Ask me, an Asexual/Panromantic lady stupid questions

Ask me, an Asexual/Panromantic lady stupid questions

As an asexual I can tell you that no one is interested. Including me.


Go to acebook. Stop pretending you have something interest to tell. (I'm saging btw)

tits or gtfo

I am a very lonely person who scourers Sup Forums. why else?


Where do you live?

Tits or gtfo bitch.


Nude timestamp

The frosty hell zone that is Canada

Why do you put a flag, are you a country?


Post a timestamp, otherwise this is probably just another dumb bait thread

Canadian and a faggot what are the odds

Is this a thing?

Why does asexuality have to be a sexuality? I just think of it as a preference. Just say "I don't want to have sex" instead of saying "I am asexual" and then having to explain what that is.

I don't like sex but I like dating guys/gals. so yes.

No, shes just being a special snowflake.
Tbh i hope she gets raped.

to be honest, I thought it would save time, instead of having to explain anything. but since only a small demographic actually know what asexuality is. it would probably just be easier to say "I don't want sex"

also I have been raped my guy, that's why I don't like sex.

Then you arent mentally strong enough to get over something that effected you. I hope you dont date. You arent strong enough for a relationship. roastie whore

Who is your waifu?

Midnight Club 2, 3 or LA?

I think being mentally harmed by rape and being actual asexual like me are separate things. How about a psychotherapy?

Just got out of a 4 year long relationship. so don't plan on dating anyone for quite awhile.


Why do you not want the D?

doesn't feel good, boring experiences. would rather be playing videogames.

Already seeing a therapist, but even before the rape, sex wasn't all that exciting or great.

What makes you think you just haven't had a good enough dicking yet?

Genuine question. I'm a burger and you're in Canada so I'm not trying to give you mine. Just curious how this works.

Not OP, but how are you sure you hadn't the right dick in ya ass until now?

You're a communist faggot, get the fuck out

Well now you're just being gay, user.

Well since we don't have a timestamp, OP describe yourself in detail

You too, or TITS + Timestamp