What's your solution to hangover prevention and coping skills?

What's your solution to hangover prevention and coping skills?

I try to drink lots of water and a vitamin pill before bed but never works.

What's your secret?

i punch myself in the dick and then cut it off and bleed out and die.

pls try

Grow up

Nope that does work.

But you need to drink nearly a gallon of water.

A gallon? I will try that next time then. Hopefully I won't piss the bed

Listen to Death and drink more.

Try those powders y put in drinks with the salt and shit

no mix, no ultra cheap alcohol. quality wine and/or beer is what works best for me
a lot of water before bed and a fruit

these work if you don't get wasted beyond measure or get wasted everynight. otherwise being hangover just comes with your alcoholism and you'll have to deal with it

Don't get hangovers? I drink frequently and have few hangovers.

But when I do I take Advil (Ibuprofen) first thing when I wake up. Drinking water helps this too.

Not tylenol though. Alcohol and acetaminophen don't mix well in your liver.

I don't drink often but when I do I usually drink too much... Far too much, I guess I deserve it

Drink Gatorade before you go to sleep

>lots of water before bed

This is the only thing you need. LOTS of water. BEFORE bed = NO hangover at all.

Too late the next day when you have the hangover.

user is correct in all regards.

Tylenol/acetaminophen kills your liver. medical fact. I haven't taken it in decades for this reason.

Drink that water the night before. Lots of it.

>What's your secret?
good genes

But if you don't have a natural resistance to hangover effects, drink gatorade, that will help you to cope with dehydration

Also, spicy and greasy food when hangover help to process the excess of alcohol

hangovers suck

Bottle of gatorade works evertime

I drink a lot of water, take a multivitamin, and throughout the night I take sips of pickle juice. Sounds odd, but it's got those salts and shit that help you rehydrate.

Don't drink like a retard

Eat well, remain hydrated, don't mix drinks, and don't drink a lot too fast

You'll be fine next morning

>don't mix drinks, and don't drink a lot too fast




Amphetamines while drinking, later benzos. Haven't hab a hangover in years

drink only one ounce booze per hour

I was never able to mitigate hangovers. I think some people have bodies that process impurities more efficiently and I don't have one of those.

However, a joint, a beer, and fried food would usually put me back together fine.

I stopped drinking because of hangovers, though. Not fucking worth it.

First and foremost, dont drink excessively.

Secondly, drink Gatorade. Water doesn't cut it.

I used to be able to drink loads, eat a bit before bed and wake up feeling fine. Now it lasts all day feeling like shit

do u know where u are?

I don't live in fat land we don't sell gatorade

Extreme hangovers, those kind that last for a couple of days, are mainly caused by dehydration and withdrawal symptoms from the booze. Plenty of water throughout will help, but the hazy, sweaty, general feeling of scuminess are unavoidable. Withdrawing from a booze binge is hard, get over it or don't drink basically.

Sorry boys, I think you're just getting old. I'm 18 and a pint of water before bed stops normal hangovers.

I guess it could be that you're getting incredibly fucked everytime, for those kinds there's no cure.

Eat 1000 calories worth of greasy food and chug a bottle of water right before you pass out = no hangover

you need to slow down.
i'm going through recovery right now. i used to wake up every morning and have seisures then vomit. coldsweats and almost blacking out.
i did some research and found out you could ask a doctor or go to an e.r. to ask for Librium. this helps with alcohol withdrawl. currently fighting alcohol induced hepatitis.

Source: alcoholic

Gatorade will dehydrate you though mix both

the secret is dont drink

Not drinking. Failing that? Cranberry juice for days.

The point IS to drink don't be faggots

samefag here.
you're putting a bandaid on a fart.
find some hobbies and don't focus on hangover cures. fix that problem you have whatever it may be. you can do it.

Don't mix all kinds of shit, take it easy, make sure to get hangover tablets

Or just start your day with a bottle of vodka

look man, you're basically saying "how do i cause without effect?"
the universe always maintains balance
for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
you drink, you get a hangover
that's life

hepatitis. don't dog hair it like i was doing.
currently i can only make it until about 12pm before my nerves take over.

Water i guess, while im drinking and lots before bed but when you drink as much as i do its extremely hard to avoid. I dont even get sick or headaches anymore, it just twists my nerves and it lasts 3-5 days. Would rather feel sick to be honest

I don't get hangovers.

I also never get sick/ throw up while drinking.

I can also drink copious amounts without acting mindless/ without forgetting what I did the next day.

I do, however, sometimes drink to the point my anxiety problems come back and incapacitate me for a week up to a whole month.

Also if I drink too much I piss myself in my sleep.

u sound like a freak

Stick to wine. Avoid beer and distilled liquor. Go to bed with a quart of Gatorade next to your bed, drink some of it when you wake up to pee during the night. Eat breakfast. If you overdid it, there's no way around a hangover.

dude literally stay hydrated, take a bottle of water to bed with u. DONT DRINK cheap liquor and dont drink too fast. literally nothing else to it.


I drink vodka and blackcurrant squash with water, keeps you hydrated and you can make the squash strong to hide the alcohol taste. Don't mix drinks, take paracetamol before bed, eat something before bed to soak up some of the alcohol.

I drink a lot of moonshine and if I also drink water through the night I don't get a handover the next day. Some times it's hard to do though cause when you get really fucked up you forget

it's not about drinking water before bed, it's about drinking water while you're drinking, so you stay hydrated the whole time. drinking water after you've already dehydrated yourself is just a bandaid on the situation. Try shit like gatorade or something, WHILE you're getting drunk.

>What's your secret?

I don't drink

Become an alcoholic, you don't get hangovers if you drink everyday.

nice quads

>handover fist?

trips too

Pickling liquids tend to work for me. It was fairly common back home to either chase with a shot of it, or have some at the end of the night.

I drink just one type of alchoolic drink.

Sort of you don't get those noticeable hangovers but you do have like a constant subtle one

alternate water and booze


This kid is half right.
I've been getting paraletic drunk every night for most of my life and certainly my entire adult life and still been holding down a steady job to this very day.
At the ripe old age of 27 though it's no where near as easy as it once was.

Drnk every day. Havnt had a hangover in years. I wake up every morning around 4 am because of alcohol withdrawls tho

Alcohol is a terrible drug. It can be useful, in moderation, in social situations. But it invariably makes the user feel like shit. Even moderate intake just feels slightly toxic-- like eating gas station food for a few days.


I eat something semi-greasy like a burger and drinking lots of water before calling it a night, it also helps if you don't smoke while drinking

You'll probably just puke or feel very sick if you drink that much at once

When I was 18 I could get black-out drunk and be fine the next day

What the fuck are you talking about

If you have a hangover the next day, a bottle of Pediasure works wonders. Hangover half gone after chugging the bottle. Then just hydrate.

drink a liter of water before bed. it helps to keep it on your pillow so you don't forget, or wherever your gutter of choice is since this is Sup Forums. in the morning you drink two tablespoons of applecider vinegar with a glass of water, then have a cup of detox tea, and a vitamin water energy around lunchtime, if you got a bad headache smoke a bowl. youre welcome


>jerk off a lot and stay in bed
>buy the most disgusting greasy pizza i can think off
>best of all: drink again