Was Sup Forums every a place where you could discuss music normally?

Seeing as everyone here shits on popular artist whom normal people like and critics acclaim, I wonder was there any time that you could have a normal discussion about good popular music, but without the cynical and edgy teenagers' comments?

Back around the time MPP came out, people generally focused on the real meat of the music and discussions were rich, with insightful posts.

And they used to keep discussion about an album to 1 thread! Sometimes 2 if there was a topic worth separating.

People only listen and talk about the most generic and popular music here I don't know what you are making a fuss about

You're not wrong. Popular music is heavily discussed in Sup Forums. But they're not quality threads where you can learn something new about an album/artist, or express you're honest opinion and have an honest response without a condesending tone. Every thread goes like this: Sup Forums writes an honest insightful comment -> Sup Forums writes an edgy "i hate all popular music" comment -> Sup Forums starting fighting about the tastes because of the troll. And that's it. Over and over again.

This a patrician board. We only talk about music we don't like

are you retarded? hospice, mpp, deathconsciousness, iaots, and divorce lwayers were literally the only things posted. it was filled with cringelords and just as shitty memes and instults. you were probably 12 so you thought other posters were more intelligent than they seem now but really they are just as stupid

this is true. i'm kinda embarrassed to listen to those bands anymore. It's good, but you should listen to different things.

>And they used to keep discussion about an album to 1 thread!
Just like you're contributing to do right now by bumping yet ANOTHER fucking kendshit thread, fuckhead? FUCK OFF

Yes it's definitely possible but you have to do so in a sea of memes and post-ironic bullshit. this whole board is where post-modern philosophy is bastardized.

People seem overly defensive, and angry here. The whole insecure hiding behind memes and irony is quite sad.


I'm sorry you are who you are.

Bullshit, that was a shitty period for Sup Forums. Radiohead, Animal Collective, whatever that Anne Frank album was, and that was basically it. Boring hipster circlejerking and not much else.

The share threads were epic back then though.

How old are you OP? No hate.

People always get super angry about music tho
Everyone feels a special connexion to their favourite bands wich makes them super sensitive everytime it's criticised

'ello 'eddit

Smells like reddit in here

What does that smells like?

gonna bump this shit all night long faggot you cant get rid of kung fu kenny

I cant believe divorce lawyers ever was unironically loved by people on this board

> being embarrassed listening to AnCo

>not being embarrassed liking divorce lawyers

I mean, every board on Sup Forums has always had its fair share of shitposting, but here it used to be tolerable and usually funny, and contained to its own threads. And in between that you could find threads dedicated to moderately serious discussion

Ever since Sup Forums and the alt-right had its Renaissance and leaked all over this website though, pretty much every board that gets at least a moderate amount of traffic has more or less been ruined

> blaming every problem on Sup Forums and not just underage shit head kids and reddit normies who think memes make them cool
this site should really be anti-meme and stop, just to repel off the normies again

Sup Forums kind of ruined the whole website honestly. You could always find good pockets almost everywhere before.

yfw Sup Forums needs its own containment website

maybe if you faggots would quit shoving your trannyworld nigger utopian future shit into every single form of media......................................

>>Sup Forums

Always has been.

This album is overrated as shit.