Post reboots with a female lead that are better than the original

Post reboots with a female lead that are better than the original


oh you really shouldn't have
Mad Max though, I'd consider

Pics unrelated right?

I know it's bait but I fucking hate Rey

Did JJ really get Boyega on just because he was black? I heard some user say JJ admitted he did a long time ago.

I hate the Star Wars franchise so I really don't get bothered by Rey as much as the rest of Sup Forums does.

Not OP but webm guy, pic is of course unrelated.

No. He knew him through Simon Pegg.
Joe Cornish wrote and directed Attack the Block and co-wrote a few movies Simon Pegg starred.

what except Mad Max is a good remake with female lead?

What did she mean by this?

Fury Road is not a remake. Also the Hitcher lolno

>what do you mean my hips are bigger than your-oh...oh my god...

my bad, OP said 'reboot', I don't believe SW or Fury Road are either, but we can agree on something like 'new movie to long-ended series with major changes'


Is there a reason women have larger foreheads than men?

It seems like God's trade off; men go bald, but women have MASSIVE foreheads.


Because women have bigger brains than men.



more like 'U WOT M8'