If Math Rock is a genre why aren't Chemistry Rock and Physics Rock genres?

If Math Rock is a genre why aren't Chemistry Rock and Physics Rock genres?

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math isnt a science

you're right its a philosophy and the root of science
hows this relevant


Chemistry = stoner rock b/c they use checmical for weeder

physics rock is punk
chemistry rock is krautrock

because all subjects are joined together, yet there are only 2 types of rock based on subjects.

some things have just got to be special

Science Rock = ?
Technology Rock = ?
Engineering Rock = ?
Math Rock = Math Rock

don't be fucking stupid

we already have geology

Physics rock = rap
Chemistry rock = ambient

It is though.


get your shitty humor off my board

>chemistry rock is krautrock
This is so accurate honestly

>Science Rock = prog rock
>Technology Rock = prog metal
>Engineering Rock = kpop
>Math Rock = Math Rock

there you go senpai

If house and garage is a genre...
Why isn't flat? Or condo? Or back garden?

flat = idm
condo = folk punk
back garden = ambient

and there you go also

if rock is a genre then why aren't paper and scissors genres?

Engineering rock should be industrial

good pick, i agree
