Did your dad ever shit the bed with sports and you?

Did your dad ever shit the bed with sports and you?

I have two instances

>took me to see Joe Namath at a meet and greet. Namath was hungover and disinterested

>took me to the Rangers game to see Gretzky. Gretzky barely played and the Rangers lost

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neither of those were his fault you autistic cuck.

So your dad went out of his way to take you to places to meet famous people and go to sporting events and you're bitching about it? Am I correct about that?

absolutely. my dad coached my little league team and was a screaming passive aggressive asshole. made me hate the sport when it's supposed to be fun and let you develop as a person.

Ungrateful little cunt.

Your dad sounds awesome.

My dad took my sister to meet Adam Johnson

Dad got his dick sucked by Aaron Rodgers but didn't cum. It was even more embarrassing seeing Aaron cum while sucking his dick.

The day I beat my dad at golf was bittersweet. Now he hits irons off the white tees.

Dad is Steve Bartman

Yeah, he walked out on my mom before I was born. So I never learned shit about sports and never played them until I joined the army and learned how to box and play rugby.

Oh god iktfb. It's not bad if you're just getting good at golf, but if it's because he's starting to get worse that's the killer.

t. nigger

I remember the first time I beat my dad in tickle fight


My dad basically is a fucking nigger. I on the other hand went to UW on a full academic scholarship in addition to G.I. Bill benefits. I'm finishing my doctorate next year. I would've become a full-blown nigger myself had the service not straightened me out.

The saddest part is he comes from a good home and a good family. He has one nigger-like brother, but the rest of his siblings are good-quality people.

Someone threw a piss bag in my dad when he was a teenager so he always hated football culture.

i only went, and still go, to the stadium with my mom

>piss bag
thank God, I don't live in SA. Although I wish we had some of your women.

This made me laugh out loud in class

Sounds like your dad cant handle da bantz

Nice blog you nigger


>that time at the biannual family reunion when everyone played crabcock and daddy made a big cum so your team lost
still haven't been able to look him in the face

>tfw dad graduated from 3 universities while I can barely graduate from a regional university
>tfw he now has dementia and most people would think he was retarded
feels bad man, that "retarded" man accomplished more than I ever could

Im not involved in this story but my dad is
>time is 1969
>Grand dad is big Michigan fan
>Michigan is really fucking shit then
>Grand dad takes my young dad to the Michigan- Ohio State game
>they thought michigan would lose but my grand dad had some extra money and wanted to do something cool with my dad because they never did anything because my grand dad was always busy
>Michigan upset Ohio State in what was the upset of the century
>They stormed the field apparently but I can't tell if there in the video because its so grainy and overall I just can't tell who they are
>My dad says it was the best moment of his life besides his kids birth and was glad he wasn't a angsty asshole teenager and went
>Grand dad died two years ago right before Michigan came back
>before every game I go to I wear his favorite jersey for good luck.
If your interested in the event I described just search Michigan vs. Ohio State 1969

>upset of the century


I don't know much about Amerifats playing a pretend sport >for free, but shit, nigga, your grandpa liked a pretty based team:


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuug, hits too close to home

>Chink military father
>Basically in my first 10 years of life, all he did was beat me and scream at me to be a Straight-A student
>Literally, from the day I was born, he tried to raise me like I was in the military
>Kept saying shit like "If this were the Korean military, you would have been discharged by now!", and I'd always hold back trying to say shit like "Good, I'd have done it years ago" because I knew if I did, he'd fucking kill me
>Left mom and me for some other woman and tried to blame me on it
>Grew up being a psycho fucking asshole due to all the "you gotta be tough and merciless" shit he tried to teach me
>Ended up being such a shitty person
>Hung out with shitty people
>Ditched school, drank, smoked
>Almost raped a girl once at a party
>Really fucked up shit
>Mom took me to church for the first time one day
>People kept treating me nicely, and I thought it was some sort of, like, thing
>I literally didn't know people treated each other nicely jut for niceness' sake
>I thought they were being two-faced or something; the concept of being treated nicely for no reason has never occurred to me until then
>Eventually, through church, learn about football
>Then learn about lifting
>Then learn about sweet baby Jesus
>Then my badass pastor introduced me to boxing
>Now I do MMA "in the name of the Lord"
>It's pretty much just beating the shit out of people and then asking them to come over to our church's barbecue next week

Church literally saved my life. Nowadays, I don't even give a shit about what my father's doing or where he is. It's just me, my girl, my mom, and my stepfather, who I admire dearly for having to put up with my teenager-ass until I calmed the fuck down.

I admire the path life has taken you on, my dude. I don't think a lot of people realize just how hard life can be when even just one person in your life fucks it up for everything else. Literally a case of "keep on keeping on", I guess.


That's a great story

You need to hunt down your father and kill him.

He would understand

My dad saw John Belushi at a Kings game

Said he was an asshole

The exact opposite happened with me, I actually fucked my dad out of a Game 7 in the NBA Finals, almost 2.

My dad had season tickets for the Lakers from 84 right up until last year when he passed away. In 2010 he was going to game 7 against the Celtics with my brother but he fucked up his shoulder that morning and needed to stay in the hospital. I asked if he just wanted me to stay with him in his room and watch the game with him. He just kinda laughed and told me to go.

He laughed because in the 1988 Finals I was born during game 6 and he actually had to miss the game, but he did make it to game 7.

I mean a game 6 and almost a 7.


>I actually fucked my dad

Your dad really cucked you.

>born an only child, dad almost 40 when I was born
>would try to do sports stuff with my dad growing up
>would ask to hit the baseball around, shoot hoops, go swim, throw the football around, anything
>rarely ever did anything, would just tell me to "find friends to do it with instead"
>wouldn't even watch sports with me and would instead yell at me for being inside watching sports
>spend basically my entire upbringing never bonding, never teaching me any skills (talking to girls/people, shaving, driving, nothing), just yelling at me and mom all the time and being selfish, pretty much all our conversations turn into fights
>then wonders why I barely even talk to him

I literally don't think I've ever had a real conversation with the guy and I'm 24 years old. Only thing memorable he ever did for me was give me a large stock portfolio when I turned 21.

I've also never seen him with a friend once in my entire life. Has literally never done anything unless it was alone or with my mom/me/both of us. I mean I feel bad for him because his only child, a son, is a complete loser, but I feel like he would have turned out the same way if he hadn't met my mom.