Is Ghostbusters even that good...

Is Ghostbusters even that good? Why are you all pretending it's some sort of Citizen Kane or Vertigo type of classic in the horror comedy genre?

Hell, Bill Murray is certainly sick and tired of it.

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Bill Murray is sick and tired of his own life. Thats not really proof of anything.

>Hell, Bill Murray is certainly sick and tired of it.

Bill Murray is just sick & tired. I don't think he likes anything except booze anymore. Probably doesn't even like that, it just dulls the hatred of everything else.

Bill Murray is sicm and tired oc YOU, user.

Bill Murray's cameo in Zombielamd says differently

It's a really funny comedy with some nice subtle jokes and witty lines.

Most comedies pale in comparison, especially modern American ones.

Well well well if it isn't reddit

It is the "Citizen Kane" of horror comedies. There reay hadn't been any.

It did an amazing job of mixing horror and creepy occult shit with comedy.

Something this reboot failed missrably at. Sony tried to catch lightening in a bottle with no clue about the original elements. They tried copying Bridesmaids instead of understanding Ghostbusters.

It was a big comedy in the 80s. Thatbis why Sony wanted to milk its name and reboot it as a franchise.

It's a solid comedy.


I'm guessing you don't frequent /lit/ often (enough).

It's shit

inb4 citizen kane gets remade with a black lead and it gets praised for its use of CGI

Has anyone even said it was a masterpiece or compared it to Citizen Kane?

The fact is, its a good movie that's been shit on by a forgettable reboot that misses the point. You dont even have to be obsessed with the original to not want a film that's just there to cash in, in a desperate attempt to give Sony a franchise under the stupidest and most reprehensible of causes.

Like fuck you guys. are you so upset that people like the original movie?

It was bad. Only 30 somethings who shouldn't even be on 4chins in the first place pretend like it's actually good because of nostalgia.

This, stop believing in fairies, OP.

>There reay hadn't been any.
Evil fucking Dead 2.

It's literally red.dit: the movie, and all this forced nostalgia for it is really cringeworthy
No other reboot has generated this much butthurt

It's got it's flaws but yes it's really fucking good, a rock solid, entertaining movie with a subtle and subversive message about superstition and the occult

>No other reboot has generated this much butthurt

The thing with other reboots is, nobody had the audacity and arrogance to attempt to defend them with the "YOU ARE A SEXIST NECKBEARD NERD" gambit.

hhahaa no

This. It was okay.

>No other reboot has generated this much butthurt

To be fair, they fueled that themselves by pursuing perhaps the most antagonistic marketing campaign imaginable.

That was out three years later, you complete fuckup

>I pretend to hate one of the best horror comedies of all times to get people angry
I remember when trolling meant something

Nope it was shit
this is the reason why I'm not even bothering with the remake

Sure thing OP

As someone who only saw it for the first time about a year ago, its a great genre film.
Its one of the rare horror comedies that doesn't feel weird tonally and doesn't lean on slapsticky gore.
It has a charismatic cast who give their characters distinctive, but not gimmicky personalities.
The effects (other than some of the stop motion) hold up really well.

It was Citizen Kane.

But it wa sone of the best movies of the 80s. Realistically, I'd say its about as good as Back to the Future.

See, BttF and Ghostbusters weren't just "comedies". BttF was an adventure using time travel. Ghostbusters was an action movie, but with a supernatural element.

The humour in both was a kind of dry humour that doesn't seem funny immediately, but you appreciate it as youg et odler and rewatch it. Its not a SNL kit that is immediately parodic/comedic when you view it: rather, the movie posits a hypothetical scenario (ghostbusting, time travel), first, then hides the humour underneath another layer.

Murray will kill himself. He's too cynical to let Death take him.

The original Ghostbusters is actually horrible.
Ghostbusters 2 is slightly better, but overall a shit movie.

>Ghostbusters 2
>slightly better

>ghostbusters was an action movie

Bruh. It had a decent amount of action it. Especially then final fight scene.

I just can't see it as a comedy. Its more like a movie that makes me want to bust ghosts

>I just can't see it as a comedy
That's because it's not funny.
If Ghostbusters is anything, it's a romantic drama with a sci-fi backdrop.
And the romance is poorly developed.

Bro, Citizen Kane sucks
I take a really long time to make a cake but that doesn't make it good

Ghostbusters 2 is a piece of shit. Ghostbusters 1 isn't the best movie ever made but it is solid and timeless.

If you take a second to actually crack into Ghostbusters and dissect it you'd find that it's not solid at all.
Ghostbusters 2 is a piece of shit, but it's a more enjoyable piece of shit than the first piece of shit.

What I'm waiting for is Ghostbusters XXX to come out in full, I bet it'll blow the entire franchise out of the water.