Going cold turkey on my sugar addiction right now. Have been drinking several liters of soda each day for years...

Going cold turkey on my sugar addiction right now. Have been drinking several liters of soda each day for years. Second day now and I'm having fucking withdrawals.


non-porn webm thread

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Withdrawals from sugar you fuckin newfag fuck off..


at least the car is clean

I quit liquids other then water 5 years ago. The caffeine withdrawals and cravings from going from 6 cans+ a day to 0 lasted about a month. just personal experience.

3 days of headache then it stops

Whats your favorite soda OP?

Not op but glad there was some answer. I've cut back on caffeine, just need to work on sugar

nigger life is awful

Fake. That's the scene from that old superman movie. That chick died from water in the car due to hydrant pressure. Then superman saved her by throwing the car.


>Whats your favorite soda OP?

mezzo mix



>3 days of headache then it stops

Yeah, my brain is feeling sore right now with a slight aching.

She forgot to select the under body wash.

Does anyone know the legal outcome of this?

I know one of the negroes took a plea deal and got 4 years. The others were supposed to go to court but I can't find any info on it.

It happened in Springfield in '14.

thats some GTA type shit

this is why we need to nuke all major cities in the u.s. and start over




A brisk walk away from that mudshark would let you escape.



Fam, i feel you
5 straight years of 3liters plus a day.
Im down to about 2 liters a week. If that.

You can do it fam

Damn, those dudes look like they were scared of a one-on-one fight. Sneaking up from behind AND in numbers just for one dude lol, their mamas must have raised some bitch niggas.

Trump will be the first president impeached for spousal abuse. Ever wondered my his wife doesn't want to join him in the White House? She probably happy the won't get presented a new pair of Irish Sunglasses by him for a few more month before Mike Pence becomes persident.






Wtf is happening here?




I hope that asshole is in prison.





why the fuck is there just snake skin hanging from the side?

that's fucking gross











trumps wife could be the type of person to show expressions in front of people but when alone shes just has this no feelings face.


i had this addiction as well. I used to drink 9lts of coke zero a day plus some spread cans, left it after my gf told me no more sex if i continue getting fatter, i'm now at 320lb, after being 350, i drink as much water as posible, sometimes flavored water, i'm now at my 3rd month sugar free, so AMA

actually kekd


When the dust settled, all the bikes were gone

probably a junkie that owes him money or some shit

>coke zero
>sugar addiction


if you're in the middle of taking a piss and some drunk/retarded dude drops trough and tries to mount you what are you going to do? holding midstream is asking for pain and letting it flow while turning around could get piss on yourself. Best course of action is to finish up, then turn around and beat his ass.

This is actually a thing in the USMC. The call it Sgt. Spritz.

>if you're in the middle of taking a piss and some drunk/retarded dude drops trough and tries to mount you what are you going to do?

How is the guy pissing whit both hands against the wall? Do you piss at the urinal that way?

That shit looks like it's consensual to me at first.

what the fuck is happening to him?



if you think that everything light or zero has no sugar on it you are retarded



Artificial sweeteners are just as bad if not worse for you. They trigger the hunger section of your brain.


Rob Hustel sick flow un up'in dat biatch:



why in the holiest of fucks are they jacking him off?


Naw, just Nigger

Because they can!

Is it really that fast?

Nigger medicine. Dey wuz kangs


I hate gay people

yeah i avoid them most of the time but when i go out i have no other option.

Like tyrell wellick's wife in mr robot

I'd lose to her any day.

You're lying, we can smell the cum through your post.


Hey O.P. If you're still lurking, I gave up most sugars (soda, candy sweets, I still eat a little added sugar in real foods) three weeks ago, almost four. It gets easier, I feel way less depressed and moody, and I've lost 15 lbs (amerifag here). Stick with it it's worth it.


He must really love mustard.


Yeah, fuck the US marine corps



DabbingGranny on youtube
she's totally fucking badass


looks like he went spelunking or some shit and got caught in some fuckin hole

Are you an armyfag or something