Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this sequence was objectively the worst thing about TFA

now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this sequence was objectively the worst thing about TFA

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its jar jar esque

The dust didn't new to settle this is objectively the slowest part of the film that does little to engage the audience. This has been the consensus for 6 months.

She's going to be revealed as Supreme Leader Snoke. Screencap this, I work for Disney.

Why is she cgi?


It's almost like you faggots were going to hate the movie no matter what

Rathars is shit tier

Who are you quoting?

bumbling dumbfuck director wanted it but couldn't make it happen

Now that the dust has settled even normies are starting to recognize that Ep 7 was boring, convoluted garbage.

It's wasn't prequel-level garbage, but garbage nonetheless.

Time, I think. I recall some interview with someone saying that they had a puppet in production but they couldn't get it quite right for the movie. That's also probably why she looks so much worse than the other CGI characters too, her being more of a last minute consolation to keep the character in the movie.

The CG was pretty good until they did long shots where Harrison Ford clearly had no idea what he was talking to

>get hired to make fucking star wars
>let shit like this happen

jj should never work again desu. I don't give a fuck that the movie was a hit either way, this character is a new prequel-tier stain on the franchise forever

>tfw you've seen it twice and can barely remember anything that happens in it

I remember the Falcon thing and the forest fight and Han Solo getting stabbed and that's about it

Normies have forgotten about TFA.

>this character is a new prequel-tier stain on the franchise forever
It's no where near that bad.

Since you liked episode 1 and 3 it's clear you have brain damage, short term memory loss being the least of your problems.

>worse than Phantom Menace
Nope. I would agree with it being on par with Episode 3 but it definitely isn't worse than Episode 1

no jar jar was much better

and no most of the movie is objectively the worst thing about TFA except kylo, finn, han and chewy, only because they actually can act

>worse than any of the prequels

saved best one ive seen

I strongly disagree with your assessment of 7 (which I would place right below Jedi) but the rest is on point. Surprising.

3 is kino and 1 is dumb fun.

TFA was a safe foundation for Rian to get weird with it. I think once the whole trilogy comes out it a lot of it's rehash shit will be forgiven.

5 > 4 > 6 > 7 > 3 > 1 > 2

The entire movie was as bad as this scene.

It's like -
>quick cut to bar, conversation immediately begins, characters have no interaction and are just talking at each other
>suddenly we are on another planet and things are exploding and time is short!

There's nowhere near enough wide shots and build-up during character interactions. It's shit. This movie is shit and it isn't star wars.

>not Harmy

what this guy

Rian is the best thing that could have happened like kerschner directing V. its going to be good the only question is how good. his writing and directing will even make daisy ridley look ok

colin trevvorow..........

This is the only correct answer.

>liking 1 and 3
>liking 3 as much as 6

holy fuck this is by far the worst fucking cancer I have seen in all my years of lurking on Sup Forums. and I have been here for vuvuzelas, bane posting, tomy brady memes, Sup Forums memes, and a whole fuck ton of other garbage tier shit and none of that compares to what I am fucking seeing in this pile of crap picture. How much effort did you put into making this hunk of shit you call a picture? 1 maybe 2 hours? that's 2 hours of trash you just shat on a perfectly good board. I don't know where the fuck you come off thinking that star wars episode 3 is even remotely decent or even fucking comparable to episode 6. How the fuck does that even happen? are you retarded? do you find anakins bullshit teenage anx enjoyable? And how the fuck can you enjoy episode 1? That shitstain of a movie needs to be forgotten. God damn I keep looking at that fucking picture you posted and my blood boils.

god have mercy on your pathetic soul

Don't even bother criticizing it.
It's a popcorn flick designed to get whoops from the audience whenever something nostalgic happens. JJ tried his best to make it a good movie, and it's objectively a quality film, but on the other hand it's a Disney cashgrab that has Avengers-tier writing and tone.
At the end of the day, I kind of like it, and I think it's better than most of the prequel trilogy movies, but TFA is hardly the second coming of Jesus like fans make it out to be. It's just DECENT.




>not the tentacle monsters our heroes don't defeat

Wrong op. The raptors were awful.

Hopefully Rian will have a big hand in the production of IX.


Seriously why was the CGI so awful looking?

Every Star Wars movie has a monster and I don't even think it's worse than there's always a bigger fish.

