Just got back on RS3 after multiple year hiatus. What should I train? How do I get back into the groove of the game?

Just got back on RS3 after multiple year hiatus. What should I train? How do I get back into the groove of the game?

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Just do slayer

Slayer is life

why bother playing RS3 when you can just buy exp with money?

wait for double exp :^)

I'm playing for my own enjoyment. Not competition with others or anything. I played for many years through my childhood and teen years. Since classic in 2001-2002. RS has extreme nostalgia for me.

Sell all your shit and transfer your gold to osrs. Fuck rs3

then play 2007scape like me instead

I was playing OS a little bit before hopping on RS3. I've never played RS3 so still trying to weigh everything

spare money for poor user? pl0x

OS or RS3

if you play for nostalgia and your own enjoyment oldschool runescape is the better choice

osrs is shit.

So is your opinion

Where is best place to cut mage logs in RS3? Or should I be cutting something else? 81 cutting

osrs is purely for nostalgia rs3 ans rsc are both superior

it would be if i were you

>p2w is superior


user would want money osrs or rs3 dont matta ;)

don't pay to win. just play. how bow dah
rs3 has better content

Or why bother hating on the game when you can buy exp its not like you lose anything. Wow has instant 100lvl and nobody cries about that?

You cant argue with someones opinion tbh people who argue about which runescape is better are just idiots. I play both runescapes and im happy with both of them. And people who hate on treasure hunter cant understand that if there wouldnt be treasure hunter member would cost more.

Because Wow isn't about leveling up, while Rs is

ITT: osrs fags complaining about rs3 being p2w when you can buy bonds on osrs and sell for cash which is still p2w, even if it is to a lesser extent, it's still p2w.
osrs is not rs2

Honestly OP?
Join the /vg/ rs3 friendschat. I think its called grindanfc they're pretty nice there and give you friends to talk to. it helps you stay in the game.

Play both osrs and rs3 they both have their pros and cons. osrs is more popular (arguably)
its simpler and it will feed your nostalgia for sure but the combat tends to be stale, there's crazy amounts of power creep and its harder to progress in the game money/exp wise.

Rs3 is often considered overwhelming because of how much content it offers. its easy to get lost in the game. so many quests areas bosses and secrets. on paper it really is tehe better game, and the combat system isn't bad at all despite the hate.

However, its less popular for a reason. The community is very elitest. so you'll often be pushed into doing things in the most efficient way. which will mean no minigames and less pvp to fill in the fun factor. But don't let people lie to you, pvp is very alive and active in rs3. do not go into the wilderness expecting to see no one. Warbands clans, regular pvp clans, and random pkers are way more active than you'd expect. and minigames are alive too, but only for minigame spotlight. Lastly the combat system is a bit of a learnign curve so if you play rs3, just get ready for that.


Play both games, and either one you decide to stick with join the Sup Forums friends chat and they'll help you get accustomed to the game. I hope you have fun user. I'm not online as much as i used to be but add Imr west if we're both online sometime we could go bossing or something(rs3)

Train your skills to do Plagues End and get into Prifddinas.

I'd add you, but I'm not associating myself with people from Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums.

Agreed 100%. I played OS for a little while, but it's just awful after the initial nostalgia wears off. I'd add some more details, but the OS players get very aggressive when you say don't enjoy their version.

I shouldn't even have replied but I want you to know how much of an ignorant faggot you are

this is whats wrong with the community, everything is about xp gain and grinding, that shits no fun, these people aren't really playing the game, just doing monotonous activities with no variety, there is so much dead content now because of it

gottem coach. as a hardcore osrs player that has played rs3 recent, rs3 is the shit yo.

Wtf is that lightbulb skill? Did Runescape jump to the 18th century?

thank you very much! Will join the chat and consider everything

Appreciate it. My RS name is ClutchCity13 if you change your mind.

yeah im an ignorant faggot faggot but thats better than being a curry munching cuck like you

Not sure. This was another account that I acquired. I stopped playing around when Slayer came out

fam my favorite part of the game was grinding for ranks. But now all you need to do is throw a little $ their way and presto. 200mil xp

10's of thousands of $*

actually the 07 community is bigger and better than rs3

I've added you. Set your private to on and I'll send you a message.

done. thanks user

Why the QC world?

logging out now and logging back in

Whats your reasoning for not associating with people from b? Just curious

FYI, OSRS is superior

bigger yes, it has the majority of players.
but really, better? come on. its full of moaning elitist fucks that are stuck in the past and can't grow out of their childhood, because they're still as simple as the game itself, definitely better.

i suck my uncles dick for osrs gp

is this thread as dead as runescape yet?
oh right, it will be once i leave.

I wouldn't want my name forever archived on a site that is known for feminine penises.

Enjoy playing OSRS.

RuneScape sucks Today, both osrs and rs3
Get over with It, faggots, its past and It has no more reason to exist

i avoided ever getting to that mindset on the way to maxing out

years later now im there but I don't sit on several million gold and act like a trade king at the GE like all the other sad cunts there

both communities suck.
both games are good and bad in their own way.

osrs offers more than a nostalgia kick they added more to the game and its a lot of fun.

RS3 isn't a bad game or a dead game. its a massive game with shit tons of content thats easy to get lost in.

if both communities weren't so shitty. maybe we'd all unite into one game or combine games. or at least have fun in either 1 of the games.

wtf i hate rs now

obv is doesnt

why are you 2 in this thread again?