What does /b do when they run out of weed?

>What does /b do when they run out of weed?

Daily stoner here, my dealer couldn't delivar today so I started drinking beer (Jupiler) now but the alcohol buzz just isn't my thing.

Any other things you guice do to get a buzz while waiting for your next bud delivery?

Also stoner thread

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Usually drink alcohol even though I don't like getting drunk. I've been looking up kratom, I don't know if it's for me, though.

Getting drunk definately doesn't fill my craving for getting high. Just makes me wanna sleep and gives me headache or worse.

I also vape (I know, the shame) and have been looking into cbd hemp oil. But as far as I can find that also doesn't seem to do the trick. Gets you a bit more at ease at best. Any experiences someone?

tried out something the other week. scraped out reclaim from bowl. mixed the relcaim with iso 91%. dried on a plate and scraped with a razor. added that to butter and put it on my french toast. gave me a very mild high. lasted about 3 hours.

I pop over to the dispensary when I'm out. Even when I'm broke its only a few bucks for some popcorn bud.

I inject pipe cleaner, its a great high and almost simulates the feeling of THC

When I run out I just use that to start a tolerance break. If you take a week or two off once a month, you can keep your tolerance in check and weed will stay interesting instead of a habitual thing you have to do to function.

I used to keep a jar of mellow red kratom around for dry days. Works nice. Some people say it's addictive but I was taking it 2-3 times a day for about a year or so and had no problem stopping. Like, I titrated over the course of maybe a week and then I was all done.

This is good advice.

It's important to remind yourself you don't have to smoke every day. It's not heroin so there's no need to treat it like it.

Are you me? kek

It's really fucking stupid to smoke every day. If you smoke it once a month and slam a big joint, it's an intense psychedelic experience. If you smoke several joints a day, you can rip a bong hit and barely feel anything.

You're also not using the supply effectively since you have to smoke like 10x more than someone without a tolerance would have to, to reach that same high

Shroom tea.

How on earth is that a replacement? Unless you're taking small sub-threshhold doses

Just go a day without smoking, you fucking crackhead. I smoke every day, but if I can't smoke (like right now I quit for a bit for a job) then I just go on with my life. It's weed, brah, not crack.

You can't go a day without weed? Fuckin addict.

It's not a replacement. What would you even replace weed with?

I just do this thing called not run out, have multiple dealers, and buy in bulk

Do you know how to scrape a pipe/bowl for resin?

People do get psychologically addicted to weed.

It blows my mind that stoners like you are unaware of this.


>weed isn't addictive bro I just can't go a full day sober


Whenever I do a tolerance break, even after a few weeks, it's always just my first joint that gets me high af. The second and onward is just same old high as before.

Smoke about 5-10 grams a week which isn't that much (atleast I like to think that)

Lol, don't get into it. Small high, opiate withdrawls

Seems healthy enough.

If you're smoking 5-10 grams a week, you'd need to quit cold turkey for like 2 months or more to reset your tolerance.

10 grams would last me several months. I can make a gram for weeks

What's the longest tolerance break you did?

Ive gone a week, only been smoking for a couple months

I wouldn't say it's really fucking stupid. Even though no one is doubting that the more you smoke the more you need to get high, it's still fun to smoke daily, if not all day. Besides if you want that psychedelic experience, you could always, you know, get some psychedelics.

To each their own, don't call someone fucking stupid because you're too much of a Jew to be buying bags all the time

Fuck, should i pack a bowl rn?

lol I've been smoking a half ounce per week taking a break for a while though

Well ok it's not stupid but foolish, unless you have a lifestyle like a stand up comic or something, I can't imagine it being practical.

And hey weed is one of my favorite psychedelics, so to see it so commonly misused as a small time social drug is fairly disappointing sometimes

I'm sure he is aware of that. Those people are fucking retards though. All you have to do is stop being a pussy and find something to do and you will be fine.

It makes perfect sense that if you sit in moms basement and watch tv all day instead of a hobby or job you're probably gunna spend a lot more time thinking about getting high. Go join a gym, do something to better yourself

I love how stoners say weed isn't addictive. Then smoke everyday, multiple times per day, for years. If you get emotional side effects you are addicted, doesn't have to be physical. Go 3 months with out smoking you stupid fuck. You'll be surprised that pot stays in your system for nearly 5 months. It's only detectable in your system for 3 weeks. Clean up and you'll notice a difference.