Every time I think maybe I'll give that movie another watch, I remember that short orange shit and her awful voice. Never again. Not seeing 8 until I know she isn't in it

the cgi for the time was 100times better. prove me wrong on that

valid choice
let's get a consensus

>yfw even the cgi in attack of the clones btfo tfa
>coruscant, the arena monsters and kamino are pretty good

3 didnt have a monster?

Your pic is the first time I've ever actually truly agreed with someone on this awful site.
>AR3 YOU M3!?!?!

I really can't because of how much money George threw at those movies. Also, The Clone Wars has ridiculous CGI for a cartoon. Towards the end George was spending over a million an episode. I won't say that the CGI in TFA sucks though. This thread is about the exception.

This objectively correct



It's a stretch but the creature Obi-Wan rides during his fight with Grievous

>he doesn't like the underwater scene
Nigger what? Please tell you're kidding

Then explain how 7 was better than 3.

So 3 had a couple cringe moments. So what. It does a great job of wrapping everything up and showing the true emperor and the falling out of Obi-Wan and Anakin. Not to mention the great Sheev memes (unlimited power, execute order 66)

What exactly was memorable about 7?

>this character is a new prequel-tier stain on the franchise forever
Nope. She's shit but unlike the prequels her shit doesn't contaminate everything else.

for the time it looked gorgeous oots gunga and podracing still does

i dont watch the cartoons but we are talking about movies. the tentacle monster was pretty bad. the end xwing run is really good, the falcon is only ok. as is everything else, besides the brief slow shots of the imperial battleship. i think the space stuff in the ot looks better for the most part

That character sucks but the whole Kanjiklub tentacle monster sequence is one of the most unenjoyable things I've ever watched.

it needed more monster and better graphics. would have looked better practically and cg

Very close, slight correction -


I pretty much like everything about Star Wars. I just didn't think it was any better than the Rathtars.

The Phantom Menace is the best prequel, if not the 2nd best Star Wars after Empire.

>Perfect blend of practical effects and CGI, whereas II and III are nothing but CGI and as a result look ugly as fuck
>All that imagination and creativity, from the different worlds and species to showing us the origins of different characters from the OT
>Darth Maul was actually menacing and wasn't comical or shoehorned in
>Final battle was hella epic, only matched by Anakin vs Obi-Wan and Vader vs Luke on Bespin
>Pod race = pure kino
>Jar Jar wasn't nearly as bad as everyone says and if you believe the "Jar Jar is a sith" theory then literally every little thing he does is planned out and requires rewatching to notice everything
>Literally 16 years in the making, meaning George put all of his heart and soul into it
>Filmed on actual film instead of digital, meaning it'll always look better than II or III even when converted to Blu-Ray/4k
>Began a brand new era of Star Wars, both IRL and in-universe

People only hate on TPM because it's the "cool" thing to do, but in reality AotC is much worse. Episode I gives us a classic Star Wars tale of a bunch of different characters coming together to help save the galaxy. Episode II was literally nothing but Padme and Anakin falling in love and build-up to Episode III.

Even back in 1999 people loved Episode I. The only reason it gets such hatred today is from angry Star Wars neckbeards who insist it ruined the series because it wasn't exactly like the original 3 (Yet they ironically praise TFA as being "better than the prequels" despite it literally being a shot-for-shot remake of Episode IV). The Phantom Menace felt fresh despite being a prequel, and if you can ignore the fanboyism it's a fucking great film that doesn't deserve the hate it gets.

stopped reading ROTJ alone is better. as is a new hope

Why can't Star Wars resist including Muppet-looking CG characters? I mean, Maz Kanata and that parts dealer that Rey sold scrap to both look like cartoon characters that a rookie CG artist brought to life. Just pure shit....

I cannot understand a word you just said. Breathe, calm down, and think before you type.

stopped reading
return of the jedi alone is better [your post subject aka Episode I]
as is a new hope

can you read motherfucker?

There are quite a few sequences that are shitty in TFA

>Finn escaping and slaughtering his former allies while screaming WOO
>the awkward as fuck monster attack on Hans ship
>Orange alien droning about PLOT
>Awkward as fuck and serves no purpose Hitler speech oops I mean the "First Order" speech
>X-Wing attack on the Deather Star 3. Who cares?
>The ending lightsaber duel was cool-looking but plotwise it's fucking terrible

Not my fault you type like a retarded monkey on crack.

yea tfa fucking sucks.

I like TFA i don't why you guys hate it so much.

