Former or current Child soldiers, get on in here!

Former or current Child soldiers, get on in here!

What's your sign? What do you like to do for fun?

i'm here, what you want?

I dunno, I didn't really think it through. Some war stories?

>'child' soldiers
>underage cunts need to be banned

ex the familia cartel enforcer, since i was 14, got my pardon to be free three years back. what you wanna hear

in the mexican mafia still relevant? they haven't gotten much mention since the cartel blood bath picked up a decade ago.


>implying child soldiers have internet
>implying they'd be on Sup Forums
>implying they english


The kid in the photo might at least speak engrish

fuiste violado anal mente? no es ofensa, estoy haciendo un estudio sobre niños reclutados por el cartel, muchos son abusados sexualmente por sus "patrones"

sieg heil!

Sometimes i give my McChild Slaves 30 McMinutes of McInternet(TM) time to do what they want.

Should they go over 30 McMinutes however, I detonate my Armada of Recreational McNukes(TM) lying underneath the houses of their parents.

no, solo una calentadita cuando nos pasabamos de verga, el mas joven de los de mi grupo en el que me movia era de 12 y eso porque su papa tambien andaba, le queria enseñar a ser sicario, una verga para pelear el puto, se murio hace cuatro años a los 15 de un papaso que se le fue por accidente a otro denrto de la camioneta se cubrian en un aggare. el papa y otro hermano todavia siguen. pero violar no, a lo contrario los que violaban les castrabamos antes de ejecutar

I grow up in Indonesia. Was part of pemuda pancasila since I was 8. I was part of this till I was 17 when my mom move us.

what's going on in this pic? i am insanely curious

Was part of reenact of killing for movie. We show different ways we torture and kill.

read something about FBR, rivals?

>because they might make children fight to the death for their amusement, but they will give the fuckers internet so they can play club fucking penguin

mfw I was a child soldier in vietnam. AMA.

lol still video screen shot from the act of killing. Edge more nigger.

Yes this man correct.