>Literally made it to Good Morning America >Bunch of columns reporting on it >Hurt Milo's credibility >Suddenly the campaign to watch the movie is renewed >libturd narrative resurrected >They're going ahead with a sequel anyway >Anita invited to tv shows to discuss this, thus resurrecting her relevance >Fuckload of anons that aren't retarded warned you faggots this would happen >dumb 13 year olds respond with "lol fuck off leddit this is 4 lulz and memes XD ghey white knights fuck off"
Where were you when Sup Forums decided to throw away it's victory?
Son, beating Napoleon at Waterloo was a victory, this is just trash
Levi Reed
It made me laugh and that's all that really matters
Blake Sanchez
Germany has quite fucking literally started conducting police raids over offensive speech, if Anita gets her way the same will happen here. This isn't 2006 retard, "random lulz XD" can fuck shit up longterm and if you don't want to literally go to fucking jail over twitter comments you won't give useful idiots material to work with and rile people up
Daily reminder that they are literally arresting people over this is some western countries and if you faggots shit the bed too many times it will come to the States. There is no "random lulz" anymore. You want to pull shit shit wait til after Trump wins (assuming he does)