How many of you are depressed?

How many of you are depressed?

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I am.

Am not a basement dweller.

I know I am.

I think I was, but then I went full circle past depressed and am now in a perpetual state of whatever.

A state of whatever sounds like depression.

I work 2 jobs. Everyday struggle

I dunno. I'm not sad or anything. I'd much prefer being alive even if it isn't particularly interesting.

Been so for over 10 years. Seen docs, done meds both prescribed and not, tried moving, pretty much everything under the sun. Come pretty close to suicide several times, to the point of standing over the top of a building.

Extreme social anxiety, haven't talked to family or friends in years, just work from home just living a blah life

Yep that's depression. People seam to mistake it for being sad for some reason. It's more like a numbness and no motivation.

i feel like I'm depressed but I'm to much in a constant state of wonder to kill my self. i love learning to much about the world and science to want to leave this place.

What does this word "depressed" mean?..

I am. I'm trying to overcome it but it's like a vicious circle of shit.

yup. and i find myself recursively searching for new shit and altered states of mind to change it. but it's always there looming.

this is me

What work do you do?

Not depressed?
Effective self medication is obvious...

This is a very confrontational, peremptory thread.

Love learning

Despise the masses of arrogant self righteous, self serving pricks.

The world is shit.

I don't have the motivation to do anything.

I've never suffered from REAL depression.. just chronic fucking boredom! I like a pretty shit existence..23.. parents basement.. no girlfriend..Shit friends I'm in the process of getting rid of. Currently waiting till June for seasonal firefighter job to start.. Then plan on getting CDL and go OTR trucking. Can make good money and no bills! But seriously I fucking hate being bored with nothing to do. Need to be more creative. Simple tip.. Find things you want and go get them!!! Life is a fucking game.

I used to feel pretty shitty. I had 10 teeth pulled though and I feel a lot better.

My doc said I had the first stages of depression but I tried my best to hide it. Everyone thinks I'm a happy guy but I usually drink myself to sleep every other day by myself.

Though it's not too bad, you just gotta take the good with the bad etc.

That's kind of how my depression crept back up on me, eventually it just sort of consumed my daily life again, but hopefully this sort of cycle doesn't happen to you, having suicidal thoughts and not having the balls to go through sucks.

Is that a good thing?

Do you have any before and after pics?

I work, get exercise and don't jerk off and rarely eat meat therefore depression is no longer a problem for me.

I am for sure, Thinking about doing a murder suicide

Are you not arrogant and self serving? And prickly?

You n me

Terrorism? Do you have a "cause" that you can use?

i'm pretty much the same as this guy

yea honestly learning is one of the main things keeping me here. I love the world, i can't get enough of it. i love experiencing life. but hate the humans that destroyed it. it gets me so upset. i know that sounds edgy as fuck. but i hope to help fix some of the world before i die.

How is it terrorism, im killing someone then taking the easy way out instead of prison.

Web design

What would fixing it look like? Fix what parts? Control other people's behavior?

Wisdom! Especially not jacking it. Too bad others don't realize.

Maybe you should start drinking again. I've tried to quite loads of times and now I've decided I'll just get drunk at the end of each month. Fuck it. Gotta break the monotony somehow.

I'm asking if you want to be a terrorist. You can murder people and kill yourself at the same. Murder suicide.

Sure lol
but i want to kill one person in specific so that would have to happen before anything.

I'm fucking nightmarishly depressed and have been for a long time. I'm 35 now and it only gets worse.

all of us

I'll admit I haven't been the same since I came back but who is? You don't really have any applicable skills to most jobs so you end up miserable and homeless most the time.

I consider myself lucky though. I saw a few guys down at the VFW who really got fucked up. At least I have a roof above my head.

if your legit, come to canada and try to take out trudeau. you can save the world, do it faggot!

meeeeeeee. it's treated though. fucking concussions man

I can relate except I'm to awkward to ask for help from a doctor or therapist.

Came back from where?

I am in canada, so set it up and ill do it faggot

Once a week I listen to this. Sometimes if its a bad week I get my gun put it to my head and pull the trigger a few times. Empty of course. Just wanna practice you know, get used to the sensation. In case a really bad week goes down.

He should take out Trump instead.

You dont think monsters live in our country?

A place where you have to put pantyhose on your cars intake filter.

I want to die. Might an hero soon.

Cry more cuck.


your mom is

I can only do one per life, sorry


I've got some X-rays but they aren't that good.

I've got one of a pile of my teeth on a tray but it will take a minute to find them

newfag detected

show your teeth, that sounds bad

"I miss the comfort in being sad" -kirko bangz

I don't get depressed like when I was in high school anymore and I miss it. Anybody else understand my feel?

Suicidal thoughts creep up on me at least 3 or 4 times a day on a good day. Bad days I sit in bed in constant suicidal mode. Last week I spent almost 5 straight days in bed.

Sort of. I've been really numb lately and I miss five months ago when I was actually still feeling stuff after a breakup. I think I'm in the numb depression phase of grief from it. Hard to decide which is worse really.

I've transcended depression.

I've completely given up.

I do my job at work with the minimum amount of effort.
I drive to Rally's and get some burgers and fries, eat them in my bed while I watch Gordan Ramsay on youtube, then I go to sleep for 12 + hours until I have to go to work again.

