Sup Forums funny moments

What is the funniest thing to ever happen on Sup Forums?

Fantano and the Death Grips are my favorite memes.






That song we did two or three years ago was pretty fucking funny

That or the MPP memes when it first came out



>implying PJW is straight


My favourite post ever


thats some funny shit

Smells like newfag in here





holy fuck hahahahahahaha i hate being a death grips fan


The thread where a guy recorded his farts and some user made beats with them. My sides hurt so bad after it was all over



i dunno if this counts but this is pretty funny

This was on the day of the Boston Marathon


The latest one has quads tho

never forget


never forget

what a faggot. i hope he sees this.

if you're seeing this, dogsperm, just fucking stop. your crush won't love you for being a lanky overweight fuck who sits in his room shitposting on Sup Forums and watching anime all day. fucking loser.

The thread where Brandon doxxed himself was gnarly.

shit like this is just fucking depressing to me
they don't realize how fucking sad they sound and actually think their funny or smart and think that it's normal people who don't get life, not them
they're also clearly influenced by people on Sup Forums who are just taking the piss the majority of the time


Post the shit with unty and femanon I'm looking for that for ages

How many times a day do you have to fap before your cum is just hand sanitizer?



Someone post hell be fine.



Never fails.

holy shit

Leave a trace trolling

Dude jinxed Lemmy, it was glorious.



Like said, some user posted a thread stating how he was worried about Lemmy Kilmmister's health and all that, then the user in the screenshot posted that. Some hours later, Lemmy suddenly died.

That guy makes me want to fucking die

Not even worth saving

To be fair, it wasn't that sudden. He was obviously unwell for a while before it and had to cancel some shows, sometimes walking off in the middle of them. Still pretty amazing though.


I hate this so much
Does anyone say that word anywhere other than reddit?

>this was more than a year ago
I could have been wasting my time on social media trying to get laid why the fuck did I choose this life

MarcelsMusicJournal getting btfo


I do in real life

what you gonna do about big boy ;^)

I'm going to make you suck my dick because you're a faggot and it's only fucking gay when you're the one sucking

and these days we call things memes on a daily basis like it's no big deal


2+ times a day and you have to have a bad diet

what was the post about? something about dadrock?

the worst part is the next day when I had a fap I came buckets


this man was ahead of his time

yup, just listing dadrock bands
