>Jags and Titans
Jags and Titans
Thank god the NBA is back
Who is this semen demon?
Very good thread. Lots of info posted
>that filename
These teams don't matter.
these teams don't matter
>Jags, titans AND dolphins
They do not
Gee, I wonder why their ratings are dropping
Goodell on suicide watch
I got the titans Defense tho
M-muh Mariota
Larry king
Watch it be an exciting well played game that has a lot of scoring and highlight reel plays and be the best game of the season.
The NFLs ratings are down because they keep putting garbage games like this on primetime
Fucking this.
Who the fuck wants to see this game?
Better yet, who fucking decides these primetime games? They should be fired.
I dare you to name a worse matchup.
Reminder the 3 worst teams in the league (Browns, Bears and 49ers) are all in massive markets and have great storylines attached to them.
chorgers - broncucks
>dat filename
These teams are so bad that they actually only play good against each other
Lol trip up so I can filter you please
As a Titans fan, I actually got work off tonight to watch this... prime "rivalry" game in a division literally anyone can win. Plus this was a prime match up back in the day...
Jags fan here. I fucking hope the Jags lose so Gus will finally get his ass fired.
>Titans defense
>At home
Jags defense would be edgier
Bears or Bills would be the mark of a true edgelord
And the NFL wonders why Ratings are cratering.
Why would you think this is good for a prime time matchup?
>quarters 1-3
hot garbage. sloppy d with horrendous tackling and no pressure on the qb. but offense will still be utterly impotent with rbs with no vision running right into their blockers and wrs with stone hands dropping everything that hits them in the numbers.
>quarter 4
i will miss because i have to get my kid to bed, so both teams will get a spark and suddenly start playing fast and tight, with a thrilling, down-to-the-wire finish.
every fucking time i've had to leave a primetime game early this season that has been what happened.
Based Bortles leading us to the promised land
On top of this crap matchup, this color rush crap sucks too. Jacksonville Exploded Mustard Packets vs. Tennessee Broken Eyeshadow Containers.
Nah Titans unis are based. Jags not so much