Is this the most nonedgy-still-gritty character in the recent years?

Is this the most nonedgy-still-gritty character in the recent years?

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Yes. Hes a completely fucked up piece of shit

But he isn't an autistic emo faggot

Hes got no faggy world view, and doesn't think about how shitty life is and how nobody understands his suffering like a damn Nietzsche, Hunter S. Thomson fucktard.

He drinks alcohol and kills people and doesn't complain about it. Who would have known you wouldn't need to write in a bunch of bullshi about
>muh emotions! Im a broken man!

Rest of the film industry, get on board!

What a fucking grin I had when he came back

Even if he doesn't ever do anything meaningful for the rest of the show I'll always be happy to see him

This. I was hype

He's the only character in GoT I care about

He's seems like someone who genuinely has a good conscious, but situations in his life has made him fucked up.

If Arya ends up killing him I'm gonna be mightily pissed

Yeah, but that's the way he's written.

Also, as much as he likes to shit on knights he's the one that comes closest to it I think, of all characters

>tfw D&D can't even leave dead characters unsoiled

Everybody still left by S6 has to suffer having no character and instead be a tool to shuffle around intensely staring into the sunset or flinging exposition for imaginary plotlines. The writers know they have limited time to tell whatever half ass tale they have left to tell.

No show in history will fall as hard as GoT, and I guarantee they'll blame it on fans or expectations rather than their own incompetence.

Suffice it to say I was disappointed to see The Hound back, and was devastated to see the piss poor quality of the five minutes he got.

It won't ever fall, normies lap up this fan fiction tier crap

hbo knows this that's why next season is the last full, and s8 is gonna be 5 ep