>People only hate on TPM because it's the "cool" thing to do, but in reality AotC is much worse.
I don't think anyone disputes AotC as the worst star wars prequel movie. It just misses its mark, partly due to the forced romance not working out on screen. The overall idea is okay at least. I wouldn't mind seeing a remake of the prequels, trying to fix the dialogue and stuff while keeping the plot the same.

This is some crazy ass bait in order to draw out your Star Wars topic.

So little boy Anakin auto-piloting some random ship into a forced final space battle at the end makes for a "fucking great film" according to you?

Holy shit man, if you need a friend just post your Steam name or something, I'll hang out with you. You don't need to go to these lengths for attention.

Still better than Rey suddenly knowing how to read Kylo Ren's mind and being able to use a Jedi mind trick because "SHE HAD 2 BELIEVE IN HERSELF" or something.

it was popular

In my opinion it was just boring to watch through it. The main character never really grows or makes mistakes and it's basically just a carbon copy of ANH.

I'd rather watch episode 2 because at least I'd be surprised with what happens

>Finn escaping and slaughtering his former allies while screaming WOO
I will never understand and he did it after his speech of "doing the right thing". He refuse to kill rebel villagers but slaughtering his ex-colleague was okay.

-Bad acting except kylo ren and finn
-Its forced as fuck no pun intended, JJ is better of making Star Trek
-Not even a good soundtrack

She doesn't know she has powers until she inadvertently reads his mind. Kylo says she's strong in the force. Rey has never been tested like that before. After she discovers she can do what he does she realizes she can influence people with that power. JJ could have explained it better. She literally uses one force power but people make it sound like she's all powerful.

Sorry, two. She uses force pull which is fucking nothing because Luke does it without training in V.

I watched the trilogies side by side leading up to TFA, having not been a big fan of the series and being pressured by friends to prep myself for the release. Back the fuck up, real rankings of these bloated (but fun) movies coming through.

V > VI > I > IV > III > VII > II

VII had nothing resembling an imagination and II was just fucking bad. I was an incredibly imaginative political space drama that had the guts to pursue its own vision rather than limply retread the same old shit the way TFA did. TFA is strongly redeemed by Adam Driver's portrayal of Kylo and TPM is nearly obliterated by everything regarding Jar-Jar; the idea of him is nice, but his execution was hit and miss. Everything else, from the pod-race to the political intrigue to the underwater chase to Obi-Wan's vengeful battle with Darth Maul, was pretty damn good. III was a non-stop action romp. V doesn't need justification. VI had a great opening and closer with an okay middle.

One force power which only trained Jedi know how to use. The only people who use mind tricks in the OT are Ben and Luke after he's been trained under Yoda for a year. The fact that she can suddenly use it despite having no training is an insult to the OT.

Kylo Ren was the most interesting character in the movie. Probably because he was the only one that actually had a fucking character.

Finn did a good job but he didn't get enough screentime to really get invested in him too much

I think Rey's existence actively hurts every other character in the movie. None of the other "good" characters get to do anything.

>Finn doesn't get to do shit. Blows up a tie fighter....with Rey basically doing everything. Gets in a stick fight and well I guess he went to rescue Rey, who had already escaped. Cool
>Han becomes a bumbling retard that doesn't know about his own ship and wants to hire Rey out of nowhere because uh shes Rey? Also doesn't do anything besides move the ship sort of
>Poe barely gets screentime
>Kylo is forced to lose the final fight because grrl power

Just fuck my movie up JJ

is the prequel love around here ironic?

TFA just felt like the most focus group-tested, corporate endorsed, polished, safe, bland trash

virtually could not be bad or good, just completely bland

daily reminder

>Poe barely gets screentime
thx god for that. Super Jesus pilot isn't that fun to watch.


no its much better than the force awakens

A lot of it is nostalgia and the fact we all played the first two Battlefronts. Most people know they are cheesy. It doesn't mean they aren't filled with some great content.

Luke's been practicing on his lonesome well before the events of V take place. No one's annoyed about Rey's abundant strength--she's clearly a 'Chosen One' of some sort ala Anakin--it's the rapidity with which she acquires her powers that's the issue. There are notable gaps between Anakin's power bursts in which you can imagine without it being explicitly stated that he's been training.

I like the CGI of the first one but the story and pace suck donkey's dick.

they really fucked up with finn and poe. they made them best friends right off the bat instead of making them distrustful of each other and then gradually becoming friends after they save each others asses over time. but character development cant happen anymore.

