Are Slavs White?

Are Slavs White?

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light skinned west-eurasians

More so than Americans.

Slavs are the largest white ethnic group in the world.

Yes. We are white

Balts most white, I think

White ethnics

Here's a genetic distanc emap.

There are like only 3 million balts.

Russia- Over 100 milllion
Ukraine-40 million
Belarus- 10 million
Poland-Over 30 million
Czech- 9 million
Slovakia- 5 million
Ex Yugoslavia- About 20 million
Bulgaria-About 6 million

Slavic population is huge.

Most of these countries are homogeneous, except Russia who have other European ethnicities as well, Finnics, Balts, Germanics etc..

In Russia only 25% are Slavic, I think. For example I am half russian and half germanic and I'm not looks like Slavic

Slaves are turbo-white, also, people in baltic states, poland and russia have a lot of viking blood in them, due to countless raids, on one side, and later peacefull trade, exchange & colonisation.
Many historians claim, that first rullers of todays russia & poland ware vikings.

The problem is, however, that Russians, since the invasion & occupation of the mongol hordes, have been changed mentally for ever.
Despite being white men, who naturally tend to love of freedom, truth & liberties, the Russians have addopted from the Mongols an asian mentality, where there is only one, centrall power, that holds all power and dictates all laws, crushing anoyone who oposes it.
It is both source of their strength, and their weakness.

>Polish philosopher Feliks Koneczny claimed the existence of a distinctive Turanian civilization, encompassing both Turkic and some Slavs, such as Russians. This alleged civilization's hallmark would be militarism, anti-intellectualism and an absolute obedience to the ruler. Koneczny saw this civilization as inherently inferior to Latin (Western European) civilization.

That one, significant change might lead some pour souls to claim that slavs arent white - because Russian civilisation model & mentality was spreading in central-eastern-south Europe for centuries, like durring Partitions Of Poland (123 years) and cold war (45 years).
Also, please remember, that Europe is a melting pot, with most Germans being germanised slavs, and some Poles being polonised Germans.

I hope this helps.

>Feliks Koneczny
>polish intellectuals

You exterminated 90% of our intelectuals during war, and you planned it since 1935, preparing proscription lists in your top univercites. You mad you didn't get him too?

Only Russians are Mongols, other Slavs are white.

>go Khmer Rouge on other countries
>kill their educated class (the most likely to successfully rebel)

Well yeah if you're as barbaric as Southeast Asians, sure. I wonder why there's no intellectuals


who cares
post more little girls

Japanese come from the ancient planet of Nebiru

The Japanese race split into two after a vast nuclear war.

One Japanese subgroup called the "Sulabu" was over radition from nuclear and mutated to become blue eyed and yellow hair.

These sulabu eventually became Slavs and migrated west and raped indigenous Finnish people in Europe.

The result was Slavic countries and blonde Finnish

Is this a Sulabu?

Bit rich coming from Fingolia.

Tell me. Am I black or blue?

Looks Mongolic


It's strange that it's not Gray

Damn, son. I'm a fine connoisseur of delectable pizzas, but even that's far too young for me.

I'm proud to know there are people in this world, right now, who are far more deviant than I could ever be.

could you please explain what you even meant by this

He is a Greek.

slavs are not white

better question is are white white ?

It's approaching 5 hours now user, where the rest of the photos of this cutie-I-want-to-nut-in-her-patootie?