Ladies and gentalmen, the supporters of Manchester City Football Club

Ladies and gentalmen, the supporters of Manchester City Football Club

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I rather have my country overrun by Syrians than fuckin Englishmen desu, disgusting subhumans.

>chimping out and destroying property
and they're not even getting murdered by police
are anglo's even human?

I see nothing but friendly banter going on in this pic.

I wouldn't.

Why don't we do things like that over here? Last act of vandalism I remember happening between rival teams was that tree at Auburn being poisoned by an Alabama fan.

How do you poison a tree?
Copper nails?

doesn't look that bad

Because American sports fans are all casuals. Just there as an event like going to the movies. Football fans are a different breed, in England anyway. In Germany they're all refugees welcome campaigners which I cannot even begin to comprehend. It's like the last line of defence against islamisation is its biggest supporter, completely bizarre.


there are certainly more casuals here, but you're wrong and should feel embarrassed m8

>I'm so passionate I had to break this toilet m8, smashed it bits to support the lads, m8


Ring ring


Because there is actually, legitimate hatred between rival football fans in europe

I'm assuming that's in the away end of the ground? They're basically destroying the place that THEY pis s in?


Pick one

m8 your fans voluntarily avoid swearing when they go doopin mental, they're far too nice to start tearing shit up desu

Isn't this photos one of those that were being passed around as done by refuges but was actually done by football supporters?

Why don't supporters of other sports chimp out like this, honest question. What's about football (soccer) that attracts this kind of people? It's simplicity? Literally honestly asking

because your sports are franchises and they can literally pack up and leave the city you can't have real rivalries

why smash up a toilet when you can just kill someone with a gun?

except for college sports, which make up the majority of teams


t. literal Mohammed

Football passion is about releasing. You release your joy when your team scores. You release your hate and frustration when they lose.

Plus it's a pleb sport for uneducated people.

that's ok mate, britbongs like a bit of harmless banter, it's in their dna

Yeah that second part makes more sense. 1st part just sounded like you were trying reaaaly hard to defend something you don't quite believe in it

You get guys like this in every club in the UK tbf. I've been to a few games with some of my dad's old 'mob' and they're no better, there's a difference between being lairy and just plain stupid. These guys start fights with their own fans ffs. The worst part is its all so mediocre. If you were a real tough guy, punch a fucking copper or something, but they prefer to throw bottles in pubs at innocent people and.then just shout.

I remember when Ialmost thought that hooliganism was a brave thing because my dad was at it In the 70's and 80's, and whenever these guys again n person they're just sad fucks who's biggest achievement in life is 'avin a row with west ham' 20 years ago.

It's just banter at the end of the day lads, no need to get so angry about it.

Exactly just a bit of friendly jousting, I've walked into toilets at inbrox for an old firm game and seen a lone gentleman crouched shitting on the floor, I laughed and said what you painting, his reply was, it's a bit abstract, but that's art for ya.

It's funny get the fuck over it. Did you never like flood the school toilets for no reason at all other than for the kek of it all?

>This subtle false flag

Proud of you for leaving the Hampden toilets be btw

a girl did it in my HS and got expelled

Ha ha ha dooping mental you sad autistic fucks, like swearing is only for tv, come to England go to a bar listen to the conversations from football fans use would literally walk out.

I guess you got your wish granted

Do the Man City sheikhs have to pay for that?

Both parts are true, but second part is more true (I'm involved in my football community and it's 50% unemployed plebs)

go to work has

no, done by "refugees"

This is degenerate Muslim behavior. All the arabs kids would fuck up the bathrooms at our schools. Wet paper and throw it on the ceiling. They would even throw feces.

>They would even throw feces.

this the real world equivalent of shitposting?

we had a romanian lad at our school who got caught shitting on the stairs once.

is that normal behaviour in your land?

no you didn't you proxy nigger

thanks, was just eating

Never knew that before.

you are amused by the sight of a toilet getting destroyed?

and they're not at school, they're adults

and then she prolly went to austria/germany and started to destroy the society here

no she just went to another HS

and aren't yugos taking care of you?

yugos are fucking loved here in the past 10 years. Since we got lots of turks/bulgarians/romanians/afghans/serbians shit has gone downhill
I would kiss the feet of a croatian or hungarian if he would come into my country instead of some kind of afghan murderer

you don't know what a yugo is do you

google says its someone from yugoslavia...

so how can you fucking love them and then say shit went downhill because of serbs? they're your main yugoslav population too

>t. Theo Geordiadis

because people can and do own guns to defend themselves and their property
never seen Swiss hooliganism either

>never seen Swiss hooliganism either
it's not as bad as in UK or Italy but it exists. Also, people don't carry guns here unless they're on military duty, going hunting or going to a shooting range

It's fucking hilarious watching those sad old fucks almost in tears when the police arrive and they realise they're going to be arrested.

