so i guess this is getting a tv show
So i guess this is getting a tv show
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re-reading the books onto the second it seems rand is turning into a bit of a cock
Despite many BDSM themes throughout the series, Mat is the only MC who comes close to being cucked. He doesn't raise another's offspring but he is raped and does miscegenate.
are we reading the same book?
Rand ends up with four wives and he gets to ditch them all publicly in the end.
Perrin's wife is captured by an Aiel who doesn't even rape her and Perrin smashes the Aiel's head to bits before going on to acquire god powers.
Mat gets raped by a woman and marries a negress, he's really the only one who comes close to cucking.
>marries a negress
pic related is tuon
Tuon is repeatedly described as having tightly curled black hair, full lips, and dark skin. Winter's Heart chapter 14, Crossroads of Twilight chapter 3, and more.
does idris elba have time to lead this too?
Friendly reminder their are no black people in WOT.
t. robert jordans ghost
Oh god, those books seriously fucked up my sexual development as a kid, it's like a literary version of Totally Spies.
Who do you cast as Rand? Don't post some skinny fucking twink faggot please.
wow your really impressionable then
shes asian. i wouldnt fuck with a guy who will reach inside his head and rip out his own eye though
Who is going to pick this up? HBO already have GOT maybe netflix? AMC?
arent those boat people like jamacan blacks?
Sea Folk are Polynesian, but a lot of the Seanchan are Black, like Musenge.
Seanchan are oriental don't listen to people from deviantart tier idiots
The sea folk are not fucking polynesian you fucking idiot. The are closer to indian looking closer to south american mixed
>I don't even know what Polynesians look like but I'm going to disagree anyway
>Indian looking
>Closer to South American mixed
So...Polynesian? Kek
whats your favorite wheel of time scene you would love to see on tv or film? mine is either dumais well where the ashaman tear up the aiel to rescue rand, or when rand tells all 3 girls he loves her, nynave starts ripping out her hair and lan "studies the contents of his pipe"
so i guess you are a shill.
We have plenty of polynesians in my country burger.
Also that dude that was fucking morgase was not black but actually greek looking
How do you get polynesian = indian looking? Are you retarded?
When moraine bonds land.
When Rand and Min(?) kiss and fuck in that magical bubble or whatever for the first time.
13 year old me thought it was dope.
>magical bubble
i dont recall that, are you thinking of aviehnda and that igloo rand made?
I will not let these race revisionists try and fucking say WOT is full of blacks. When it wasn't.
I'm sure the show will be terrible and pg-13 tier with terrible casting.
I mean lets look at how hollywood is going beauty is not the in thing anymore due to feminism.
Nynaeve, egwene, elayne, moraine, min, tuon etc... are said to be 10/10's
They won't even get matt, rand and perrin right and thats probably the easiest casting i've ever heard off.
yeah i reckon thats what he's thinking
man also aviehnda is said to be all tight muscles fitness model tier body
i'm sure they will get some soft body chick who cant even live up to the athletic look that is required
>Plenty of Polynesians in my country
Oh that's cool, I actually live in the Pacific. Please tell me more about what you think they look like.
yeah let's not pretend that WOT isn't pg 13 fantasy
God the women are insufferable in WoT. Cattiest bitches ever. Nynaeve was GOAT though and she was actually pretty fucking talented.
Lol the Pacific is a large ocean friend.
But you do realise with the power of the internet one can actually just do a quick google search and it will tell you all about polynesia.
Sure i don't live on french polynesia but i know what polynesians look like and nobody in WOT looks like that.
already happened:
except this was an attempt at keeping rights and it didnt work. the estate of the author recently said that a new tv deal was going on
Hidden Mickeys is now a TV show?
Rand see's his mom being tortured by the dark one? How will they handle this seen.
>The Pacific is an ocean
Well yes, yes it is. Kek.
You don't know what a Polynesian is, do you? Get back onto that Google research train.
has anything been confirmed yet?
You will be surprised with what you can get away with when a something is rated pg-13. Anyways isn't it supposed to be a tv show so it will be tv-14.
those bitches are forced to thank mat for saving their lives
Ok your full blown retard.
