Thoughts on Sup Forums?
Thoughts on Sup Forums?
Liam Adams
Xavier Lopez
What is Sup Forums?
Owen Harris
Pretty reddit desu.
Caleb Carter
It is an excercise in cognitive dissonance, a wretched hive of scum & villiany and pretty much a big fuck you to everything Al Gore envisioned
But hey, at least it isn't Sup Forums, Sup Forums or Sup Forums
tl;dr It's pretty ok
Alexander Jackson
Sup Forums is pretty much the only good board on Sup Forums. It's the most on topic one here.
Brayden Gutierrez
John Russell
When it stays it's containment, yes I'd agree.
The bleedover on the other hand...
Jayden Harris
Needs more BLACKED porn desu
Asher Walker
pure kino
Gabriel Ramirez
>Sup Forums proves it's point by derailing the thread yet again in 3,2,1...