If you're sad of feeling like shit, that's your fault

If you're sad of feeling like shit, that's your fault.
You are responsible for your life, no one has the obligation to make you happy or sad or angry. Shit happens.
You can ask for help, you can do something about it...but in the end, the best you and the worst you have ever experienced, it's your fault.

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Stop making me feel bad. YOU FUCKING WHITE MALE!

You could be funny if you spent a little time when you stop to write something.
Right direction, not enough steps.
Distance vs direction.

Its my fault my mither got shot? Its my fault I was dragged in the clinic because of the mom-depression, and in that time my best friend killed himself because I was 500 km away with no way of reaching and helping him? Its my fault the place I work in got burned down by some nazis and I don't have a job? Its my fault that my head is stuck in puperty and whatever I do, whatever medication I get, I can't have consitent feelings? That I cant stay interested in a person, that I can't stay mad at anybody, that I can't stay happy for a whole day? Is it all my fault? Sorry dude, but If I could tell myself each time shit happen one sentence I would. I would tell my mom not to get the pack of cigs. I would have run away and droven to my best friend telling him his gf didn't cheat on him. I would have told my Chef to take out all the money out of his bank vault so his family wouldn't be living on 25 m°2 right now. I would have told myself that I sould never start with the drugs, but thats enterly my fault Im not gonna blame anybody else. But just accept it, there is shit you can't change. There is shit you can't now. And there are people whos life got ruined and they had nothing to do with it. My dads friend got killed by a drunken driver while sitting in a bus stop, 5 meters away from the street. How could he have prevented this? Sure, he could have rented a car. But it is really his fault?

Too long didn't read hahaha get triggered friend

Acctually I don't care if anybody is reading it or not. Normally I would just write it in my dairy and then burn the damn thing when it full. So makes no diffrence if I write here or in some book nobory is going to read.

Oh I'd love to be happy, but some mother fuckers can't help the fact that when they drop their pen they have a panic attack

I've got a bullet lodged in my skull that causes piercing migraine headaches so bad I want to die. My face is deformed so I don't leave the house.

Your theory is shit

What happend? Did they catch the fucker?

Your mother was only important to you? Don't you have some guts to, instead of being dragged to a place, you walk in because you want to do the right thing? Distance, fuck off, i've walked longer with people on my back.
Can't you get another job? Don't you know how to do something that people find it useful?
You vent your anger on me man, but you're angry at yourself.
Truth is, everybody has a slice of shit in their pizza lives. You just don't want to work for the good stuff. AND, when i say you don't want to work for the good stuff, i mean. You expect good things to happen without you doing something for them to happen. You expect that next time it rains, it's soda that taste like vanilla. You think your problems are the worst thing that this world has ever seen? You think just because you're sad someone needs to stop and smile at you? Dude, if you want people smiling around you, learn how to tell jokes.
If you don't care, don't waste your time writing. I'm wasting time writing. Wanna know why?
Because your alive, and a life is important. Better to try and make someone understand a bit more than just walk around and look at people as walking corpses
You're ugly and you have pain. That's it and nothing more. You could guilt trip people into making you a millionaire.

I never said I didn't care, I care lots. I do what I can, I go out and date people, I play games I enjoy, I read books, I actually write shit, I have friends, but not everyone can help what's fucking going on up there. The best we can do is smile and pretend it's all great.

My girlfriend of 5 years killed herself a month ago because she had a miscarriage.

So yeah your thing is bullshit.

No. the best you can do...the best we all can do is be a jerk and make people pay attention to what is important. Fuck, go ahead and be a terrorist for something really wrong. Make the fuckers look bad if you don't know how to help the good people. And by good people i mean, those that care about life. If you don't try to fuck with my life, that's enough for me to look at you with respect and when i see you down, i will try to help you. But shit, don't expect help, be ready to get your own ass out of the mud.
She did, you're alive, you had experience...imagine the amount of women you could help deal with what killed her if you had 10 inches of gut inside you.

I'm absolutely baffled by your reply to me. So you suggest, that the best thing I can do to not be depressed is be an asshole and alienate everyone? Are you reading what I'm saying? I'm just very confused on what being a terrorist has to do with my explanation of how I cope with my depression.

To be honest mate I'd rather just sit here spending our savings on prescription drugs and cheap liquor hoping one day I don't wake up. I don't give a shit about other women, I give a shit about the one I loved who I literally can't get back no matter how much 'work' I do or whatever bullshit you said.