>soon brits will need a visa to travel through europe

what a time to be alive

>Spain's tourism goes down by 60%

>destroying toilets in the opposing team's stadium is considered a display of passion in the uk
>""""""""""great""""""""""" britain

>british "houmour"

>lager sales in Spain drop
>drunken hospital admissions plummet
>Costa del sol's primary language reverts to Spanish

>Americans don't get angry because they shart in mart

wtf m8

>stop wasting millions cleaning the streets from vomit and piss
>no more extra security or ambulances in disco areas
>no more dead guiris doing balconing
>no more skanky brit landwales roaming our streets
>no more weirdos that can't get a tan

please take all my money


I guess we know where Indians learned it.

Better quality of life in America. Social tensions are more along racial divides than social ones.

>tfw its been over 20 years since I last sharted in the mart
I feel so unpatriotic

why do americans enjoy shitting on the floor so much


Put your poo in the loo, Pajeet.

drop 3/4 bags of salt around a tree or bush and watch it die, also nothing grows up again in a couple of years.

You don't have money to give senpai a lam


>It's like the last line of defence against islamisation is its biggest supporter, completely bizarre.

Implying Englishmen chomping out at each other and smashing sinks is fighting the islamisation of Britain.

All this does is give ammo to those who think this population needs to be replaced by the peaceful refugees and skilled immigrants.

You're a massive moron is basically what I'm saying.

is that one of the hodge twins? I've always wondered

>If you were a real tough guy, punch a fucking copper or something

>my country

Not so fast, Mehmet

most football buses going to away games come back way more dirtier than that desu

Guess I'm a City fan now.

Half of em probably work as cleaners on Zero Hour Contracts at the Arndale Centre.

Bless em venting there frustrations

Then why do you attack and hurt poor polish people? They're actually useful and white you stupid fucks

Football attracts it's share of scumbags at every club in every country get over it

This have never been to Philly

>he doesn't take shits in Walmart
>his country doesn't even have Walmarts

not having freedom must suck

How's that good? If you are black or hispanic you have next to 0 rights

Check their prisons, they are full of non-whites

that';s because they commit crimes lol

I guess more whites should be criminals so we can be less racist?

>get arrested for breaking established social functions
>"I have no rights"
Nice meme

No race is more violent per se, that's what you don't understand

Poor people and people with less education are the ones who commit more crime, it ain't related to skin color

People forced to live as pariah in gettoes will commit more crime than people in the suburbs, regardless the race. Go to Baldwin Hills (a city with +90% black people) and the crime is super low

hahah wtf

>No race is more violent per se, that's what you don't understand

just fucking lol

Oh, nice argument there mate. You sure told me!

Argentina has a couple thousand blacks (real blacks, first generation African immigrants) but he have 0 (literally zero) black people in jail. They come here to work, not to commit crime

>football is serious buisness lads, serious enough to destroy public property and fight eachother over
>please keep the fans seperate and no drinking though
>now lets practice our vulgar childrens rhymes for the game lads

Yeah that'd be decent bait to someone that isn't well versed in memeology

>Muh philly

This is the most stupid meme on Sup Forums.

Is that the only "argument" you have? Damn, white people are dumb af

I know you probably havent met many white people, but yes a lot of us are dumb and useless criminals as well.

"Muh priviledge"

>yes a lot of us are dumb and useless criminals
Ya, those are called "white Americans"

>expecting to rile anyone up with this low tier shit
Get a fucking brain if you want decent (You)votes or take it to Sup Forums where it'll have redditors that will fall for it and start shitflinging

>if I can't debate an argument it's a bait
Grow up and read some books you ignorant prick


>First, we find that during the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks. This means blacks were the attackers in 84.9 percent of the violent crimes involving blacks and whites. This figure is consistent with reports from 2008, the last year DOJ released similar statistics. Perhaps not coincidentally, that was the year Mr. Obama was elected president.

>black guy becomes president
>they stop releasing statistics because it shows that blacks are way more violent

now you're going to tell me that police are racist and let whites get away with crimes, right?