
What do Serbs and Bulgarians think about Russia? Why do slavs hate us so?

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Better question is why should we like you?

Like we say...from east always come only missery

they liberated you from nazis

this sounds VERY Islamophobic and Russophobic

Just beacuse some stupid Jalta deal

Americans were 1 hour from prague

Russians came 5 days later

>Why do slavs hate us so?
You are confused.We don't hate Russians(not all of them),we hate Russia.

Actually let me clarify a little bit more.We hate Russia as in Russia the country with its shitty leader and politics and the Russian bydlo culture.

The average normal Russian is no different that any other average normal person on the planet.

You are gay

Imho we hate normal russians too

You forgot that part when we've been fighting against the nazis for 4 years to make this deal possible. I really doubt americans would be crazy enough to start a 1:1 war with Germany just to save your asses.

>The average normal Russian is no different that any other average normal person on the planet.
I bet you also "just" hate gypsies, turks and niggers do to their "culture".

You were fighting nazis after they broke aliance with you

In my book you are same tier as mussolini Italy

I'm Croat and I like Russia,Serbia and Bulgaria.

I don't like niggers and arabs.

>I don't like niggers and arabs.
>I like Russia,Serbia and Bulgaria.

Pretty much.If you remove their language,religion,''culture'' and replace that with something else they will become something else.

This is becoming a nurture vs. nature thread isn't it? :^)

We like you too :3

I like Russians, personally at least. Even if the majority are short tempered bastards, there are always those lovable ones hiding deep down.


don't lie, you balkanshit

Hope you like Turks if you like Serbia infidel

mame 50% R1a slovanskih gen, pa skoljko mate vi? 11 do 15%? balkasko govno oturečeno.

>Why do slavs hate us so?
>enter the war with the Turks on Russian invite
>liberate lands on our own because Russians are stuck in a random fortress in Bulgaria
>after the war ends, Russian emperor gives everything liberated by us to Bulgaria

>prepare to liberate Macedonia
>Russians give jurisdiction over Macedonia to Bulgarian church
gee i wonder

and then they trashed their own empire to help you in a war you yourself had plotted to get started

They thrashed their own empire in a desperate attempt to nip even more lands from AH and Germany, France helped us incomparably more.

would there have been a France if there was no Russia?

Russians are ok. Russia is bad country to associate with.

1) Cepбия - этo нeдoгycyдapcтвo
2) B Cepбии ecть тoлькo oдин гpязный Бeлгpaд, ocтaльнoe - ceльcкиe пycтыe хyтopa
3) Cepбcкaя apмия - этo cмeх нa вecь миp
4) Cepбия нe имeeт cвoeй иcтopии, eё иcтopия - этo тypeцкoe, aвcтpийcкoe, eвpoпeйcкoe paбcтвo и paкия
5) Cepбия paзвязывaeт вoйны в кoтopых вceгдa пpoигpывaeт
6) У Cepбии нeт кyльтypы, никтo нe знaeт вaших yчёных, aвтopoв, пoэтoв
7) Cepбия - нeдoгycoдapcвo бeз экoнoмики, бeз пpecпeктив, чья эдинcтвeннaя мeчтa - "sveti EU""
8) Cepбия - cтpaнa ceкc тypизмa для цивилизoвaнных нapoдoв EC

>>after the war ends, Russian emperor gives everything liberated by us to Bulgaria

get invited to liberate Bulgaria, perplexed why the liberated territories are given to Bulgaria

attack them when they unify later on

somehow make us the bad guys in the whole story... m8

what is SR, and Zhide, and VKCh, and CHIN
and what does the title say
Who would you like for a neighbor (podle stem?)

> peчи цигaнa

do you use this same pasta for every country?

>masturbating on """""panslavism"""""
OP is huge underage faggot

> 2017
so what?
isn't the modern idea of Pan-Slavism actually very young?

Vkc-czechs from ukraine and kazachstan who returned in 90s

Yeah...how would you react if your neighbour was...

Actually a lot of people here blindly worship Russia. I personally don't hate Russian people as a whole, that would be stupid. I just hate the Russian policy towards us, they think that we should be a good lapdog to this day because they liberated us 130 years ago, mainly because it was in their interest to do so, and not out of "le slavic brotherly love", especially considering that they had multiple chances to do it before 1877, but chose not to. Let's not forget how the USSR later ""liberated"" us from our "monarcho-fascist" government as well, and essentially fucked the country over for 50 years, murdered the intteligent part of the population, and put literal retards with 4th grade education in power, a feat only surpassed by the Turks (inb4 "but le factories, free stuff and cheap bread").

t. Eurasianist 'we wuz non-European' neo-nazi faggot

ye wot, podlo means perfidious where I come from

why is Czech so...different?

Privět, autisty. Opęt vyjasnjate kto kogo nenavidi i za čto?

Cyrillic e and Polish ę are not the same thing, stop using it as it is
Use Czech ě

ja, jasno da te ne vidim če pa komunicirava po internetu wtf lol

Only turks and nu-males/"liberal intellectuals" hate Russia here.

Russians are bros.

Moje najbardziej znienawidzone kraje w kolejności malejącej:

Nevidni bardi? Smo se mar znašli v Asterix stripu?

Kurva! Zacto je ta jebena guglokaptča takim govnom?!

>Cyrillic e and Polish ę are not the same thing
Da, věm to. 'ę' ravni sę Ѧ, koja, napriklad, v srpskom stala e, a v russkom - я
>Use Czech ě
To ina bukva - ѣ

A Francija čto zlogo vam učinila?

>Nic nie zrozumiałem
>I don't understand
>Я нe пoнимaю

me and my gf

>A Francija čto zlogo vam učinila?

>Make war pact with Poland about helping eachother if a war would have start.
>"Why would we fight for Poland" "Fuck them"
>*waving white flag"

We don't. The media everywhere is controlled by liberal euro cucks. The polls usually show 70-80% support of Russia, which is surprisingly low desu.

This is exactly how big Serbia should be. If the West did their job properly there would have never been any yugoslav wars or constant pressure between every balkan nation. Maybe it was their plan all along.

Post slavic music from your country

>Slavic music



>slavic music from your country

turkic slavs best slavs

Okay, here is more folk music.

Sooqa, don't scroll in comments.

>Пидp, зaeбaл ты в вoeнaчe пocтить этy шлюхy финнo-yгopcкyю. Иди нaхyй!

Proud of Finnish heritage.

How much russia cock she takes in?
>inb4 she takes only churka cock

So this is what life in Russia is actually?

Russian kino


Fucking balkan piece of shit. Russians saved your asses from turkish cockroaches and this now how you thank ur saviours? Damn you all


I adore XIX century and before Russian culture, too bad that the revolution gutted it

Americans came just to rape and bombarding škoda

czechs can only say shit and suck cock, that's their only power, except beer consumation and filming in porn