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>sitting on Sup Forums mocking people who are brave enough to show any shred of genuineness

hey this sounds like animal collective, pretty good.

>sitting on Sup Forums mocking people who mock people

this is no worse than NME, and i love tambourinehead

I lost my shit when he did that shot in the grass and you could see his shadow waddling along

No one's mocking you, bud. I just think you should grow up.

I thought I was the only person who knew about this guy.

Oh, I've got one:
White people listening to rap

>people should only consume media created by people of their own race

Yes, being cultured is a virtue, my estrogen-filled buddy : }

race bait more faggot


>Implying being cultured means being ignorant of other cultures

some fresh oc

Naw, man. He's classic Sup Forums. Always one of my favs

being a trans person is cringey somehow?

ya of course


not cringe at all, this is pretty good


is he /our guy/??

RYM is easy mode

nice b8