you. Not because you "put up with 'harassment' on a daily basis," but because you put up with whatever mental illness you have.
And don't even categorize yourself with real feminists. Feminists fight for equal rights, not full matriarchy. You qualify as a "feminazi," someone who fights for female dominance.
So do us all a favor and leave. Don't touch the internet until you fucking learn what it means to be raped, to be harassed. To be mentally stable.

Same pasta, different wording

see this...again.



Well played user. Well played

this thread is sad, almost as sad as the fact someone probably spent like 10 minutes writing that OP

well played troll op


We know its bait idiots.


sweet heart relax... u good look'n girl... normal you get all type of advances from guys... the perks of life 4 a hot chick... btw, love 2 take that coffee cup and shove it up your ass!!! kidding :)

Damn I've been trying to say this for a long time


when they talk to/select you. She made it very clear

its because you are weaker, do you have big muscles and a lot of testosterone? No, now put your dirty palms on the sink and bend over, bitch

I'm so sorry for the way we treat you. You're right, we're pigs. But I'm here to say that I'm different from the rest. If you give me a chance, we can cuddle on the couch. I can make you popcorn, and we can laugh at the goofy commercials that come on.
If you give me a chance I can show you that all men aren't bad. We can both do the dishes, but i'll be the one that's mostly in the kitchen :P

Bait. Also, why should I give a fuck what women as a demographic give about me? They're not exactly my target audience, op, and we know damn well they're not yours either.

Why do women not need to wear a watch ?...... Because there is a clock on the stove. Get back in the kitchen where you belong beeotch.

eat a bag of dicks and die...then you won't have to worry so much...

The world would be a better place if all women killed themselves.

We treat you like shit because you behave like shit you deserve it.

Rape, killing, abuse fuck women.

Lol I've been seeing a trend lately where people don't know the rules of a public space. If you're in public, nobody needs you're fucking consent to look at you or film you or whatever lmao. I don't know where people got this idea but it's fucking retarded.

Do you have some food for me... some Italian food?

My bad

it's not an idea they've gotten. It's just power. Now they're making the rules for where you're allowed to place your eyes. It's just a power play, and they slowly take more and more of it






this is actually worse than OPs bait
9/10 i raged pretty hard reading this

You're just a pig. You don't know to treat a lady. They are like a delicate flower and you treat them like a trash barrel.
Please, sweetheart. Take a chance on me. I have a tender singing voice and although I don't know how to play a musical instrument...I can learn for you. Please take a chance on me and I'll show you why the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Please user...I want to show you the real sunrise :3