This board unironically thinks Zack Snyder is a great director

>this board unironically thinks Zack Snyder is a great director
Jesus fucking christ, how low can you go Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

My moms name is Martha

She hates BvS


Good to see some sane ones on this board

Aren't many of us left

>mfw I just ordered BvSU

At least he has a style.

Have you even seen One Flew Over the Sucker Punch, shitlord?

Who else but he and Refn can utilize the extreme and paralyzing beauty of Jena Malone to such advantage? Check yourself.

I didn't know being an average director who thinks he's smarter than he really is was considered style these days

He's no Fassbinder, Kiarostami, Malick, etc but he is, far and away, the best cape director. One of the few to elevate them from flicks to films.

Get taste

it's literally like 4 or 5 guys shilling it and they probably thought it was trash but can't come to grips with it

He's the only decent superhero director. Regular director he's shit

Worked for Kubrick

>the best cape director

You do get that that is like being the coolest kid in chess club, right?

Wow, insightful perspective bro, thanks.

He is a good director, but the wrong fit for a DCU franchise.

Why you gotta bring chess into this? What do you have against chess?

Too busy watching Jeopardy? Fucking stroke victim Alex can't finish the fucking game because he has to monologue like he knows the answer to every question.

Marvel fags think they can take over this board hahahahahaha

So is chess supposed to be "gay" or something?

Chessfags getting

>tfw he plays Backgammon

>Heisei Era 1 + 27
>not playing Go or Shougi

is this you

he is

Anjelica huston was ahead of both those guys when it came to seeing the beauty of Jena before she even hit puberty.


it's a meme



>DC movies
>Bloated cast

I dislike most of DC's flagship characters and am indifferent towards Snyder, but what the fuck.

Marvel is THE offender of bloated cast, starting in 2012 and only getting worse as more and more come out. What was even the point of Civil War? If you want to talk about a shitty adaption, there it is. When Iron Man 2008 came out I was pleasantly surprised at it's quality, hell I liked the Russo Brothers and was excited for Winter Soldier. Now look where we are.

Have yet to see BvS, but none of Snyder's films can even compete with ridiculous cast size against Marvel and their endless Avenger agenda.

Start with the Greeks OP, maybe one day you'll get it.

I wouldn't say he's "great", but he is our generations Tarkovsky.