Early U2 is solid post-punk, The Joshua Tree is a classic rock album, and 90s U2 experimented with influence from MBV and Einsterze Neubauten and electronic music (Passengers is Kid A 5 years before the fact). All hugely acclaimed btw. Why is so hard for people to accept this?
Early U2 is solid post-punk, The Joshua Tree is a classic rock album...
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Kenny's album wasn't that good that you can try and spread this bullshit literally suck my ass dude.
vertigo is pretty sweet
go back to /r/music you fucking moron
or at least learn some fucking music history
Because they probably heard U2 for the first time in like 2010 so it's not as impressive as if they'd listened to U2 in the 90s
It's easy to criticize music like that without proper context.
why does nobody on Sup Forums seem to know anything about u2 outside vertigo, south park, bono being a douche, and the itunes thing?
>listens to U2
>tells someone else to go back to r/music
80s and 90s U2 are hardly reddit at all you moron. No more or less respectable than REM and the Talking Heads and Simple Minds and Radiohead.
as far as i am concerned the only U2 songs that are worth hearing are the ones I happen to hear in supermarkets
Because of that South Park episode where Bono is a literal piece of shit.
>All hugely acclaimed btw
why is this statement a part of your argument for the band
Most people seem to think U2 is the most reviled band around
>my sides
What part of that is not true, exactly?
I'm pretty sure Reddit hates U2 and Bono
all of it faggo
Just stop with this meme
Because they put themselves on our fucking phones
Fucking pretentious pieces of garbage
More like shitty post grunge pop rock that all sounds like boring shit for moms
if you want to differentiate Sup Forums from reddit then stop meme-hating U2
>Bono being a douche
but i still don't get this
U2 is reddits favorite band
just fyi kanye west is reddit's favourite artist, w/ about 70k subscribers
U2's subreddit has about 2% of that
Achtung Baby is good.
you asked me why people think he's a douche.
yfw U2 met joy division while they recorder closer and got their producer to work with them on a single
u2 fucking sucks