Why don't you like him, Sup Forums?
Why don't you like him, Sup Forums?
I do. He's funny and endearing. It's just, the late night tv format holds no interest for me.
Because alt-rightists are triggered by the existence of different ideologies.
>implying leftists aren't as well
Because he's a leftist shill.
It's a shame he turned into "Wacky political man"
He was the best part in Strangers with Candy
Leave Sup Forums out of this for one fucking thread, why don't you like him?
He was much better as his character, dropping it made him just another late night show impossible to distinguish from all the others
why is alt-right your new boogeyman. none of you retards even know what that is. protip: nobody here is alt-right.
Me liking him was directly tied to how funny he was.
So I used to like him, but not any more.
Same for Jon Stewart. He used to deliver sophisticated, sardonic humor about the political establishment in its entirety. I stopped watching when he started just waving his hands and shouting puns about republicans.