Am I the only one that feels bad for them...

Am I the only one that feels bad for them? I know they are money sucking jews and Paul Feig has an agenda but deep inside maybe they thought the movie would turn out good.

I can just imagine them coming home after they got their parts all excited to at least do something cool that doesnt involve wedding dresses.

Then coming home and read comment after comment about how it was pure shit.

I know they are swimming in dollars but its just a movie guys, remember when they did the remake of Nightmare on Elm st? People hated it but not on this level.

I think its time to be real men and step up, this shit aint right and you know it.

In a couple of months things will be back to normal and they will keep doing "girly" movies, they will still be famous but every night before they sleep they are reminded that when they tried something different everyone hated them.

I will never watch the movie because we already have the original and thats what people dont get, they have remade pretty much every 80s franchise and it was all shit but that doesnt mean your childhood is ruined.

I dont know, im probably a cuck for even thinking this but I dont think they deserved to be treated like shit for a fucking ghost movie.

If we hate women this much, what makes us different from ISIS?

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In everything I've seen it seems like wiig realized it was a mistake

I didn't read all of it but I agree

I feel bad for Wiig
In every picture you can see it in her eyes that she knows shes made a terrible mistake

I have no sympathy.

Who the fuck cares it's just a movie. Get over it

this is an image board. not a blog.

You know what's funny?

I can snap and kill every mother fucker on this board if we met IRL.

Seriously, think about it. I'd have your windpipe crushed, your nose flattened, your teeth shattered, your fingers broken, and your eyes gouged out before you would even know what's happening.

You guys talking big shit. Watch yourselves.

> look I wrote it again

To be fair I don't hate them. I hate the absolute shit sandwich they made