It's that time, again

It's that time, again

it's the only balanced but logical choice

I'm a constitutionalist liberal. Why do I have to fill out the chart thing? They don't answer the right questions anyway.

it's just general placement according to your ideology, really.


I am guessing you people are 12-15 years old and aren't very politically active. Authoritarianism is for beta male cucks who cannot make their own decisions.

libertarianism is for cucks who don't give a shit about national security nor financial prosperity.


>"national security"
Get back to sucking George W. Bush's cock.
You are a clueless fucking idiot.


I've always found it interesting that people rarely fall under the first quadrant.

>actually buying into Donnie's terrorism scare
>but muh nashionnel secooriti


All you commies are the same, fucking go on and on about your equality.

Grow up and realize there will never be equality, so you have to climb the ladder like everyone else.

Sand niggers are a blight on the world and shouldn't be allowed to spread their barbaric ideology across our nation, then be defended by those who are so socially opposed but choose to hold them up as "people who need help." Fuck them. Their problems are of their own making and shouldn't mean we have to interfere. It's not racist, it's factual what islam teaches and how stupidly regressive it is compared to our "conservatism."

I don't give a fuck what you think about Bush. I think he was an imbecile, and was elected based on his father's merits, which weren't that great to begin with.

To say that national security is a nonissue is like saying that eating shit is healthy. Go ahead and try it, see how well it works out.

Kill me please


hello fellow humans

So funny when someone who has clearly never met a Muslim hates them so much
>Their problems are of their own making
Sounds like you also need a history lesson on the Cold War


This is a work of genius. I want more.

So funny when someone who has never looked at actual polls of middle eastern countries showing that they are a socially regressive shithole claims they're a religion of peace.

Look at fucking Syria, dude. they have an unmotivated force of under equipped faggots fighting Assad and we're funneling millions into them for fucking what? Let Assad regain control. It doesn't fucking matter what goes on there unless it will directly affect US citizens



you seem reasonable enough

you did that on purpose. I can assure you no human is actually that retarded.

and here is a goofy meme :^)


trust me he is
he is a full blown marxist
>"I have come to realize you cannot be a true liberal and a capitalist"

This compass test sucks, there's a better one in black and white I don't remember the name of. It doesn't have leading questions like this.

I'm on the middle line 3/4 of the way down. A hybrid of socialism and capitalism is ideal, and liberty is very important.


So many retards expect a handout for everything. Communism, Socialism, any shared wealth based system is doomed to fail.

It's never shared prosperity, but rather shared failure.

it's called but it's a pretty lengthy test.


all these green n purple snowflakes in these threads
better red than dead




As it should be

I like guns though

I wish I could find my results. I had them saved somewhere

I think you'll find this amusing

me too

I don't think hating guns is inherently "left", it's just the way that modern us vs them politics has worked out.


What's up, me?

Weird right?

Just out of curiosity, were you once a liberal and then grew up and became a conservative?


I giggled. There's more at play under the surface than just socialism but yeah it's pretty funny that people cop out by calling it "state capitalism".

At one point I may have called myself liberal, but when they became the closed minded fucks they are today I decided to jump ship.

I've always had right leaning tendencies, though. At least when it comes to economics.

Same story with me.

Just wondering. I still see my views as liberal/moderate but according to the current political atmosphere I am a right winged.

I voted for Obama in 08 and 12, but Trump received my recent vote.

College had the opposite effect on me. I was an extreme libtard but then I went to school and lived in an echo chamber of lies and saw the light. (Law school help as well).

We're classical liberals I guess. I like to think Teddy Roosevelt would have agreed with us in a debate were he still alive.

Yeah the 2 party system is kind of fucked.

My big things are transparency, focusing on infrastructure, basic needs like quality education and living conditions for all citizens and government regulating corporations more than individuals.

So I'm pretty centrist-libertarian I guess

I got pretty much the same result on spekr

I completely agree.

I have the "none of my business" attitude. It applies to what you do in your bedroom, what you put in your body, how you defend yourself, where you worship, ext.



>My big things are transparency, focusing on infrastructure, basic needs like quality education and living conditions for all citizens and government regulating corporations more than individuals.

Couldnt agree more. I wish the left would stop obsessing over feminism and identity politics, and the right would stop obsessing over "Christian values."

whatever dude i'm a marxist-leninist



You know that was the example picture m8. scroll down

Yeah I don't care about any of that stuff unless it's actually harmful to someone such as giving your kids a poor education because they don't teach creationism or flat earth theory in school or whatever.