See My wife stopped for two months and she tripped balls last weekend for her birthday lol.
Try it.

If be as bold as to say you aren't a stoner at all, just some guy who smokes weed sometimes. If you can make a gram last weeks you're either doing it incredibly wrong or you just don't like getting high all that often, as most stoners do. Nothing wrong with that of course

Agreed. Not to mention it furthers the notion that pot smokers are retards because they're walking around lit all day.

The only exception to that rule is medicinal patients. Those guys need it to move/eat/function.

Get a job.

10 grams a week and only been smoking for a couple of months is 0-100 rale quick. you're either full of shit or getting the shittiest of dirt weed and have a nasty cough. Im constantly high and a gram lasts me 3-4 days.

Gram lasts weeks? Now youre just making shit up

Sometimes I am a stoner though where I'll smoke every day, but usually that doesn't go on for more than a week since I never buy in bulk. I would like to get high af every day but it's not practical unless you wanna spend $200+ a month on weed

Liegois faget

You can probably smoke a few medium sized bowls from one gram. You smoke one bowl once every 10 days or so, that's all i'm saying

Willing to bet that you barely smoke that much bud. It's not all that hard to handle yourself in public and not seem retarded. Willing to bet you're around people who get high all the time and don't notice because they aren't the typical loud faggot who has to tell everyone he smokes weed.

Also everyone knows the medicinal marijuana system is a fucking joke. Sure some people need it, and most benefit from it but the majority of medical patients just want to get high like you and me.

Just sit in a freinds house who smokes weed, pretend to talk to him, passively smoke the weed fumes, get high.

When I'm out of bud I just drive 2 minutes to my medical dispensary and buy more.

It's only easy to be high in public if you have a tolerance. When I smoke every day, I can do basically everything I would normally be able to do. You cannot tell me that you can smoke a big joint with *zero* tolerance then go out and socialize and be perfectly normal.

About 4 weeks. Should do it more often though no doubt.

So basically by not smoking weed all day you're furthibg the notion that pot smokers are retards because when you get high every once in a while you can't handle your shit and act like a retard. Thanks a lot guy you're ruining it for us

I use a vaporizer and 10 grams would probably last me 3 or 4 months even smoking most nights of the week. Especially when it's really dry, I only need a pinch.

Ditto. Good luck user

>got busted walking out of my dealers house early December
>still waiting for my fine
>he was the only one I know that deals
>no connections in this town
I generally only smoke through a bong, so I've kept myself from cleaning the bong and at first smoked the tiny bit of resin in there. After that I worked out the grinder as good as possible. After that I found some spliffs I had rolled, thought I had just rolled em to practice, but one of them contained some hash. Smoked that. Been out for forever. But my life has been shit for a long while, so it's basically what ever.

Got 10 grams last week, good stuff imo, and smoked about 2-3 spliffs a day aaaaand it's gone. Don't get how you can get a month out of a gram and still get high lol even with no tolerance at all.

don't smoke pot

i smoke maybe once a week because i'm not a dumb piece of shit that can't go 12 hours without a joint

You could, ya know, not smoke a huge joint and then go out and act a fool. Not everyone smokes weed to get fucked up, I'd say most of the stoners out there smoke weed to level off and feel right.

Instead of smoking that big ass joint, and not being able to act coherent, take a few hits and put it out and enjoy the mood.

There's so much bickering in the stoner community about how much people blaze and how far their blunts are like it's some sort of competition. Smoke your bud how you want to smoke and when you want to smoke, that's the point of it.

Was smoking with some dude one time total faggot he actually started bragging to us all about how he was the best roller and he rolls such fat and tight blunts that the last one he rolled wouldn't even smoke right because it was so thick. Like how is a blunt that will not smoke right a good blunt? People are fucking gay

I've been out in public while high and I could handle it just fine, it was just challenging. I am not insinuating that pot smokers are retarded, I'm saying that weed is a psychedelic when used properly, and most people cannot handle being around others when they're in a psychedelic state. I would NEVER take mushrooms around crowds for the same reason

Theres jobs in Colorado... eat potatoes until you can afford to move, craigslist a job and a roommate .

How much are you guys paying by the way?

