ITT: The worst movie you've never seen

>pic related

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mess incoming

Nice meme senpai

After 3h i spent on it i didn't feel like I wasted my time.
Thats all I can say about it.

For me worst movie was Mad Max reboot.
Somehow advertisers got a grip on this board and they were allowed to spam.I was convinced to watch it.
After the whole fiasco people started to come out and say the shit it really was.

>The worst movie you've never seen
>ITT: OP requests violent shitposting.


if you say so buddy

Can someone explain this meme?

BvS was released and was inevitably terrible and all the DC fanboys/manchildren have been on damage control ever since.

I find it hard to believe that this is the worst movie you've seen. You don't at least appreciate the technical aspects?

people are allowed to have their own opinions anons

technical aspects?
You mean the train fight scene where the CGI was from 1997?

I don't get it

what a reddit thing to say

what a reddit thing to say responding to a reddit post

literally redit

actually the most assblasted people are DC fans, everyone else enjoyed it.

this is more accurate,
probably why I love BvS

>not muh Lex
>not muh Superman
>not muh Batman
>Hack Snyder, amirite?

what a great kino

The guy making these thread is an extremely ass-blasted DC fanboy. Take note: I said fanboy, not fan.

Fanboy faggots like this sit around all day obsessing over "muh " like they're the only person on the planet that understands the characters and has a say, no a God-given right, to dictate the direction they're taken in by the people who actually do this shit for a living. It lets them cower inside the delusions of all the things they *could* do if given "the chance." With fanboy faggots it's always about those "chances," because by deluding themselves into believing these chances originate from anywhere besides them getting off their fat, complacent asses and applying themselves, it's not their fault that they're just gutless losers spouting bile and vitriol behind the veil of anonymity a site like this provides for them.

This guy's deep in the closet with his fanboy faggotry, because this just goes so far beyond what a person who just wasn't a fan of the IPs could muster. If I were solely a Marvel fan, I doubt I could muster much beyond casual indifference for DC's properties. No, this undiscovered country of asspain can only come from someone who feels deeply betrayed, and is such an entitled little fuck about it that this whole board must tolerate daily infusions of his impotent, puerile rage.


>The worst movie you've never seen

and the worst cast i ever seen

but these are dogshit opinions

>implying BvS is a movie

BvS is NOT a movie (calling it a movie is an insult to filmmaking) it's a 3-hour trailer to Justice League and nothing more. It is literally an advertisement and nothing else.

you're right, it's kino. it transcends films.

>worst movie you've never seen
you're right, it's a terrible movie
but it's a great film

It's a advertisement and Capeshit.

oh, you're just a company wars faggot, nevermind.

BvS was objectively embarrassingly bad compared to Civil War.

You should feel ashamed for liking it.

You got a little smudge there.

what is this fucking kino meme



i think the person who posts this is trying to make marvelplebs look underage


Bow to your overlord Snyder, filthy peasants.

That trailer managed to become MOTY (so far)