The picture you saw on this thread is an imprisoned entity with his soul bonded to this thread. When this thread dies...

The picture you saw on this thread is an imprisoned entity with his soul bonded to this thread. When this thread dies, he will go to hell.

However, you can delay his suffering by posting on this thread.

Bye soul


Timestamp faggot

What if you save the picture?



But of more than one of us save the picture will his soul be split on to pieces?

When you save the picture, nothing will happen. His soul is bounded to the thread.

>When this thread dies, he will go to hell.
You seem to be mistaken, he's already here.

May he live forever

This is only the first layer of hell.

Or multiple souls. Thus multiple copies of his being in different independent timelines. Or perhaps a multi-state consciousness where he is aware of all his presences at once.

Will each new soul be as potent as the original though? If saving the image is copying him only, does that mean saving the image saves a version of him while yet another goes to hell?


So if we save a picture we either
1) create a new copy who is fully aware of the hellish suffering of his counterpart and condemn two to eternal torment.

2) save a version of him while the other goes to hell

3) shatter his soul

4) not sure what happens.

I'd feel bad from him, but how do we know he isn't a dick? Maybe we should save him.

I trapped his soul even though he didn't do shit.

That you know of? Or are you certain he's pretty a pretty average normie and you chose him at random.


ayy lmao

He's this kid that lives next door. He's pretty nice actually.

Scp 2998

That's where I found the image from.

Will he be in hell forever?


He'll go to hell anyways so what's the point?

Let him have his last moments of pleasure bro.

Is he a normie?


Ehh. I'm not too concerned then. It might build character for him. Hope he has a good time. Also you're a bit rude to send people to hell like that aren't you.

I'm not in a good mood, so that's why I sent him to hell. I'll let him browse and interact with people here when he's in hell. Not sure if it will worsen his torment.

Okay. How do you have hell sending powers again? And just because of a bad mood? You should try yoga or something more constructive.

Sure, that will be a hell of an exercise.

I deleted system 32 to gain the power.

Good joke.

I will try deleting it to get power too. You've given me such wisdom. Here I was thinking you were a mean guy.

if you insist

Your welcome. It will help you turn down the brightness for your computer too. So you don't blind yourself.

Man, you're nice guy and tech wizard.


poor guy

Maybe he's suffering and wants death