14 grams in a 1/2 oz (aprox.) + payday every other Friday... the maths do themselves.

well sure, you could also microdose LSD and be coherent and normal in public too. Every drug has a range of effects that vary with dose, but that's a different discussion. I have smoked small amounts of weed in social settings just to mellow out, so I get your point

lmao when I work at a grocery store, high af everyday and nobody seems to notice, boss is super happy with my work and customers like me the most because I act chill with them. Life is good

Get a bong or a vaporizer.

More jobs in Colorado have been testing than ever

Belgium 10€/g most of the time

because you don't need a whole whole spliff, a couple hits can get you high.

Been thinking of getting a bong or vaporizer but I just like the feeling of smoking a spliff/joint or blunt to be honest. Bong is one hit and that's it. Also seems the tobacco gets me more at ease.

>when used properly
I'm sorry I didn't know you were the invented of weed and an expert on how to use it. See the post above you. Smoke how you wanna smoke. If some dude wants to smoke out after work every night and feel good in his off time, or if someone wants to smoke that morning bowl to start the day off happy and in good spirits, who is to say that's wrong?

Clearly you don't like getting high all that often which is cool, but don't knock those who do. There is no right or wrong now way to use something you payed for and can do whatever you want with.


i don't like it when my friend that owes me money brings me pot because he owes me and then he fucking smokes it all

i tell him every time to bring his own and not use mine, but he only brings mine and gets pissed when i want to save it for later or just take a few hits

True, but when I stop smoking after initial high (few hits) the high mostly stops after only a few minutes so I end up smoking my whole spliff/joint anyway. Guess it's more of a psychological thing with me.

spain 6-7euros a gram.

>Willing to bet that you barely smoke that much bud.
Well, yes and no. I've smoked for the past 25 years. At my heaviest, I went through about a zip of highs/medicinal grade a week, but that was just to the head. If I was going out with friends, I might kill that in a night if I was feeling generous.

I realize that isn't rap-nigga zone-to-the-face-in-one-sitting but it was enough to keep me high all day for 15 years or so. I had a huge tolerance and never thought anyone noticed. And maybe they didn't, because I was always high. In general, though, I know I wasn't as sharp as I normally am. How could I be? I was baked all the time.

>Also everyone knows the medicinal marijuana system is a fucking joke.
No, no it isn't, and that's a dangerous way of thinking. Obviously, you've never dealt with chronic pain and seen the difference between someone on oxycontin and someone on weed.

I'm willing to bet you sell weed and don't want to see it legitimized because it'll cut into the black market.

How close am I?

Weed is so different from true psychedelics though. It just doesnt simulate the same state of mind. Its very lazy to me. Hungry, chilled out, giggly. I would never categorize that with acid or shrooms

footnote: For the past 10 years I've smoked a bowl or two at night so my tolerance is pretty low and I can stretch a quarter nearly a month. Granted, I get fucking Cali-grade one-hit shit but still...


This story was published just three days ago, and its pretty much my experience here.

I don't run out.

pic related

well no shit you can smoke and be perfectly able to stock shelves and put groceries in bags. Your boss probably does know and doesn't say anything because who cares you work at the fucking grocery store. Have some pride get yourself a new career or you'll be that burnt out 30 year old working at a grocery store barely skimping by. But atleast you'll be totally high which is like totally sweet man

for me i don't feel anything until 5 minutes later, but when i am high i really fucking feel it, but want to smoke something.

after my first couple times smoking i learned that if i brought a cigar or tobacco pipe to smoke while i was high i could save bud and not get so high i freak the fuck out

When you smoke it, it is definitely a more hazy and silly sort of high. But in my experience eating strong edibles is on par with a heavy acid or shroom trip.

You need to plan better. There is no need to run out. you have to know when you're going to run dry. So, before that happens, order more

CO here, I'm thinking that may be where this discrepancy is coming from- our weed is like 30% THC.

Your friend sounds like a dick tell him to fuck off. Or tell him you want money and if he is gunna bring bud only brig a little bit. If he owes you 100 tell him you only want a 20 bag

He has no right to get mad at you for using your bud how you want. Don't be a bitch tell him he is a rude faggot

I'm not judging, when I say used properly what I meant was used to it's full potential. I understand that the point of weed is not to have a psychedelic experience, but to me that is the purpose of any psychedelic drug, not recreation.

