HOW the fuck could Kramer afford a NY apartment, or buy NY groceries, with no income?

HOW the fuck could Kramer afford a NY apartment, or buy NY groceries, with no income?

It was never explained, fucking plothole

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Well OP if you want to really get into it most protagonists of New York based shows wouldn't be able to live there. The only one I can think of that would would be Liz Lemon from 30 Rock, because TV producer could probably afford a shitty 1 bedroom there. Despite the reputation it's actually a pretty terrible place for blue collar people to live.

kramer was in a union that was on strike so he got paid by the union and probably got welfare and free cheese

did you even watch the show?

Rent control + no wife/kids + off the books all cash hustle = NEET

it isn't like that is a major plot point. I like the show and didn't know that.

Almost all sitcoms based in NYC could never come close to affording the space they live in.

Friends and Seinfeld both could never afford the apartments they live in

They mentioned several times how he fell ass backwards into money. I assumed he had amassed a fortune himself through some wacky invention or it was left to him.

George living with his parents even while working was the closest thing to a real new york living arrangement I've seen on TV

I always thought he dabbled on the black market

Piracy, drugs, etc

Seinfeld could easily afford his apartment, what the fuck?

He was on national news in the show