I haven't showered in 35 days

Is there a link between certain languages and depression? Or certain languages and being in a good mood?
I'm wondering if I can change my life partly by learning a new language. I'd like to be like one of those happy island people and be lively. If like to be touching people and getting touched a lot, just tons of affection and mirth

>not wanting to chill in prison
Just read books n shit

They're super bad. They got all the ones that can't be fixed and are gonna make me a fake set on the 14th

You gotta do something man, if you keep thinking about killing your self you'll eventually do it, you already sound emotionally dead inside. I feel like shit, I got a lot of shit I need to deal with that could effect my life permanently and I'm currently puking my guts out, can't even hold down water but I'm still planning on going to the gym tomorrow. You can do it easily.

I was, got stressed out on the first year of taking mechanical engineering.

I wouldn't say i'm depressed. I think I was for a long time but I can't say for sure. I was never diagnosed. I remember constantly feeling like shit, every day, non-stop. Didn't even leave my house for 2 weeks straight a few months ago.

I think that was the the point where I stopped being depressed. After not having contacted anyone for 2 weeks straight, looking at my phone and realizing I had no missed calls or text messages, no facebook messages, nothing, I realized that there was not a single human soul that cared about me. Of the entire time in my life I'd not made one bond with someone; I'd not imprinted on someone enough for them to think "I wonder where user is"

At that point I truly realized that I didn't matter. My life doesn't matter. I don't matter to anyone at all, and it was at that point that I stopped mattering to myself.

So I don't really know if I'm depressed or not. I don't feel anything. Every once in a while I'll think of something that makes me angry, but the anger quickly fades away with the knowledge that my anger doesn't matter. "Why should I care?" I think to myself.

I feel nothing. I mean nothing, except perhaps fear. I'm afraid every time I go to sleep, because I know I'll have to wake up from a very pleasant dream into a very unpleasant nightmare.

Why did you have to get so many teeth pulled?

I wish thee luck user.

Might be considering my lack of motivation and the way I quited my recent jobs.

I was homeless from 14-19 or 20. I had really bad hygiene habits and it ruined my teeth.

well i guess i meant fixing as in like repairing and restoring the nature. Cleaning up the garbage. Im going to school to study the environment and here iv been learning the research the professors and scientist have been doing around the area. Sometimes they are successful in getting funding to restore different areas. at least thats the goal anyway.

Wow, I have like 6 that need removing and 4 root canals on 4 different teeth along with fillings, thats alot of fuckin money...

Do all of you HONESTLY.... *honestly* believe that "depression* is real? Or is it just an excuse for laziness?

Wish I hadn't been born honestly, too afraid to take myself out now

>thats alot of fuckin money

I've got state insurance so it's free. Although it's the cheapest treatments possible and students doing the work. I'm not complaining though.

I was already depressed. After Sunday it just went to a new level though.

Nothing wrong with being lazy. It's a pretty natural thing.

It's real enough as far as chemicals in the brain go. The problem is that anyone can just say they are depressed even when they are just sad.

That dog is everything

I think it's a symptom of a culture having things too easy for too long and we need another war to give us all some perspective.

I have no motivation or ambition. My eating is all fucked up, I'm eating 1/3 of what I use to, I'm just now eating twice a day again. Its hard, I push through each day as best I can but with no motivation to keep going its hard. Friends is all I have right now and they're keeping me here.

*scientologist detected*

Very real, my ex gf had it, shit sucks

I would say I feel more empty disconnected from others or indifferent, kind of an asshole because I don't care as much so I'm a dick. That makes me kind if sad but in a weird way I kind of like the feeling sad somewhat.

so a sandy piece of shit country?

For me i gotta pay most out of pocket its like $10,000 in work that i need not including fakes that i need to replace the real deal, my dentist thought i was putting coke/meth on my teeth and gums it was that bad, it just bad hygiene like yourself, thought about taking the cowards way out dozens of times (Im really young if thats relevant)

Pretty depressed here

First year in medical school, always the funny one in the group, make everyone laugh, talk to girls whatever have fun on the outside... Should be happy, should have no problems, especially knowing I'll make $200-500k/year in 7 years but I just am... The work load is insane and I get no time to do things I like... Its an impossible amount of work, and it drains you... You start neglecting your friends, the gym, family, and at the end you feel like you have nothing and no one...

Why do vets have depression then?

This bitch has a reptile sexual complex...

Godzilla killed her family and now she has a fetish for mini Dragons

They didn't used to. Never heard of that with WW2 vets. Maybe it's partially the feminization of western culture and that vets get treated like shit in modern times when they come back. Also the wars that they have fought in seam to have less of a purpose.

I know exactly how you feel man. Don't kill yourself though man. Look into medicaid if you're in the states

sorry about your micropenis.

Yeah I'll give you 3 guesses as to which one.
I'll give you a hint.

Yeah that's a great song and a great line, one of my favorites. Perfectly expressed with the music

"vets get treated like shit in modern times when they come back. Also the wars that they have fought in seam to have less of a purpose." Shouldnt this make them tougher cause its another challenge?

I'm frustrated with myself. every day frustrates me. I don't go to bed because I'm tired, but because I give up on the day.