Kahoot raid

Kahoot raid
use the name "Ruben" and you'll fool our teacher

Ruben420 , reporting in

Teacher got mad and almost refused to start cause we only have 15 people in our class and there were 40 members.


woah i got one right

Ruben is her dead husband FYI


you found me

im ruben666

Ruben'sSweetAss has joined the game. And holy balls this game is going slow. You getting chewed out or something OP?

RUBENISAFAG signing in.

Kinda, she is pretty upset with us. 15 students, 30+ players and most of them are named Ruben


54 players now?



tell mark hes a faggot

He's sitting right next to me actually. I told him he's a faggot.


Any one to try to help and or identify this raptor?

I'm a god

60th place here lel

Well, for starters, that's a Hawk. A spotted hawk of some sort. What kind of environment does it come from?

tell pawel to fuck himself

Holy shit how many Sup Forumsros are there in it?



15 students.
75+ players

OP is happy and glad that Sup Forums supported him in the darkest of times.

Cheers. Had good laughs throughout the kahoot. Funny names and funny reactions.


The fuck is kahoot? I joined and it just says 'see your name on screen' and nothing happens

What the fuck are you autistic niggers in class learning, shapes?

Gg OP.
There another game coming up?

Teacher got mad once cause we had too many players. fucking 40+ while we have 15 students. Fucking kek, I expected somehow more rude names but it was cool anyway. Teacher was calm throughout the kahoot, he thought they were bots and didnt really see the names cause you guys were late. But it was still fun though

And not another game coming up Sup Forumsro, GG tho, good day to you all

Some sort of interactive learning system, works like a game. We can't see the screen, that's where ever the fuck in OP's classroom. We just make weird ass names and pick random shapes and that's it. Fucks with his class because you'll just see rape jokes and dead husband names every where.

Ah I see, thanks.

GOOD JOB Sup Forums!