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what the fug is this


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Lindholm = 6 years 31.5M

Since when and why?

Holy shit Ducks got Lindholm cheap 6 years 5.25 per

>less than Risto

wtf I hate the ducks now

sure, but these people usually don't do anything with it but buy useless trinkets and big homes that they never even live in, dunno, it just kinda irks me, but that's life I guess

maybe I'm just jealous I'm a talentless average loser who will be stuck doing something I hate for the rest of my life

lmao who's lindholm's agent?

Claude Lepoo

probably Pacioretty's ex agent

Teams like the Ducks and this contract are guaranteeing another lockout because RFA's get raped on contracts desu.

Detroit Red Wings desu

since yesterday and because the NHL improved security

it will work when and if the lad gets a workaround fix

>Lindholm makes less than Dustin Brown


>Out of market
>Couldn't watch even if I paid for GoyTV

P mad desu

Perhaps, everyone is different. You know yourself better than I do.

Nah, I wouldn't know what to do with that kind of money either.

This tbf. Team have too much power over RFA's

fucking gary



how are the ducks cap compliant with this deal?

So, the Ducks have a negative 1.4 cap right now. Does that mean that we will see a trade today?

Goodbye Fowler?

What's his name?

WHERE THE >rags AT? I'll start


the nigga is working on it though


when do they have to have the cap space freed up, by their next game? not sure how it works



must be nice to have a piece like Fowler to just give away

Not exactly sure, might be the same day.
Google doesn't want to give me the answer

I bet it is. Question is, how little do they get for him?

It didn't for me either so I thought I'd ask


do not poop in a järvi

Somewhere I read that there is no penalty for it, since "it can't happen". No idea what they meant though.

Perhaps you're not allowed to sign a contract until you have secured a way to free up enough cap space or something

Why are the bruins swedophobic?

>he has never pooped in a järvi

I'd like to poo into järvi, not inside a järvi

Looks like the pens are breaking up HBK tonight and putting bill with malkin

Ducks probably won't deal Fowler now, they'll just put Nate Thompson on long term injured reserve since he's out until after the trade deadline anyway and that's enough room for the Lindholm deal


pooing inside a järvi could work just fine, it all depends on what kind of poo you have

That's boring. I hate them even more now

Who can stop us?

Bob McKenzie @TSNBobMcKenzie 16 minför 16 minuter sedan
Lindholm, who has been in SWE during negotiations, will require a work visa. Usually takes 7 to 10 days, sometimes as long as two weeks.

LEL, get rek'd

I just googled jarvi wtf I hate finlan now

This is an imageboard you know

Could you please explain, I don't understand

>puljujärvi's name in english is "tub-lake"

Yeah it could work. Still it's yucky "pooping where you're sitting".

Well, you could be laying down on your back

Whats wrong with this fucking kid?

What if the poop has airbubbles in it, and it floats right into your back and smears all over.

The month of Novemeber

it's pretty impressive desu


i didn't write that

Can't believe we tricked Nashville into giving us Weber for some black dude, Weber is +12 with 9 points while Subban is -5 top fucking kek

>tfw I like norge

t. newfag


ur a cutie :3

its pretty impressive how newfag you are

Nylader - Newfarm (a noble farming estate within a city)
Nyquist - Newtwig
Rask - Fast
Fast - Fixed/Solid/Settled/Sturdy
Steen - Stone
Hörnqvist - Cornertwig
Forsberg - Rapidsmountain
Ekman (Larsson) - Oakman
Hedman - Heathman

Fuck off weeb, keep hoc free of that cancer

Of course, that is a risk. As I wrote earlier, it all depends on what kind of poop you are having.

haha baited XDD
t. Norge

i've been to Sup Forums on and off since 2010. Didn't know t.b.h. was filtered until now tbph

Well it is desu senpai.

>Every division but Atlantic only has two teams with a positive goal differential
>Atlantic has 5
Rest of NA, are you even trying?

tfw no king gf

Quality post

who weaboo here desu



What is /hoc/ going to do when the Rangers win a cup?

nothing because their window is shut

Come back from never never land

relocation incoming


Cease existing

Youre retarded, the rags have a young core of talent.

The islanders are the next team to relocate m8

Same thing they do every day

be unemployed and cry in mom's basement because they have no girlfriend meanwhile rangers supporters are getting laid

moving two miles does not count

>They're called Rangers user, R A N G E R S!



One player doesnt make up a core.
Vesey != 'young core of talent'.

And more importantly a decent bottom 6 with pace again.

>typing in python


This core will lift up a cup and there is nothing you can do to stop it

Now that Nylander has proven himself to be the best player in any league he has played in. When will Canadian media accept that he is the GOAT and McGaykid is shit?

where will they be traded?

Moving from Arizona to Arizona doesn't either

Are black hockey players the future of the league?

Ya Malcolm Subban is a budding superstar

Are black people the future middle class of America?


are you 12

Not if Donald has anything to say about it

He is not going to win the election, that much is sure

You sure know alot about America huh?

Dont you have your own country to worry about?

>underestimating the power of kek
i seriously hope you're not doing this Sweden

Why would they want that when they can do nothing and have the government cover their basic needs?