Your not maori by any chance friend?
>he doesn't know we were once warriors
>My full blown retard
Is that supposed to be you?
last i read tor (the publisher) said the property had been optioned by someone. thats all, but its more then it had before when that company that couldnt afford to make a indie budget movie had the rights to it
>I was in wheel of time bro
Why won't they say who it is then?
I am curios to see which fantasy books are being adapted.
>The Name of the Wind
I thought there were two others as well, but I can't recall them. Obviously DT is already being filmed.
The two rivers people were all sub-saharan africans.
I live in Africa so i should know.
>tfw I misspelled curious
dumb phone poster
they might have the article was from may i think, just google tor wheel of time tv show and it will be first thing
they are making name of the wind show? im almost done with the first book and its ok, i wouldnt hate seeing a show on it
>four wives
Aviendha, Elayne, and Min?
Are you trolling or just stupid?
Deviant art tier retards don't get to decide what colour tuon is, sorry. see
idris elba
Lionsgate bought the property a year ago and last I heard they plan on making a film, a tv show, and a game. Though who knows if it will actually happen.
Hell, I am starting to think the Witcher film might not even happen and it has a director and producers attached to it. At least the director is a massive of the series. That's got to count for something if it ever gets made.
Here is an article about it.
I dunno a twitter post is sort of not much to go on.
are you trolling or just stupid
He's right you know. It has everything from implied rape, femdom, mind control, polygamy, and there is at least one scene I can remember that could be considered breast expansion.
Just ordered my new ring.
Carai an Caldazar
Dark complexion does not equal black.
well it sure as fuck doesnt mean white or yellow
>silky straight black hair
to a white person that has never seen anything else, a asian person could very well have a dark complexion
Mark my words, this will be on a network like NBC or ABC, and it will be horribly fucking bad. They will rape the fuck out of the story to make it more syndication friendly.
see In reality she is eurasian but because of you retards they will put a fucking negress in their.
Oh its going to be legend of the seeker tier production.
I am betting NBC as ABC has Once Upon a Time.
sure mate, authors usually go on long winded descriptions of character features and gowns because the in story characters like to think about all that shit and not for the benefit of the reader.
I have seen production values far worse for a fantasy show. So it could always be worse.
You Sup Forums-tards just doesn't want too see a black Tuon, but an asian waifu.
ok lets look at it this way, under five feet tall, straight hair, dark complexion. thats 2 for not being black and 1 for being black. where do we go from there
>under 5 foot black, shes abbo then
no, it says shes attractive
>He doesn't agree with me on the race of a character therefore he must be a Sup Forumstard
No i know tuon will be black as midnight in the show but in the book she is oriental like all the other seanchan.
>and a very dark complexion
I wonder what Jordan meant with that...
she clearly was doing a tastefully done blackface
Dark copmlexion for wheel of time is Sicilian/Greek tier.
Just stop.
>being this afraid of a nigerian goddess
>Tuon can't be a nigger, I've dreamt wet dreams about her!
>tuon is the only black in a land of asians
makes perfect sense
>Tuon has to be black because reddit tells me so and i've looked up deviant art pics of her.
>I can't understand her in book description so I call her asian
I'm not though, this bitch is hot as fug.
>I can't understand that dark complexion does not equal black
>Perfect fit for Tuon
>dark complexion surely doesn't mean dark skin!
I always forgot how JJ wasted her talents in TFA.
tbf this user is kind of right, I have seen dark complexion be used to describe a character who was in fact not black in other books so who knows
This is close to what tuon really looks like.
Like others have said how did your full negress become princess of a country full of orientals?
Like others have said tuon is oriental and she only looks dark because the white characters have never seen other races.
Dark complexion does not equal black.
>Dark complexion
What about VERY dark complexion as written in the book?
ITT: Sup Forums in denial
Why do redditors push all this race shit in fantasy shows.
Why can't they be happy with a couple of races in a show? Why do they have to go and campaign for a completely wrong casting just so they can throw some darkie into a show?
Emma should be cast as Elayne.