How is this possible?

How is this possible?

Other urls found in this thread:

stand in props.... welcome to hollywood


ky jelly

idk ask your mom, she will know

Were you never born?

Will Powers

No there is an actual video of this, this is legit, he didn't get in all the way though

Fucking dip shit. It's fake you cuck.

You never heard of practical effects? Go watch the original total recall.

mharti whats this

Hollywood magic.


Oh man does this gif bring back memories.

tits fake

This shit is faker than your mom's tits.


There is an interview with the bald guy. It's fake.



It's kind of wonderfully stupid.

When you trying your best to be a Born Again Christian.

Anything is possible, when you accept Christ into your life.
Video of it ^^

>thinks video equals proof
how stupid are you?

Cool. So what? The video doesn't make it look any less fake.

my lil puss can handle much more