I haven't seen this yet. Is it any good?
I haven't seen this yet. Is it any good?
Austin Carter
Jeremiah Cox
Just watch it for best boy Poe
Aiden Ortiz
Effects: 9/10
Acting: 7/10
Story: 5/10 (and that's generous)
so yeah, another typical modern movie where writing quality takes a back seat to visuals
Asher Ramirez
yes, not great but it opens up the possibility for a GOAT Episode VIII
Brayden Cox
Say what you will: this movie has some extremely nice cinematography.
Gabriel Reyes
Is that supposed to be an impressive shot?
Zachary Clark
Effects: 5/10
Acting: 7/10
Story: 0/10
fixed that for you
Eli Campbell
critique: -10/10
Chase Sanders
>cg garbage
Brandon Anderson
I loved it. I just wish that it was longer and that all the deleted scenes were included in the final cut.