Why are they so great at movie reviews

Why are they so great at movie reviews

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Is this the little girls talking about youtubers thread?


Slightly informed opinions, alcoholism, and ennui?

They have an above average understanding of films, film making and the industry in general, which they combine with sarcasm, cynicism and dry humour.

so Sup Forums?

>Says everything there is say about the movie in the first 15 minutes
>proceeds to repeat the last 15 minutes 3 times over
Happens every time

because op
they are simply the best!!!

and you should buy their merchandise!!!!!!

theyre the only people whose opinion matter, what these people think, is simply FACT! they are the most important people to listen to!

They're honest about what they like and don't like. They're cynical, but they're good guys who can still admit when they enjoy things. They give credit where it's due even with bad movies and they clearly have fun with it.

Because they're veterans and have seen some shit.