The force awakens not only ruins what was episode IV. but episode VI as well. for that it sucks

hamfisted copypasted protagonist also is shit

I think the prequels have a pretty retarded plot but I think they are fun to watch

I'd rather watch George Lucas try something creative and new (and mostly fail) rather then watching the ANH plot but with different actors and overall worse

V = VII > IV > VI > III > I > II

this is objectively the correct ranking and you're actually a faggot if you disagree

in physical terms rey was getting raped in the butt and somehow her asshole pushed kylos cock out and then raped him in the butt with his own penis just because the rape is strong in her.

doesnt make sense

you should honestly stop posting about film. the force awakens is crap and you should feel embarassed

>character development cant happen anymore.

What are you talking about?

I thought all the scenes where everyone instantly loved Rey were great!

>gets along with Finn pretty much instantly
>Han practically sucks her dick and wants her to join his crew after knowing her for like a minute
>Leia loves her and lets her join the New Republic plans instantly
>Orange alien trusts her and lets her see the screenplay
>cries when Han dies even though really they've known each other for A DAY
>hugs Leia at the end to comfort her of Han's death even though THEY DIDNT KNOW EACH OTHER THAT WELL

All the characters were written so realistically :)

I didn't HATE TFA, but once I saw it after reading all the memeing and hate, I definitely saw where people were coming from. I was really on board at the beginning of the movie, yeah the idea of a droid with a crucial part of the plot being separated from it's owner and being picked up by our main character is so ripped from ANH that it's just stupid, but I was fine with everything else. I liked Finn, I liked the idea of a Stormtrooper defecting, even if his motives for doing so are really poorly explained, I liked Poe and Finn's chemistry, Kylo Ren stopping that fucking blaster bolt in midair was radical. It's just that everything that happens after Finn crash lands on the planet takes the movie really far downhill. First of all, Finn and Poe, the only two characters who we've seen interacting this whole movie, have been separated until almost the climax, so all of that chemistry and loads of potentially enjoyable character moments are thrown away. We could have had a real Han/Luke-esque camaraderie with these two, but we didn't just so they could fake us out and be all "Hey, he's not really dead." Then we get introduced to who is apparently our real main character, Rey, and the story just falls apart for me. It's not because she's a woman or because she suddenly takes precedence over a character I already liked. Rey's problem is that she really is just as much of a Mary Sue as people make her out to be, which is not what I wanted to happen. I was really willing to give Rey the benefit of the doubt, but time and time again I kept thinking "Man, she really can't be bad at anything, can she?" The Falcon thing miffs me, but I can kind of let it slide because at least she's been around the junkyard around the Falcon her whole life and has probably explored it before, but getting the fucking Jedi mind trick down after one failed try completely broke her character for me. Not to mention, she doesn't really have much of a personality that I can think of.

even worse

>leia hugs her instead of chewie whos probably a fucking wreck after failing his life denbt and losing his best friend and who has known leia for decades

I think you just laid out my biggest issue with this movie.

Rey is the main character and she should overshadow everyone, but she's such a mediocre character compared to the others that it's just irritating. She doesn't "steal the show", she's just forced into roles and situations without really working to earn them. Han wants to hire her, the villain is fascinated with her, she's the one who has to go fetch Luke, everyone instantly likes her. All because she's Rey. The hero should struggle against odds to create tension and drama, not have the plot basically handed to her. That's boring.

I can't even think of many times when Rey really drove the plot or moved the story forward. Everything she does is a reaction to other characters. Kylo and Finn drove the plot forward the most.

Why does Sup Forums pretend to like The empire strikes back?

Really? I think they had an interesting plot and were just ruined by shitty slapstick and child actors.

no bully

Or how about the fact that they botched Han's death by having him get stabbed and fall down a bottomless pit, instead of doing something more respectful to the character like having him die in Chewy/Leia's arms while making one last one-liner or doing the whole "I love you/I know" thing with Leia?

you asked for it practice a little tact.

The ending fight sequence really broke me after recently watching it

>Kylo Ren for some reason swordfights Finn even though he is just shown slamming Rey (another force user) against a god damn tree
>Kylo Ren the person that slaughtered all the new Jedi and can stop blaster bolts midair and has probably been trained in this shit for a very long time loses to a fucking scavenger that found a sword and learned about the force like an hour ago. He doesn't even fucking scratch her.