Making 1500€ a month for 35 hours a week isn't that bad of a job though. I can imagine in the US of A working in a grocery store is shit tier but here in Belgium I have friends with 'better jobs' earning less than me.

I'm about to have to go to the fuckin despenso right soon
It's to the point with me that I hate that I smoke weed but I really don't want to stop either
As it's been already said, I've got a medical card but no one believes it's legit so it's a fuck you for that
I'm on multiple medications for seziures and I never feel sober even when I've taken good breaks
There's too many variables so who knows how good it does, but it makes me feel less shit so that's the only plus I can see at this point
I doubt if I was just smokin that I wouldn't have seizures, pretty convinced I need the pharmies
though it's been nice that the legalization for recreational use has pretty much made the medical card a joke
also nice that some jobs test for it now because it stays in your system for a good while
wouldn't want a stoner employee honestly if it's the average stoner so I get it
but it's legal so honestly they shouldn't be able to bar you from employment on just that
it's like making the gay cakes
everyone gives a fuck about the gay cakes but being able to test someone for a drug that is legal when it has no bearing on safety is still ok
you can be a fucking drunk and it's covered in HIPPA but not a casual smoke
some lawyer will try to make money off that somehow then perhaps the law will change
it's all bullshit though, would have been better never smoking to begin with is how I look at it now

clearly you've never gotten that high then

my first time smoking pot i smoked a gram of some medical shit and i was seeing a house in the middle of the woods

the problem is we hang out maybe once a week, and he spends all his money on pot so he never actually has money to pay me back

I'm pretty sure most of the strains I've been getting (Diamond OG/Jack Herrer/Glue/Blue Dream) are more, like, in the mid-late 20's.

30% is fucking art.

I gotta disagree here.

(A. You did not smoke a gram in one sitting.

(B. You don't hallucinate on weed, thats some TV bullshit


I was smoking 1/2 a ounce a day. When I first started to smoke. A group of friends who invite me over and have a few feel bad because I wouldn't get stoned. Plus the shit I was growning was super strong. I would bring some over and they would be unable to move. It been like 3 months and haven't had a carving.

yeah no, more like DXM or anything. its a dissociative hallucinogen, not a true hallucinogen

strong visual halucination is not possible but you can flash a few things maybe he is talking about that.
Smoking a gram in one sitting is easy as fuck but i highly doubd it if it was his first time... or he is just really fucking fat in which case it's possible

A gram is, like, a fat joint or blunt, dude. Why would that be implausible for a first timer?

I always thought it was a bad idea, but I had friends smoke first-timers out with crazy amounts and some of them legit freaked out but most were just like ayyyy lmao and kinda quiet.

Are people like you so pathetic that you need vices like this too get you through the day?

Are you so boring/sad that you need a high to feel good?

Also, everyone smoking up in the name of "medicinal use" are lying to themselves. You just want to get high.

Find some god or something.

I'm not him, but you can definitely hallucinate from weed. I have experienced strong auditory hallucinations from it, sometimes so strong that I could not distinguish them from reality.

I ate a bunch of cannabutter on a camping trip once and hallucinated fractal green elvish creatures that were superimposed in my vision, it was like a mushroom trip. It is possible with a high enough dose, most people are unwilling to push it that far though. You have to eat it though to really get that far, there is a limit to how high you can get from smoking

A slight exaggeration. Ive definatly had gorilla glue that was tested at 28%, girl scout cookies, bruce banner, chem dog are pretty common too. For flavor I do go for other strains though.

Are people like you so pathetic that you need to shitpost in stoner threads?

What? Do they drug test at your work because this is some salty hater shit, fam.

Only smoked for about 6months. I had about 1kilo of leaf and stem that I was chopping up. And my friends asked if I got anything I gave them like a hand full of the leaf be a use no dealer had anything. And the next day they were saying they were soo stoned. I laughed because that shit was soo dried it was sitting in a opened container for 7months

a. i did smoke a whole gram in one sitting

b. i know what fucking happened.

the way the light was coming in through the canopy made it look to my baked ass brain like the edge of the woods was maybe 50 yards out and there was a house just on the other side of it, when in reality in that direction the nearest house would have been a mile away

i wouldn't call it a hallucination, i'd call it a major change in perception