K, so when you take psilocybin mushrooms one of the parts of your brain that is effected is called the thalamus...

k, so when you take psilocybin mushrooms one of the parts of your brain that is effected is called the thalamus, the main function of the thalamus is to perceive the world and to process the information that the eye gives to it. When you do shrooms the thalamus begins to perceive the world in a way that is different to the way that it usually functions. For example when I did them I remember looking at a poster on my wall and I could see a much wider gap between the poster and the wall. When I went outside I began to notice how everything looked way different, not in the sense that the sky had changed colours or anything like that but light seemed to be hitting everything differently making everything look a bit off. after the trip I was really tired so what if shrooms show you how everything really looks and the reason why your brain doesn't show you these things is because its not important for survival to see all of the intricacies and instead our brains opt instead to see what only is necessary for survival. also general drug thread

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And this is why you don't do drugs you post stupid shit like this

Sure why not. Multiple Dimensions exist within these endless depths of realities.

You went and made yourself retarded didn't you?

>k, so when you take psilocybin mushrooms one of the parts of your brain that is effected is called the thalamus
Source. I know it also shuts down the part of your brain responsible for language. This has 2 effects. First you are unable to articulate your experiences and can only sting single words together like a child and are unable to have a conversation while peaking. The second is you no longer think using language. This allows you to explore avenues of thought that you are otherwise incapable of due to the limiting nature and structure of language. I need to trip again.

join in the fun and spam this discord with pics and memes of whatever your heart desires.

maybe a little but if your goal is to make your self retarded doing shrooms is the best way to get there

idk about that when i was on it was able to think in normal language and my speech seemed to be fine other people seem to have been able to talk about at the same level as they usually, and i know this for a fact and I'm not misremebering because i was talking to a person on facebook for like 5 minutes during the trip and the conversation wasn't that incoherent

join in the fun and spam this discord with pics and memes of whatever your heart desires.

Have any of you done acid? I've done both, I would just like to know what you think about the differences in effect on your brain between the two drugs.

>The second is you no longer think using language. This allows you to explore avenues of thought that you are otherwise incapable of due to the limiting nature and structure of language.

sauce please

Maybe you two are thinking deep enough but it's fine. Just stay being a basic bitch.


Pretty much but probably also the fact this is the plant ( or fungi ) only way to defend itself ( or defence mechanism ) and this is a result of evolution

I havent done acid yet and i dont think ill be doing any more psycadelics till im at least 25 and my brains done developing ive noticed some changes in my brain for example >The second is you no longer think using language. This allows you to explore avenues of thought that you are otherwise incapable of due to the limiting nature and structure of language. ill occasionally start thinking with out using language and without being on shrooms this is really bizarre and its hard to comprehend the wordless thoughts with out tripping on shrooms, although i haven't experienced this phenomenon in a while so maybe my brains healed or is in the process of healing if thats possible

1) Whats the best way to take it
2) Whats the average price for shrooms?

I've never experienced "thinking without language" like how you guys are saying. When I do shrooms, the headspace is always so intense and I always think super fast about a lot of different shit, mostly space and mathematics and whatnot, but I'm usually doing so in English.
Idk, it might just differ for each person. I never have any problems articulating how I'm feeling or where my thoughts are going.

When under the influence of magic mushrooms your brain starts perceiving e world like a mushroom perceives the world. You start thinking like a man shroom. That's why I always wander off into the woods to find a nice damp spot of moss to sit in when under the influence of psilocybin.

1) you can eat them or grind them up super fine and mix them into a drink (they taste like literal donkey dicks).
2) I pay about $30 for an eighth, which is a good amount for one trip

you can just eat them although be prepared for a really nasty taste and the price in my area is 20$ for an 1/8 if youre doing it for the first time it might be a good idea to have someone around you whose experienced with shrooms so that they can help you if you start freaking out also having music with is a good idea, it sounds amazing I would recommend relaxing music or psychedelic music if you want something more intense or even just music you regularly listen to but if the music is harsh you may end up having a bad trip it really depends on the person

Ok thx any other recommendations?

Wouldn't use the words man shroom, but point taken.
Every time i trip i feel like another missing piece of my brain puzzle seems to fall in place. Start seeing peoples minds and routes of their thoughts and the hows and whys. I can only say i KNOW a few people and its only cs i think i've seen their true colors under different influences.
Sometimes it feels like i dont need to talk to them when we on it, we just understand even from a plain look what we are trying to say:
Its all just my point of view but it feels amazing communicating without using words or gestures.

nah, that's just the retarded autistic sperglord inside you, reaching out.

but seriously, I've done shrooms and the shit you go through definitely isn't some "extension of a more unbiased reality" or some shit. It's just shroom-view. Nothing special, really.

If you're already smart, shrooms can increase helpful creativity. If you're stupid, shrooms won't really help you

I kinda figured that was the case I just figured it would be a fun idea to share

Psilocybin is interesting, it feels like a presence almost to me. It's hard to describe, but for example the first change you begin to notice at the on set of the trip is similiar to the feeling of being inside your house relaxing, and you are expecting company. The moment you hear the car door slam outside you stand up because you know they are here but you haven't actually opened the door and said hi yet. That's the feeling I get when it begins, like a presence is coming to hang out and the next few hours will be intertwining my existence with its existence, like hanging out with a friend. It feels different than being alone, you think differently. When friends are over you aren't in your head thinking the same thoughts, you aren't aware of the "alone time" thoughts.

Sorry this is hard to make sense of writing I am drunk.

And if you're really, really stupid you think your experience with a psychedelic is exactly the same as anyone's ever will be and has universal meaning.

Sorry. That was a typo. It was supposed to be mushroom. Also it was supposed to be a joke. Unfortunately I've never tried shrooms. I've done acid a dozen times though and I love lying in the grass and watching the skies on my way to reaching the peak.

Mushrooms scared me, acid didn't.

My faviourite drug is your moms puss but I gotta slow down cause it's all day every day at this point. Well almost every day, basically up until you come home from