Guys Stop doing Drugs U can Clearly not handel this

No I don't think my problems are the worst. They are finincial, and since we live in capitalism that easy to get rid off, and they are emotional, and the drugs help me cut the emotion. Still here is something to consider: "The one eyed guy in a city full of two eyed people is still as retarded as the blind guy in a city full of one eyed people"
A child in africa would be happy to switch lifes with me. But its still fucking me up. Ive spend tousands of hours trying to make art that at least covers the coasts of making it, Im currently helping a friend of mine becoming a psychatrist, learning the same stuff has he does and so (would love to be one if I wasn't so fucked up myself), Im doing community service leading my local "Kidsfiredepartment" or whatever the fuck you call it, making money by helping out grannys and babysitting. Im trying to allways have a open ear for everybody, Im trying to cut down on internet, porn and drugs, Im training 2 hours a day. But you know what? Sometimes the energy is just fucking gone. Nobody can stand that shit forever, you know? Im trying to, Im really fucking trying to be postive. In trying to tell me the same shit your theory states, that its all my fault, and that Im the only person thats going to help be. But you know what? I had given up on life, more than once. Since im 13 im depressed and that was even before the other shit that happend. Now Its just like "You are gonna work as hard as you can, but if you turn 27 and still haven't reached any of your goals, yur gonna drink a bottle of vodka and shoot yourself"

There are diffrent types of drugs. The ones that I can handle, and the once I dont. I only use LSD and shrooms like twice a year. I have no problems with stopping. Or coffeine. I drink black tea about once a week or some. But there are other drugs, that I would clearly like to stop. I hate that I can't concentrate without ritalin. I hate that a good night out is one where I have coke. And I hate that whenever something stresses or depresses me I need a cigarette to function normaly

Depression is not what kills people...is doing nothing about your own life, not taking responsibilities that kill people. Go ahead and waste 10 years saying to yourself that you can't do nothing about everything that is going on around you. It's just 10 years learning how to avoid responsibilities. 10 years of training, and training is something the will deliver results, for better or worst.
yeah, so you don't care if another man is in the same place you are. You don't care if another woman, that is as nice as she was, is going to jump of a bridge and maybe you could help? You don't care about pain that is not yours?
Shit, if you really think that's nice. Please, go ahead with your plan. You're trash if you really think the pain of other people doesn't matter. You're not better than any crazy mid western extremist pulling a trigger of gun...difference is: They pull a trigger, they are acting, you're not.
You wasted your time reading what i'm saying. So here it goes....
The best way to get there, and this " there" is anywhere you want to reach. Best way is to just keep going. You eat, shit, dream, live what you want. If you don't have a goal, find one.
And you walk, don't run. You walk, you soak in each miserable moment you have until you reach that goal. Don't bother with what people say, ignore what you want, just go for what you NEED.
Expect the worst everyday, but have the best in your mind always.

A man went to see a doctor, complaining that his hands hurt.

The doctor gave one look at him, and told him "Let go."

So the man dropped the red hot iron he was carrying, and felt better. (And before you ask "Why didn't the man just let go before having to see the doctor?" ask yourself why you don't just let go.)


Thanks dudes for some reason this really helped...

Why the man had the iron in his hand?
Can you answer that?
I have a better one for you
Man goes to a doctor:
Doctor! every place in body hurts!
He goes on to put his finger in all sorts of places around his body...
Doctor looks at him and goes to treat his finger.
Stupid people require attention from smart people.
I won't let go of my hot bar of iron because i can handle it. You shut your mouth and enjoy the ride until you're able to drive you fucker.

Last words:
>Just because something is simple, it doesn't mean it's easy
>You can hate or you can love a mountain, the mountain won't care about it. It's gonna stay there, you can climb it, walk around it, ignore it or talk shit about it. It's there and that's it.
> People have no obligation towards you, and you don't have towards them. You have the choice to be a jerk, always.You have the choice to rape, cheat, and kill, as they have a choice to punish you if you do those things.
>Respect people. You don't know who they are, offer respect and pay attention. Always.
>10 years of trust don't mean nothing if there was a single day of betrayal.
>Work. Build the world you want to live in, don't expect shit for free.
>Have a nice time and don't drink more than you can swallow.
I'm off.
Best of luck for you guys.

There is a really fucking simple solution to all of this shit.

Don't drink alcohol
Eat healthy
Don't drink retarded shit (coke, etc)
Excercise daily
Shower daily

Keep up this regimen, and you will eventually get your shit together.

inb4 stay in /fit/

shut up you goof, give me money from your loving family and tell me how hard you have it @OP

Just to add to this:

Running daily helps with anxiety and depression

1/3 correct
The future is dictated by 3 things:
Our own actions
The actions of others
You are never 100% in control of your own life

bro hug, buddy.

Yeah sure thats gonna help me with my dead mom and best friend. Sports great, but its not some magic. You know why you do sport every time you feel sad? Because thats your own little world you are hideing in. Sup Forums fags got the internet, I got my drugs, other people got writing or family time or whatever: but it doesnt solve probelms. So you are in great shape , thats cool. So I could tell you what drug you should take to threat which medical condition (altho I know it Im not gonna do that im not a doc) and some other dude is spending a hour more a week with his son. Guess what? Problems still fucking there.